Godalming Minster

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Lisa Olsworth-Peter: Find your own song

How can we worship God through music? 

What music speaks to your soul? What genre awakens your heart?

For my husband it’s a Rachmaninov Piano Concerto, for me it’s Gospel, for my son it’s rock music. We are blessed with so many genres of music to choose from, choral, rap, orchestral, rock, blues, gospel, electroacoustic, folk I could go on….

Worship is connecting our heart to His, it’s praising Him, thanking Him, loving Him and doing all of this while being real with Him.

So here’s your challenge…

1.    Find a piece of music that stirs your heart.

2.    Thank God for this music, for the people who created it, the musicians and singers that brought it to life, for the gifts that He gave them.

3.    Allow the Spirit of God to move through the music and bring you into a place of Worship.

If you take on the challenge and would like to share your experience, I’d love to hear from you

Lisa Olsworth-Peter
Music Worship Pastor


·         Worship is not just singing

·         Worship doesn’t require a song with a beginning a middle and an end

·         What is your song?

·         Worship is kindness to all His people

·         Worship is devotion

·         Music as teaching

·         Music as love

Paul urged the Ephesians (and us) to “be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph. 5:18-20 ESV)