Sunday 8 March 2020
Welcome to the friends and family of Alastair Cooke as they bring him for baptism at Hambledon Contemporary.
Busbridge Church reordering Phase 2: sound and vision etc. — While work is underway, the church will be closed until Friday 13 March. As the work has generated even more dust than anticipated, Sunday services have also been moved to the Old Rectory for this week. Please check the website or call the office to check venue changes for events in church.
The Diocese of Guildford has issued guidance to parishes in light of Coronavirus, and is closely following the advice from the Department of Health. At the time of writing (5 March) the CofE and Diocese of Guildford reiterate the general advice on frequent, thorough hand washing and use of hand gels in church services (as well as self-isolation in those who have any symptoms) but says there is no need to take special measures on suspending the Chalice or Sign of Peace. However, depending on the needs of the community, parishes may consider sharing communion in one kind (bread only) and contactless Signs of Peace. BHC has decided that the latter measures would be prudent as we have many in our congregations who travel widely, as well as those who may be more vulnerable to the virus. So, for the time being members of our congregations are asked not to touch (shake hands or kiss) for the Peace, and only the consecrated bread will be distributed during communion. (Wine will also be consecrated but not shared).
We have a limited supply of hand gel in the churches for the HC services, but it is proving difficult to get more and we need to keep it for use by the clergy. Please bring your own if you can.
This affects HC services at 8am Quiet and 10am Classic on 8 March. There will be a further update next week.
The Bible Course—continues next Wednesday
***The second Wednesday session of the Bible course will take place in the Busbridge Junior School Hall while Busbridge church closed.*** The Bible Course is running on Wednesday evenings, and on Thursday mornings until 6/7 May. There’s a handout with all the info, and more information on and the Bible Society’s pages. Children are welcome to come with parents to the Thursday morning sessions in the Old Rectory.
Men’s Chilli Night, Friday 3 April at Mark’s
It’s the chaps turn now. Mark Williams is hosting a chilli night on 3 April. All gents welcome, along with donations of beer/wine. Please take an invitation. The recent ladies’ curry night was extremely popular and spaces ran out, so please RSVP quickly.
BOOKING for New Wine Summer Camp—Earlybird discount until 8 April: Please take the invitation to join the BHC group at New Wine at Peterborough Showground from 2-8 August.
There are 2 ways to book: For youth from 11-18 attending Luminosity without parents, please contact Anto:
Adults and families attending together, please book directly through the New Wine website: Book for week 2, and request to book with Busbridge and Hambledon Church to be in the same camping village as everyone from our church (page 2 of the booking process under Camping location, select “I’m camping with my church or team” then search on Busbridge ….. to find Busbridge & Hambledon Church—ID: 278275.) Please also email to be added to communications to the church group.
Jam Together
Today for Senior JT for 13-16s in the Hut. An Adult Jam will be on Friday 24 April, in church from 7.30pm. Sessions for younger ages will be arranged too. If you know anyone who sings or is learning a rock/pop instrument and would like to try playing in a band, contact
BHC Spire2Spire 10km Run—the next run will take place on Sunday 26 April. Loop route departs Busbridge Church at 8.30am and returns for the 10am services, via Hambledon.
The Big Busbridge Spring Clean is Saturday 16 May. Everyone is invited to this grand morning. Starts 9.30am. Free BBQ lunch at 1.15pm and everyone goes home by 2pm. Email now to sign up.
‘What’s on your washing Line?’ A creative Lent installation will be on display outside Busbridge Church from 2 March until Easter. Come and have a look.