Beyond Easter DAY - weekly notices for 16 April 2023
Good Friday post-its (we stuck our names to the cross as saved by Christ) to Easter Day when the Jaggers celebrated the love of Jesus and Busbridge Church they have shared in for 50 years. Jesus is not afraid of mess, and neither is our church!
Dear Friends
In the afterglow of The Resurrection, and being part of a brilliant Easter weekend, we can get the feeling that the Easter story is done and dusted, at least for another year.
But EASTER IS NOT OVER, and this Sunday The Garden sermon series continues as we take a look at The Stone, and what the empty tomb means to us.
Furthermore, this Sunday is Easter for our Ukrainian friends and Busbridge will be helping them celebrate with the blessing of Easter baskets - a tradition in the Orthodox Ukrainian Church.
But before we move on, huge thanks to the very many of you who took part in the planning and delivering of Holy Week and Easter events and services; in welcoming, leading worship, prayer ministry, hiding eggs, marshalling bouncy castles, pouring tea and buttering hot cross buns. In doing so you helped enable each other to experience the sorrow and joy of Easter, and to share the gospel with those who are less involved in the church family. If you have any comments on any of the events or services, please email Vic in the office. And you can find all the best pics of Easter on Facebook and Instagram! (Links at the bottom of the page.)
Please read on for news on:
This Sunday
The Bereavement Café starting on Tuesday 25th April
Live at the Yew Tree Café: End of Winter Blues night on 28th April
Job ad for a new Assistant Café Manager
The Coronation Weekend and your church coronation planner!
Church Family News
Sunday Services on Sunday 16th April
The Stone
Readings: Matthew 28:1-10
10AM Combined Service
Busbridge Church and online
Led by Sarah Black | Speaker: Margot Spencer
10AM Morning Worship
Hambledon Church and online
Led by David Jenkins
*Children’s groups restart on 23rd April*
Coming Up:
See the events coming up next and look up dates further ahead in the full calendar.
Last call for the Easter Appeal
At Busbridge on Easter Day we said a formal farewell, rather informally, to Chris and Maggie Jagger who have been a huge part in life and mission of Busbridge Church for 50 years! One of the many charities they have pioneered is The Salvadorian Children’s Earthquake Trust. If you would like to give to SALCET as part of the Easter Appeal, please do so now!
New Ministry Bereavement Café: For those who have lost someone recently or some time ago. Starting Tuesday 25th April, The Bereavement Café will take place in the Old Rectory on last Tuesdays of the month, from 2.30-4pm. The Bereavement Café is run by the Pastoral Team (Support & Care) and offers a safe space for anyone who has been bereaved, where:
- you can feel safe to talk about how the pain of bereavement is affecting you
- you will meet others who have experienced their own loss
- there is a team willing to offer support by listening
- you will find mutual support and encouragement
- there is a cup of tea or coffee and a slice of cake waiting for you
- you are welcome whether your loss is recent or some considerable time ago
The Bereavement Café does not provide counselling, but signposting can be offered if appropriate. If you would like to chat to someone about The Bereavement Café, please contact Shân Hallam e: / t: 01483 421267.
Click here for details and to book tickets
Please use this link to sign up for the Big Church Brunch!
We know that there will be many celebrations running locally over the Coronation weekend, and some will be involved with their own street parties on Sunday 7 May. Godalming Town Council is holding a Coronation Concert for the people of Godalming on Saturday 6 May, on the Bury’s from 3-11pm: and there will be entertainment at the Bandstand on Sunday too.
We are planning to celebrate as a church and minster after the morning services on Sunday 7 May. To gauge enthusiasm and numbers, please use the link above to let us know if you would like to be part of the celebration in the Old Rectory Garden!
We’re Hiring!
Please take a look at the vacancy for a new assistant manager for the Yew Tree Café and think about whether the role is right for you, or who you could share this great opportunity with!
Church Family News
We send our love to Mark Alcock, whose father died on the Wednesday of Holy Week. The funeral will be in Cumbria. Please pray for Mark, Linda, Jack and Alex, as well as Mark’s two brothers, that the service arrangements will fall into place and that they will know God’s peace and comfort in the coming days and weeks ahead.
