Here are the Notices for 26 June 2022
See you on Sunday as we continue the sermon series on Daniel. This week the reading and talk is Jerusalem and the future.
Read on for details about:
What and where this Sunday (the services)
The latest update from the Minster Steering Group and the Q&A for the contemporary congregation this Sunday
BHC clergy, lay minsters and wardens renewing their commitment, being ordained and sworn in. (It’s that time of year and we give thanks).
Youth & Children / Music & Worship - vacancies and the future.
Prayer for Ukraine
Nexus talk on 7 July - local wild flowers and butterflies.
And finally.. go Team Yew Tree! It’s been pretty glorious weather for the most parts this week, and the Yew Tree café has been thronging. There was a bumper number of visitors yesterday (and top takings) so thanks for our brilliant volunteers for providing great hospitality and service. The café will be closed for some maintenance and then a wedding on Sat 2nd July.
Sunday 26 June
Jerusalem and the future
Reading: Daniel 9:1-4 and 9:20-27
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service
Leader: Patrick Samuels | Speaker: Margot Spencer
Hambledon Church & Online
10.30AM HAMBLEDON Alpha Course
Hambledon Church
9.10AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service
Led by: Frances Shaw | Speaker: Chris Payne
Busbridge Church & Online
10.30AM BUSBRIDGE Contemporary Service
Leader: Tom Jones and Andy Spencer | Speaker: Graham Sopp
Busbridge Church & Online
followed by a short 10 min Q&A re. Godalming Minster (details below).
6PM BUSBRIDGE Evening Service
Leader & Speaker: Simon Willetts | Busbridge Church
Carparking for Busbridge services: The church has exclusive use of the Busbridge Village Hall carpark on Sunday mornings. Please use it!
Sunday 3 July
The Man above the River
Readings: Daniel 10 and Daniel 11:1
9.10AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service [Holy Communion]
Led by: Patrick Samuels | Speaker: Simon Taylor
Busbridge Church & Online
The service will be followed by tea and cake to celebrate Patrick’s ordination on 2nd July.
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service
Leader: Chris Garner | Speaker: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church & Online
10.30AM MUDDY Church
Leader: Mark Puddephatt and Suzie Lambert
Busbridge Old Rectory Garden
***It’s Anto’s last Sunday as Youth Minister and we’ll be thanking him and Jess for their contribution to the ministry.***
10.30AM HAMBLEDON Alpha Course
Hambledon Church
Some key things to note in the Godalming Minster Evaluation Update
Q&A about the Contemporary Congregation
The contemporary service on the 26 June will be followed by an opportunity to comment on the potential proposal for the contemporary service to move to St Peter and St Paul’s at 10.45am, IF the formation of the Godalming Minster were to go ahead.
PCCs vote on a Minster Proposal
The Busbridge and Hambledon PCCs will hold a joint Q&A on 6th July on the proposals from the Minster Steering Group. All 3 PCCs (Busbridge, Hambledon and St Peter and St Paul’s) will be voting on whether or not to proceed with the Minster project on 11th July.
On Thursday of last week Fran, Dudley and David were sworn in as churchwardens. Sue will be sworn in at another ceremony. Please pray for our churchwardens, consider how you might support them in their Christian ministry, and say thank you to them over the next couple of days. We are blessed to have a long history of incredible churchwardens here at BHC and our thanks goes to Derek and Keith who stepped down as churchwardens recently, and also to all our former churchwardens of the past few years.
On Saturday there was a service at Knapphill to celebrate Clare Haddad’s LLM renewal of her ministry license for preaching, leading services and church ministry. Clare has recently taken on the leadership of our baptism course. We’re also celebrating 50 years of Peter Shaw’s ministry as an LLM. Congratulations to Clare and Peter. Please pray for them and give thanks for their service and commitment.
Patrick Samuels will be ordained as Priest at Guildford Cathedral on Saturday 2 July at 3pm. All welcome to attend at the cathedral or watch the live stream via YouTube ( and Facebook ( We will mark the occasion in the Busbridge Classic service on Sunday 3 July when Patrick will officiate his first communion. Please stay for tea and cake after the service, or join us before Muddy Church at 10.30am in the Old Rectory Garden.
Children Youth and Families Ministry - Now Hiring x 2
As we approach to the end of the school year, and to Anto’s departure, we give thanks and recognition for all our committed and brilliant church members who lead children and youth work week in and week out! The closing date for applications for the Youth Minister role and Children’s Worker post is Sunday 26th June. We’ve had encouraging response to the ad for the Director of Children and Youth (Youth Minister 12-19s), but as yet no interest in the the role of Children’s Worker (4-11s). Please take a look at the job, pray and share it. Simon would be happy to talk to anyone about it, even if the specification and terms are not a perfect match.
