Notices for 10 APRIL - PALM SUNDAY
Thanks to all those who came to the opening of the Yew Tree Café last Sunday, to Bishop Michael who cut the ribbon and to Wendy W for the fabulous cake!
Listen while you read the notices - Ben has compiled a new playlist of worship songs sung by the Contemporary and Evening congregations. It’s on Spotify, so you need to create an account if you don’t have one already.
Palm Sunday
Mark 11: 1-11
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service [Holy Communion]
Leader: David Jenkins
Speaker: Patrick Samuels
Hambledon Church & Online
10.30AM BUSBRIDGE Combined Service
Leader: Margot Spencer
Speaker: Philippa Baker
Busbridge Church & Online
Everyone will start the service in church and there will be a break out option for children accompanied by their parents/carers to go to the Old Rectory for a palm fringed activity!
10.30AM HAMBLEDON Contemporary Service
Leader: David Jenkins
Speaker: Patrick Samuels
Hambledon Church
Reflect, Connect & Celebrate
The Easter page has the list of all events and services between now and Easter Day. All have an important place in preparing for and celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus, and connecting with others in the church family and local community. We are asking people to sign up to the Good Friday Hot Cross Bun adventure, and the Busbridge Easter Garden Service and Egg Hunt to help those providing hospitality. But if this isn’t possible to sign up, please do come along - all are welcome to all events.
It’s not too late. We are happy to receive cash, cheque, card and online donations, but for efficiency and the lowest fees, BACS IS BEST! Use the donate button for details.
Help needed for Lent & Easter Events: Cakes & bakes for the Easter Garden Service on Saturday 15 April. Please let us know if you can make something for the delicious cake table during the egg hunt in the Old Rectory garden by filling in the cake form.
The Big Spring Clean
It’s time to sign up for the most fun you can have with a dish cloth!
10am-12pm at Busbridge, followed by a BBQ lunch | 2-4pm at Hambledon with afternoon tea!
This is a popular and very useful annual event at BHC. It's a short, sharp, collective way to spruce up the church and all its facilities in a most efficient and enjoyable way!
There's a job for everyone, or any age: We need vacuumers, painters, gardeners, window cleaners, muscle men, muscle women, clearers, diy-ers, lifters, carry-ers, tea servers and biscuit giver-outers! Children can be very useful too.
The reward:
A huge sense of pride and belonging in your beautiful churches and church sites
BBQ lunch in the Old Rectory garden after the AM session at Busbridge
Quintessential Cream Tea after the PM session at Hambledon
It’s fun and a fantastic way to meet new people!
Please sign up and let us know what kind of thing you prefer to do, and any dietary requirements. If you'd like to suggest a job that you have noticed needs doing, please let us know that too!
24th April: Social for 6PM service folks
The 6 p. m. service team invite those who usually attend the 6 o'clock Sunday service to a social on Sunday 24th April at 6 p.m. in church. This will be an opportunity to get to know each other better and have time to chat whilst enjoying 'pudding and drinks". Please come along and either bring a pudding /cake or a bottle of something to share. Tea and coffee provided.
If you have any queries please contact Janet Harvey e mail :
Also, please drop Janet a quick e mail if you are able to come as we would love to know so we have an idea of numbers. P.S. Don't forget to bring your own plate/dish/fork/spoon and glass! Look forward to seeing you there
Shan. On behalf of The 6 p.m. service team
The recently established BHC4Ukraine group aims to:
1. Link with council, community and hosts
2. Support host families with practical help
3. Organise fundraising and supplies
Updates will be posted on the new BHC4Ukraine page and Sarah Black is the POC for general enquiries, and Will Godwin is the link for prospective hosts.
The weekly prayer vigils for Ukraine will continue on TUESDAYS: 7.30pm at Hambledon Church, and 8pm at Busbridge Church (The Busbridge Vigil will be replaced by the online Holy Week Compline on Tuesday 12 April.)
Verger needed urgently for
4 weddings and a funeral!
We have a vacancy to fill urgently for a funeral next week, and the weddings in Busbridge church this year. Ad-hoc verger duties are paid per service, and more details are available on request. If you are interested, please see the job ad linked below, and get in touch More details >
9.10AM BUSBRIDGE Classic SERVICE (Change of time)
At Church and on YouTube every Sunday. Communion 1st Sundays.
Trial for 6 weeks: Service starting at the earlier time of 9.10am, with chairs laid out in the Contemporary setting (sideways on), and coffee in the Yew Tree Café after.
Thank you for vacating the church promptly after the service to help the team setting up for the Contemporary service.
9.30AM Hambledon Heritage
At Church and on YouTube every Sunday. Communion 2nd & 5th Sundays.
10.30AM Busbridge CONTEMPORARY
At Church and on YouTube 2nd-5th Sundays. Communion 3rd Sundays.
The Ark for ages 4-7 meets in Busbridge Village Hall. Crèche and Tiny Tigers for 0-4s in the Old Rectory. Drop off from 10.20am.
10.30AM ALPHA COURSE @ Hambledon (NEW)
All welcome. Please share the invitation. Alpha will run for 12 weeks at Church.
6PM Busbridge Evening Service (change of DATES)
At Church 2nd & 4th Sundays. Communion 4th Sundays.
Monthly Services & Special DATES:
1st Sundays of the month: 1 may, 5 June, 3 July
Locations tbc. No 10.30AM Contemporary service at Busbridge.