There are many church members who will remember Harvey Williams, who emigrated to Australia some years ago. We have been saddened to receive the news that he died in hospital on Thursday 30th March. He has been very unwell for about eighteen months, but his passing was peaceful with his family present. We remember him with great affection and give thanks for his faithful Christian life and witness. Please pray for his family, especially his daughter Cassie and son Chris. (His funeral is to be live-streamed and we hope to be able to let you know in advance when that will be.)
The funeral service for Sue Owen (née Appleton) will take place in Guildford Cathedral on Friday 5th May at 1.30 p.m.. Anyone who knew Sue will be very welcome at the service.
Don’t forget about…
Simon’s sabbatical 11th April-15th July 2023
3rd time lucky! Simon Taylor will be taking a twice postponed sabbatical this year from Easter to July. (Stipendiary clergy are given a sabbatical every ten years, and Simon’s was postponed in 2020 due to Covid, then again in 2022 due to the Minster evaluation.) He leaves the leadership of the benefice in the capable hands of Simon Willetts, supported by Margot Spencer, the wardens, clergy and staff team. Minster plans will continue to develop.
While Simon is away, his plans involve some walking (The SW Coastal Path) and prayer, time with his leadership coach and spiritual director, reading, a visit to Simon’s spiritual retreat home (Storrington Priory, Chemin Neuf charismatic catholic Order) and some research on St Ignatius and the Jesuit Way of Life.
Please pray for Simon as he prepares for a restorative break from ministry, and for those he leaves in charge.
The MyChurchSuite app. It’s the easiest way to check dates, rotas, church emails, look up church members and sign up to events (without having to enter your details again and again!). Contact the Church Office if you’ve lost your login details or would like to request an account.
Join the Electoral Roll - As we approach the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in May, this is a reminder that we’d love you to join the church electoral roll if you are not on it already. Go to Membership.
Mid-week Prayer Gatherings
Reflective Prayer Mons at 8.45am online.
Busbridge Morning Prayer Weds at 9am online.
Hambledon Morning Prayer takes place on Wednesdays at 9am. All welcome.
Busbridge Saturday Prayer Meeting + PrayerFest 0-30 8-9am 2nd Saturdays of the month.
***Send prayer requests to***
Groups & Activities
The Men’s Group meets for breakfast at 8.15am on the first Saturdays of the month. See the calendar event for details.
Hambledon Coffee Morning and Hearing Aid Clinic takes place 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10.30am.
The 2023 Prime Time programme for Jan-Jun is now available, and the next event is the Talk on God’s Trees on Friday 24th March. For all events and details, see Prime Time.
The 2023 Nexus programme is now available, and the next event is a talk on 4th May is about the Christian Aid Pigeon Pea Project in Malawi by Laura Mead. Laura is going to tell us about their fantastic Pigeon Pea Project in Malawi. This project gives women in remote communities in Malawi the confidence and skills to start up small businesses. This, in turn helps the women support their families and their local community. It’s an intriguing title, so do come along and find out more. You’re welcome to bring friends. We’ll start the evening with drinks and nibbles to give us a chance to mingle and meet new people before handing over to Laura for her fascinating presentation.
For all events and details, see Nexus.
Godalming Baptist Church Life Issues talks: See the full 2023 Life Issues programme.
To book a place contact Sally or tel-01483-428646.
For news from all the other local churches, see:
Churches Together Link Up - MAR 2023
The Yew Tree Café at Busbridge Church is open 8.30am-4pm weekdays in term time, and 10am-2pm on Saturdays, and 10am-4pm during school holidays.
Thank you to Owen for his contribution as Assistant Manager in the Yew Tree Café in recent months. Owen will be finishing in this role on 8th April, so do pop in to thank him. Look out for the advert for a new assistant manager, coming shortly.
If you, or someone you know at church, are in need of support and care, please contact Sandra Wilkin via the church office, or e:
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.