Godalming Minster

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Sunday 27 November

Prayer Events…
Night night, God bless...
Please remember this lovely family prayer event, happening this Tuesday, 4.00pm at Busbridge Church. Also, do come to the Church prayer evening on at 8.00pm the same evening! It’ll last for one hour. It’s an important evening of prayer and there’s lots to pray about. Queries to David Mace.

A final call for anyone interested in joining the choir for the carol service at Busbridge? Rehearsals are 27/11, 4/12 and 11/12, in the evening 8.00pm - 9.00pm in the church (after the evening service). Anyone is welcome but If you could make yourself known to Jenna Brown, she’d be grateful so she knows who to expect!

 New Wine 2017 - United
As in previous years, a group of all ages will be going to New Wine for Week 2 (30 July - 5 August) next year. This is a fantastic opportunity to take time out for fun, worship, teaching, refreshing and loads more. Fabulous age specific children's groups and entertainment. For more details www.new-wine.org/summer including how to book. Full payment before 30th November gets you the cheapest price. Leaflets are available at the back of the church or ask Nicky for more details.

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Ceilidh on Saturday night - £361 was raised for the old rectory. A big thanks to Darren Montgomery for organising it.

Movie Matinee
The Movie Matinee team are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to support our Saturday movie events. Our next event is on 10th December where we’re running stalls to create snacks and do crafts before watching a Christmas film. We’re looking for people to help at the event, say “Hi”, and generally be around to show people where to go. If you can spare one or two Saturday afternoons a year, please get in touch with Catherine Garner for more information.

Malcolm Gorick (Busbridge) has this week moved to a residential home in Taunton and he wanted to thank everyone who has helped him with lifts and other activities over recent years. You can get his address off Jill Johnston if people would still like to be able to contact him.

Space for God
In the midst of all the busyness of life, this is a time for refreshment and stillness with God. After a short introduction, the hour is given over to quiet personal prayer with some activities on offer to help you meet with God in the quiet.
Tuesday 6th December 8.00pm - 9.00pm, Busbridge Church.

Old Rectory Fundraising Team end of year update..
We would like to thank everyone who has organised, helped at, and attended the events our teams have delivered in 2016, putting the fun into fundraising. You have contributed the best part of £10,000 to the project. Well done! Do come forward if you have an idea of an event you would like to organise – fresh blood and all that! 2017 (Easter Term) – put the dates in your diary now!· The second spectacular Busbridge Ball on 25th February
· The sparkling Stars in Their Eyes on 25th March
Rosie James & Debbie Scott

The Older People’s Ministry team are offering free coffees on the school run next Thursday 1st December from 8.30am at Busbridge Church to raise awareness of Timebanking in the Godalming Area. Please feel free to drop by and grab a cup.

Thanks to everyone who came along to Jingle&Mingle on Wednesday night - over 100 women filled Clockbarn Hall with the sound of craft glue and Christmassy foliage. We hope you had a good time and do look out for the new women’s activities brochure for 2017.

Thank you
A BIG thank you from Toby and Jack for everyone's generosity last week at their cake sale at Unplugged - thank you to those who made cakes and bought cakes - over £200 was raised which is a huge help for them both towards their mission trip to Mexico.

The Shedvent season is almost upon us. Everyone, young or old, is invited to the living advent calendar in a garden shed. Please come to support the groups who have all put so much work into their displays, and to chat with the wider community. You might even get a hot chocolate for your efforts! Open between 5.00pm and 6.00pm from 1st to 24th December in Busbridge Church grounds.

please pray for…
· Malcolm Gorick as he settles into his new home
· Outreach groups within the church
· The upcoming Alpha course
· Upcoming events: prayer evenings, Nexus Christmas Quiz, Shedvent and the Prime Time Carol service
· Tuesley Lane and their Road Stewards; Jackie Beale, Carole Keating, Frances Shaw and Lesley Reeves
· Foxdene & Cricket Green