3rd Sundays of the month: 15 May, 19 June, 17 July
Messy Church
4PM at Hambledon Village Hall, with sandwich tea & refreshments!
Unplugged Youth Service (CHANGE OF DATES)
6PM at Busbridge Church on 3rd Sundays.
Coming Up:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event for details and the location (online or on site).
Nexus Event: ‘Who’d go out in the Woods at Night?’ Answer: Surrey Search and Rescue! That’s the chilling title of the presentation on Thursday 7th April by Rosie Jordan, Events Manager for Surrey SAR. Surrey Search & Rescue is an entirely voluntary specialist search team which assists the emergency services find missing vulnerable adults and children. They are on-call 24 hours a day, with a team of 80+ people and search dogs, to respond across Surrey and surrounding areas. This gives just an inkling of what that means for vulnerable missing people in our area. Do come along to learn more and see how we can support this vital charity. We’ll meet in the Busbridge Old Rectory at 8.00pm. You’ll be welcomed with a glass of wine or a soft drink and have a chance to catch up with each other before Rosie begins her talk. We look forward to seeing you. We invite you to become a member of Nexus, for a fee of £18. There’s a £5.00 visitor fee for non-members. All are welcome, including men!
Don’t forget about…
Things in the following areas may not make the notices, but the latest info can be found on the web pages:
Work continues apace on the Minster evaluation with the Steering Group and Working Groups continuing to meet regularly. The 2nd update is available on Minster Evaluation page above. Please continue to ask or send your questions or concerns to Simon Taylor, John Harkin or David Wilkin (Steering Group Chair).
There will two joint services in May for congregations to get to know one another better and to experience a style of worship which they may not be normally accustomed. On 8 May there will be a traditional eucharist service at St Peter &St Paul and on May 15 Busbridge will host a Contemporary service. After each of these services Simon, John and David will be available to answer questions about the status of the Minster evaluation. In addition, there will also be an Easter Vigil at St Peter & St Paul on Saturday 16 April at 8pm.
CALL TO PRAYER for the Minster Evaluation Process:
9AM Wednesdays on Zoom
5PM Sunday 10 April at St Peter and St Paul’s Church
5PM Sunday 8 May at Busbridge Old Rectory (before Unplugged)
Members of BHC, St Mark’s and St Peter & St Paul are called to pray together to underpin the discussions regarding the Bishop's suggestion that we become one parish with St. Peter and St. Paul and St. Mark's Churches and form a Minster. The first prayer meeting on 13 March was wonderfully led and attended. Please join the next special meeting at St Peter and St Paul’s 10 April.
Looking ahead
Alpha @ Hambledon Contemporary. The next Alpha course will take place on Sundays at 10.30am in Hambledon Church, starting on 24 April. Anyone wishing to explore the Christian faith is invited. Watch this space for more details, and get in touch with if this is something you’d like to try.
Join the Electoral Roll / 2022 APCMs on 22 May: 10.30am Busbridge & 4pm Hambledon. To vote in the elections of church officers (church wardens) and other matters you must be on the electoral roll. If you have not already enrolled, please submit you application form ASAP - see Electoral Roll.
New Church Directory
The address book function in My ChurchSuite is now available. This means that if you have a MyChurchSuite account for the phone app, or web site, you will be able to share your details and look up other people in the Church Address book. Please note that the app is password protected, and only available to church members. It means that the church can improve data protection and security, while communicating with each other more effectively. You can find out more here:
Everyone who received the notices by email has received an email request from ChurchSuite titled [BHC Godalming] Consent Request.
1 minute job! Please use the link in the email to review and grant consent (or not) for your details to be used and shared in MyChurchSuite. You can choose to share all contact details, or just your email, or phone number for example. If you do not review and update your details and consent by Monday, the information we currently hold for you will be used. i.e. if you have previously granted consent for your details to be shared, they will be visible in the My ChurchSuite Directory. If you haven’t previously granted consent, they won’t be. But please do check!
If you already have a user ID for MyChurchSuite, you will be able to use the Address book to look up the contact details of other church members who have agreed to share their details. If you have not ever logged onto MyChurchSuite, have never had an account, or have lost the password, we will send out a new email to create an account. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Church Office.
Please Pray for
Parents coping with home/life balance
Rectory Close and road steward Shelagh Godwin
Markwick Lane
Please see the April issue of Link Up HERE and info on other local church events:
St Mark’s Fundraising afternoon - 24 April
The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Ecumenical Walking Pilgrimage is walking from Arundel Cathedral to Guildford Cathedral over the early May Bank Holiday weekend Friday April 29th – Monday May 2nd 2022. For further information for those who wish to join the walk, see website On Monday 2nd May, we will be walking from Chiddingfold to Guildford and will stop for 20 minutes prayers in St Peter’s, Hambledon: 9.50-10.10am.
£ donations to St Mark’s Foodbank
From time to time the foodbank needs to buy specific items for customers that they don’t have in stock. Unfortunately cash reserves are low and the foodbank is appealing for financial donations as well as goods. To give money, please donate by BACS to St Marks Community Centre, sort code 402212, a/c 91277766, or send cheques to St Marks, Franklyn Road, Godalming GU7 2LD.
Godalming Baptist Church Life Sessions are back in 2022. Topics covered: Decision Making and the Will of God; Autism; Compassion Fatigue; Growing Old Disgracefully - holding onto what matters with increasing age; Bereavement; Come and Be Colourful. Please see the full brochure here.
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.