Godalming Minster

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Response to Private Eye Article

We’ve been in the news! In case you missed it, an article mentioning Busbridge Church was recently published by Private Eye (issue 1403, October 16, 2015) in which I am quoted, but without having had the opportunity to talk to the writer of the article, there are a number of inaccuracies that it would be helpful to set straight:

The parish has a temporary ordering licence to make experimental changes to the chancel area, approved by the Diocese of Guilford in April 2015. There are clear channels for the requesting and granting of such a temporary license and these channels were strictly adhered to. As our license is temporary, the decorative dwarf walls mentioned will be replaced by mid-2016, unless we seek a faculty for a permanent change. We use the space flexibly to accommodate our growing congregation and community work, and the drum kit mentioned reflects just one element of this!

We have sought to work with Amenity groups, including some of those cited in the article as objecting, over a period of time stretching from before the granting of the temporary license. Rather than protest, there have been many positive comments about the flexible, open and welcoming impact of the more open chancel area.

I’m glad to have the opportunity to add that at the heart of these temporary changes is the desire to make Busbridge Church a building that can be used to serve its thriving community in even more ways. By caring for and giving new life to the building we are continuing to secure its future so that it will be a well maintained and much loved iconic presence in the community for decades to come. With this in mind, we are also engaged in a £5 million building project, seeking to give the church building life for the next 100 years as well as preserving its jewel-box design and beauty. For more information on this project please see www.bhcgodalming.org/building/

I hope this clarifies any concerns that this article may have caused, but please do come and speak to me or contact me via the church office (church.office@busbridgechurch.org) if you have any further queries; I’d like to thank Private Eye for showing an interest!

Yours in Christ,

Revd Simon Taylor