Sunday 8 January 2017
We send our love and prayers to several members of our church family who have been bereaved over the Christmas and New Year period (or since the last issue of the notice sheet).
Catherine Roux’s father, Tony died on 10th December; Jonathan Jefferies’ mother, Stephanie, died on 13th December. Both funerals have already taken place. Ron Vickery’s mother, Joan died on 21st December; Frances Morris’ mother, Irene, died on New Year’s Day; Roger Matthews mother Mabel died on 3rd January, aged 104. Please pray for Catherine, Jonathan, Ron, Frances, Roger and their families, as well as for friends affected by these bereavements.
Many of you will also know John Dunning, a longstanding member of Godalming Baptist Church. We were saddened to hear of John’s death, after a short illness, on 17th December. As well as serving in several capacities at Queen Street, over the years he was a faithful presence in Churches Together and had many other local links. There will be a service of thanksgiving for John’s life at Godalming Baptist Church on Monday 9th January, at 1.00 pm, to which all are welcome. Please pray for his wife Pat and their sons, Nick, Phil and Stephen.
A new Bible Study Group...
...has started up in Hambledon Church for mums - with or without their children. Every Thursday morning from 10.00am - 11.30am during term time, and there’s even coffee! For more info contact Jenna on 421267 or
Crafting and Cake - new regular event!
Join Alex Hodson every other week for a slice of tranquillity and calm in your busy lives...bring whatever craft project you are working on and enjoy a craft filled afternoon - what fun! The first session is on Tuesday 10th January, 1.00pm in Busbridge Church Centre. Coffee & cake provided.
Get on your bike!
Blokes’ biking - 11th January, 7.30pm
Ladies bike ride - 30th January 6.45pm
Helpful Habits for Early Birds: a 6-week course of prayer
There are a few spaces left on the next round of this prayer workshop. It will happen on Mondays from 7.00-8.00AM, at Busbridge Church Centre, starting Monday 9th January and then running weekly except for half term. If you would like to join us, please contact Gertrud Sollars.
Have you done the Christmas & Advent Survey yet?
There’s still time! It will be really helpful in evaluating all that went on over the Christmas period. The survey closes on 9th January. Go to Thanks!
Pray for FEBA. Come and pray for a media ministry which has partners in most of the world’s trouble spots. Monday 9th January, 10.30 – 11.30am, 42 Minster Rd. Further information from Shelagh Godwin, 417725 or
Churches together service - next Sunday (15 Jan) there are no morning services in Busbridge&Hambledon. You are warmly invited to Godalming United for the Churches Together service at 10.30am.
Busbridge Church is turning 150!
There’ll be a lot of events happening over 2017 and one of these has been confirmed - please put Friday 10th February in your diary - it is the first of the history talks and is on the history of Busbridge Hall. Watch this space for more details and other upcoming events.
Alpha - if you’re not coming on the course then can you help?
The ALPHA team are looking for more volunteers to help in various ways with the course starting in January. If you are able to help please speak to Bryan or Tori Silletti 07738 701249 or email
PLUS on 10th January join us at Busbridge Church, 8pm at a prayer event specifically for ALPHA and other BHC events. Please join the team and be part of interceding for our church and events.
Busbridge Ball
A reminder to you about the second Busbridge Ball on 25th February at Clock Barn Hall. Your £45 ticket will include a welcome glass of bubbly, a beautiful 3 course meal and a disco. Tables of 10 can be booked from the 9th January (9am), no reservations prior to that date, sorry. Please contact Carol Jones . Please note, no individual/couple places are being sold - you need to talk to others to make up a table of 10 in order to book - 1 payment per table please.
Stars in their Eyes - Saturday 25th March, 7.30pm, Wilfred Noyce
It’s time to register your act for this inaugural BHC fundraising event! Solo acts, groups, you name it - all can put themselves forward for this fun event (open to ages 13+ but we’re expecting mostly adults). Participation is free of charge and there will be a licensed bar. How does it work? Each act enters through the smoky doors, performs to a backing track and listens to the praise of our celebrity judges before the audience has a chance to vote. Voting slips are £1 each andthere is no limit to the number of votes that can be purchased (loving spouses please note!). To register or for more info email Tim Davies on
please pray for…
· Families bereaved over the last month
· Our emergency services
· Local health centres and surgeries
· The upcoming Alpha course
· Alvernia Close and their road steward, Kate Brockman
· Heath Lane, Malthouse Lane and St Dominic’s School