Godalming Minster

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Moving On: Simon's announcement 8 Sep 2024

Dear friends, Sept 2024

Our Scripture last Sunday was “for I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

A community of 400 people of prayer and praise

In the services, I announced that after nearly fifteen years of Christian ministry in Godalming area, our family is moving on. We do so with grateful hearts for all of you and after much prayer and reflection. So much has been achieved as a church family by working together in prayer and activity. All of this will continue because it isn’t about one person, but about a community of 400 people of prayer and praise. We’ve become a deeper community that celebrates one another in Christ. We have something quite special here as a Minster.

My sadness is that I am stepping away at a time when so much is beginning to grow. It would have been lovely to remain to be part of this, but God’s call is to live out our faith actively. It means living the truth that as Christians we are temporary dwellers, wherever we are and that we are called to obey him. The Bible calls us sojourners or elect exiles. We live in the faith to travel lightly because of Christ.

Thank you

It has been a privilege to be God’s steward here for so many years. Together, we have shared moments of joy, supported one another in times of hardship, and grown together as a community of believers. Your faithfulness to God, and your willingness to serve one another and our wider community is a message of Christ’s love.

Over the summer, I was offered a new role that now leads our family into a new chapter. While leaving the Minster is not easy and we are stepping out in faith in this, the words of Proverbs 3:5-6 are powerful: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." I know that His plans for all of us are good and true. God’s plans for His people locally are for good things and he will already be raising and preparing the next Rector for their own change of calling.

New role

I leave parish ministry at a final service on 5 January 2025, to which everyone is welcome. My new role will be to work nationally with a Christian organisation (CPAS) in leadership development, clergy support and supporting churches in evangelism. We hope to stay in the Guildford area, and we are exploring what this might look like.

The next person

The appointment of a new Rector is a time of adjustment, but we know the Lord provides. We are a church of spiritually equipped people with two deeply committed churchwardens in David and Will and a fantastic ministry team. Our wonderful Associate Rector, Rev Simon Willetts, is such a rock of faith for a time such as this. Simon led the church through my sabbatical, and I am told that I wasn’t even missed! That says so much about everyone: the staff team, clergy and LLMs, pastoral and congregational leaders and, in fact, every person. A Rector leaving is not about loss but about God’s space for renewed growth. The churchwardens have a meeting scheduled with the Archdeacon, and Simon W and the Churchwardens have started to meet together regularly.

I want to express my deepest thanks to each of you for the trust and love you have shown throughout my time here. As Philippians 1:3-4 says, "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy." Our family will carry many memories as we pass the baton to God’s next person who will do great things in the power and love of the Spirit.

After Jan 5th 2025

After Jan 5th the Minster will be in a vacancy, or interregnum. The Archdeacon and Area Dean will guide the Minster through this period. The Area Dean (Rev Chris Bessant) is excellent. He is fully supportive of the Minster as he is on Bishop’ Council and was part of the support for how the Minster was developed.

In due course, the parish will be invited to engage in a vision and vacancy workshop, facilitated by the Diocese. I have given permission for some of the pre-work and consultation to begin in the next couple of months. This should bring the timeline for an appointment forward. The PCC will discuss some of the process when it meets next week. There will be a call to prayer. There will be a Section 11 meeting of the PCC where legal processes begin. A Parish Profile will be compiled which describes the Minster and what the role for the new Rector entails.

We have such a gift in what the Minster is; I am convinced that many clergy will want to be part of it. Interviews are likely to take place around May 2025 (subject to Bishop/Archdeacon/Patron availability). The panel involves the Bishop and/or Archdeacon, Parish Reps, The Patron and the Area Dean.

One body together

Please be praying for the ministry team, churchwardens and staff team. Please offer your practical support, time and energy as the Minster’s work continues to develop. If you hear of a need or see someone needing help, please step forward with your gifts and skills. It is at times like this that we learn to pull together in new ways, overlook differences and recognise the importance of the unity that we have. This is a time for continued growth for God’s Kingdom throughout the Minster.

In Christ,

Simon and Catherine