Sunday 4 December 2016
Christmas wreaths for sale (£15) in aid of The Cellar: These popular wreaths will be available from The Cellar and at the Godalming Christmas Fair, or by contacting Jacky Beale. Please order by December 16th. Offers of greenery also gratefully received. If you’d like to join in the fun of making the wreaths come to the River Room at Godalming United Church on the 7th or 12th of December (both 12 noon to 7pm) or on the14th December (12 noon to 4pm). See posters around church for more details.
Prime Time Carol Service
Did you know that we offer an a special afternoon carol event so that those in our community who prefer not to venture out in the dark have the opportunity to attend a traditional carol service? The event is hosted by Prime Time but is open to all. Perhaps you have an older relative or know an elderly neighbour or friend who might like to come along to this service. Do feel free to invite them along. This is a free event for all to enjoy, but we do ask that you let us know if you’re coming please by contacting the church office or emailing as we want to ensure that we have enough mince pies and mulled wine for everyone!
Speaking of mulled wine and mince pies…
We’re looking for 4-6 great people to organise the mulled wine and mince pies at the Busbridge Traditional carol service (6.30pm on 18th December). If you’re able to do this then please contact Simon Taylor in the next couple of days. We’re grateful to Heather Clarkson and Jan and Neil Pinto for leading on this last year.
News from our new curate, David Preece (starting 2017) “Hannah and I are delighted to let you know that Esther Libby Preece arrived safely on Saturday at 22:48 weighing in at 7lb2. Mother and daughter are doing well.” Hearty congratulations to the Preece family!
Peter Shaw
All welcome to the Installation of Peter Shaw as Lay Canon, 11th December, 6.00pm. Guildford Cathedral Evensong. Preacher; Bishop of Guildford, followed by a reception in the Education Centre
Movie Matinee
The Movie Matinee team are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to support our Saturday movie events. Our next event is on 10th December where we’re running stalls to create snacks and do crafts before watching a Christmas film. We’re looking for people to help at the event, say “Hi”, and generally be around to show people where to go. If you can spare one or two Saturday afternoons a year, please get in touch with Catherine Garner for more information. PLUS don’t forget to come along to this wonderful Christmassy movie event - 10th December, 2.00pm - 5.00pm, Busbridge Church
Space for God
In the midst of all the busyness of life, this is a time for refreshment and stillness with God. After a short introduction, the hour is given over to quiet personal prayer with some activities on offer to help you meet with God in the quiet.
Tuesday 6th December 8.00pm - 9.00pm, Busbridge Church.
Old Rectory Fundraising Team end of year update..
We would like to thank everyone who has organised, helped at, and attended the events our teams have delivered in 2016, putting the fun into fundraising. You have contributed the best part of £10,000 to the project. Well done! Do come forward if you have an idea of an event you would like to organise – fresh blood and all that!
2017 (Easter Term) – put the dates in your diary now!
· The second spectacular Busbridge Ball on 25th February
· The sparkling Stars in Their Eyes on 25th March
Rosie James & Debbie Scott