Getting Married in Busbridge or Hambledon

Marriage is at the heart of family and community life and weddings are particularly happy occasions which we love to celebrate. 

The first step is to check that you qualify to be married in Busbridge or Hambledon.  If you live in the parish, it is straightforward.  You can check this by looking up your postcode on a church near you. If you have previous connections with us, even though you may no longer live in the parish, there are other qualifying connections which may enable you to be married here.

You will find helpful information on the Church of England website, which deals with many of the practical and legal details.

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As part of preparing you for marriage, we invite you to attend a Marriage Preparation Day, together with other couples who are being married here. We talk through many aspects of life together, as well as looking at the Christian ideals for marriage and family life. These days are very relaxed and great fun.

If you’re interested in finding out more, please contact the Busbridge&Hambledon Church Office (01483 421267) in the first instance.

Once you have contacted us, we can discuss possible dates and send you information to help you plan your wedding day. You will also meet one of the clergy who will help you to shape a service which is personal to you, as well as one which fulfils the legal requirements.

We look forward to hearing from you!