Pastoral Care
Getting in touch...
There are many people in our community who are in need of help or pastoral care. This may be because of illness, accident, relationship issues, redundancy, financial struggles...
If this is you or someone you know, at Busbridge&Hambledon Church we have a team of people (some volunteers and some with specific training) who would love to offer their time to visit.
To get in touch with our Pastoral Care team please email or call 01483 421267.
Our trained Pastoral Assistants can be found under Who we Are - so you can see who might be getting in touch.
Road Stewards...
Road Stewards are a street-based network of people who take a caring responsibility and aim to demonstrate in practical ways the love of God for the people who live around us in Busbridge Parish, and many are church members.
We do this by, for example, contacting newcomers to the parish and informing them about church services, children’s activities and other activities as appropriate. We keep an eye out for anyone in need of practical help e.g. in times of illness or unemployment, and if necessary put individuals or families in touch with other groups in the church who can offer specific support. We also distribute our bi-monthly community magazine, The Bridge.
Please contact Lorna Sherwin via the church office for further information.