Notices for 23 January 2022
The Notices for this week are recorded by new team members Ben Ford, Worship, and Lizzie Soar, Yew Tree Café manager!
This Sunday
St John’s Church, Farncombe
Watch online:
No morning services at Busbridge church or Hambledon church.
Churches Together in Godalming and villages around unite at St John’s Church, Farncombe this Sunday at 10.30AM to launch a week of prayer for Christian Unity. (Parking is limited, so please walk or share lifts where possible).
Led by the Unplugged Youth team and band
Busbridge Church
Next Sunday 30 January
Transforming communities: bearing fruit, generous sharing
Galatians 6
9.15AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service
Leader: Philippa Baker
Speaker: Patrick Samuels
Busbridge Church & Online
(Coffee will be served in the chancel after Classic and before and after Contemporary for those that would like it. As coffee is optional, face coverings can be removed for this time in church. Please exit via the vestry to avoid congestion if people are setting up and arriving for the next service).
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service
Leader: Margot Spencer
Speaker: Dudley Hilton
Hambledon Church & Online
10.30AM BUSBRIDGE Contemporary Service
Leaders: Andy Spencer and Simon Willetts
Speaker: Patrick Samuels
Busbridge Church & Online
NB New locations for Sunday morning children’s groups: The Ark has moved to the Village Hall, Explorers will now meet in The Hut (youth space in the Old Rectory), and the crèche and Tiny Tigers remain in the Old Rectory too. Please drop off children off from 10.20am.
4PM HAMBLEDON Contemporary Service
Leader: Margot Spencer
Speaker: Dudley Hilton
Hambledon Church
BHC Public Zoom room - for morning prayer and other online meetings and events: The password is now 2022.
The Yew Tree Café
Now hiring Assistant Café Manager See the vacancies page here.
Volunteer! See the vacancies page.
Sponsor an item
The café is looking great, with new windows and a new kitchen and terracing underway! New café manager Lizzie Soar started this week, and will spend the next month preparing for the café opening, now in early March. We are hoping to appoint an Assistant manager or 2 soon, the advert is on the vacancies page if this interests you, or you know someone who you could pass it to. (Please note that the closing date has been extended to 28 Jan, and the hourly rate is increased since the role was first advertised).
Response to the initial call for café volunteers last week has be been great, but we’d like 6-10 more people to make the team up to approx 20. If you would like to find out more, please contact us on: or talk to Lizzie, Karen Hart, Carol Jones, Chris Garner or Sarah Black at the end of services, or pop you details in the form below:
Thirdly, you can now sponsor an item! You can sponsor everything from a mop and bucket to a coffee cup to a sofa! We want the café to be owned by the whole congregation and this is one very practical way of demonstrating this. View the YEW TREE items sponsorship list and go to Donate and either donate by BACS transfer or the donate function and use ref: YT[item].
The Bridge Magazine—Editor appointed
Thank you to all those who have been praying for a new editor so that the Bridge magazine can continue. We are delighted to share that longstanding Busbridge resident and church member David Brockman has accepted the role, and will be in post to produce the next issue.
The Jan/Feb Issue of the Bridge is available online HERE.
Nexus. On Thursday 3rd February, we’ll welcome two members of the community fundraising team from Oakleaf Enterprise, our Charity for 2022. Jen Clay and Jane Felton will come and talk to us on ‘Oakleaf and mental health in the Surrey community’. The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the mental health and wellbeing of many. Oakleaf transforms lives and builds new futures for adults; developing the skills and confidence they desperately need and by reducing their feelings of social isolation. In this way, Oakleaf empowers individuals to participate again as active members of the community. The charity also works hard to promote awareness and reduce the stigma of mental health.
Do join us to learn more about the work of this increasingly important charity, which we are pleased to support this year. Mental ill-health can happen to anyone! We’ll meet in Busbridge Church at 8.00pm. All welcome, including men! We will be collecting Membership fees for 2022, which remain at £18, and there will be a visitor fee of £5.00 for non-members. These fees cover refreshments, gifts or fees for speakers and charity donations. For more information, please contact or
The PCC met last week and discussed many things. Anyone on the church electoral roll is always welcome to sit in on a PCC meeting and we’ve sometimes had interested people do this so do consider popping along to a PCC sometime. The PCC discussed some recent vandalism at Busbridge Church and the PCC approved the installation of cctv to protect the building and to support our new Yew Tree coffee volunteers. Reports on buildings, ministry and other activity were received and the PCC sub-groups set their meeting dates. There are several PCC groups which oversee things as diverse as children’s ministry to ecology. The PCC looked at plans for the year ahead and the PCC is focussing on local mission, stability of our ministry areas and resources. The PCC gave special thanks for Richard Cooke’s work in helping resolve damp issues at Mervil Bottom in Hambledon. The thinking about exploring joining with St Peter and Paul’s and St Mark’s churches was looked at and the PCC noted that David Wilkin is the chair of this whole process. Anyone in the church family can approach David Wilkin to discuss this matter or to ask questions. A reminder that the minutes of PCC meetings will be published on the web site in due course, and can be found via the footer on the web site.
Outward Giving - Calling all Compassion Sponsors!
Currently most of us are not linked to a church on their systems ,so Compassion can’t pull off data on all the. Gilder we sponsor ,relating us to Busbridge or Hambledon churches. If you are happy to be so linked, could you let me know your name and postcode, which I can then add to a GDPR form to send to them. Many thanks, Julia Stubbs :email to
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event for details and the location (online or on site).
Please Pray for
The Yew Tree Café - new staff, recruitment of volunteers, Mark Pateman’s team and the building works.
Local health centres and surgeries
Underhill Close and its road steward vacancy to be filled.
Woodlands Road
Bereavement Day at Godalming Baptist Church - 5 Feb 2022. Please download the information:
Bereavement Day flyer
Booking & additional info re. Covid regulations
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.