Anto will be officially leaving us on 3rd July (Muddy Church in the OR Garden) but will be leading youth groups on Tuesdays and Sundays until the end of term. If you would like to contribute to a leaving gift please see the giving instructions (BACS is best) and donate by Monday 27 June.
Worship & Music Ben Ford will be finishing in his role as interim worship pastor at the end of August. We are extremely grateful to Ben for his contribution in recent months and for extending the initial contract after Easter. The PCC will be making plans for life after Ben imminently. Please do pray for worship and music at Busbridge and let us know if you’d like to explore getting involved with music.
Prayer for Ukraine continues at Hambledon Church
Every Tuesday evening, a number of us gather for 40 mins at 7.30pm in church, to pray for Ukraine. This simple service takes the form of prayers we all say together, interspersed with reflective music to help us, as we bring our concerns and pleas before God. There is also an opportunity to add extempore prayers of our own, if we wish (not compulsory).
We can so easily get overwhelmed by the horrors we see on our TV screens, night after night. The Tuesday vigil is an opportunity to ask, amongst other things, that there may yet be a miracle of peace and an end to the fighting.
The Busbridge Prayer Vigil for Ukraine on Tuesday evenings has paused for the summer, and will restart in September. We are still praying for the country and situation privately and at Busbridge Morning Prayer (via Zoom) at 9am on Wednesdays.
Coming Up:
Nexus Talk: Thursday 7 July
Phil Darley, a Butterfly Conservation volunteer, will talk about monitoring and improving the habitat of the White Wood and other rare butterfly species in Oaken Wood, Chiddingfold. Her other passion is closely linked: planting and tending wildflowers in the local area; both very important for our environment!
Do join us on Thursday 7th July in Busbridge Old Rectory at 8.00pm. We’ll start with drinks and nibbles, giving us a chance to chat with others before handing over to Phil for her presentation. All are welcome, including men! We look forward to seeing you. Our annual Membership fee is £18. There will be a visitor fee of £5.00 for non-members.
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event for details and the location (online or on site).
On the evening of Saturday July 30th, Busbridge Church will be the venue for a classical music concert by a newly formed choral group consisting of 8 young singers between the ages of 17- 22, all of whom are lovers of choral music.
The group consists of students from King Edward's School, Witley, prospective and undergraduate students of both the Royal Academy of Music and Cambridge University, as well as some who are members of the world-renowned Rodolfus Choir.
They are gathering together in Busbridge this summer under the direction of former King Edward’s student Richie Zhang; wishing to transport you back to the High Renaissance, through a performance of captivating works by composers from all over the European continent, including Tallis, Byrd, Palestrina, des Prez, Gesualdo and many more. For info and tickets see: A Renaissance Sequence Tickets, Sat 30 Jul 2022 at 19:00 | Eventbrite
Church Family News
Please Pray for
Children Youth and Families Ministry and God’s people to fill the vacancies
Busbridge PCCs as they prepare to vote on the Minster Evaluation process.
Clock Barn Lane and the Cheshire Home
Park Chase and its road steward Linda Alcock.
Please do join us for an evening discussing these huge issues, where John Dunnett along with Rev Esther Prior of St John’s Egham (Rev James Ellin’s training vicar, for those who were here when James was our Youth Director), will be sharing helpful insight and teaching from God’s Word. The evening will be held at St Mary of Bethany, Woking, GU22 7UH.
Read the latest issue (June) of Churches Together in Godalming and District Link Up.
Godalming Baptist Church Life Sessions. Topics covered: Decision Making and the Will of God; Autism; Compassion Fatigue; Growing Old Disgracefully - holding onto what matters with increasing age; Bereavement; Come and Be Colourful. Please see the full brochure here.
Don’t forget about…
Things in the following areas may not make the notices, but the latest info can be found on the web pages:
Yew Tree Café Opening Hours
8.30am-4pm [takeaway to 4.30pm] Weekdays
10am-2pm Saturday
***SPECIAL OFFER FOR BRIDGE MAGAZINE READERS***: Buy a coffee and get one for a friend for free! (Offer applies between 10am and 2pm only) Look out for the voucher in the May edition of the Bridge magazine.
Work continues apace on the Minster evaluation with the Steering Group and Working Groups continuing to meet regularly. The 2nd update is available on Minster Evaluation page above. Please continue to ask or send your questions or concerns to Simon Taylor, John Harkin or David Wilkin (Steering Group Chair).
CALL TO PRAYER for the Minster Evaluation Process:
9AM Wednesdays on Zoom
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.