“Prayer is conversation with God and we can communicate with him in lots of different ways – through words or music, in silence, on our own or with others. It can be liberating to remember that we should pray as we can and not as we can’t.
Church members pray the Lord’s Prayer together
WHY PRAY? Rev Andy Spencer shares some thoughts for those new to prayer. More…
Use the link above to join prayer sessions on Zoom:
Mondays 8.45-9.30am Reflective Prayer / Helpful Habits Refresher during Lent
Wednesdays 9AM Busbridge Morning Prayer with St Peter & St Paul’s (with prayer for the Minster Evalution process)
2nd Saturdays of the Month 8.30AM Busbridge Prayer Group & 0-30 in 60s
Prayer Opportunities
Starting 14 March 2022: Helpful Habits Refresher
Did you start a habit of quiet prayer sometime in the past and feel you have become rusty? Or would you like some help with quiet, reflective prayer times? Gertrud Sollars and Shan Hallam are going to use the Reflective Prayer times on Monday mornings in Lent to present and practise different ways of listening to God in quiet, using scripture and anything else that helps. No need to book – join us on Zoom, meeting ID 946 391 4833, password 2022, Mondays from 8.45 to 9.30. We only have 45 minutes, so please come on time.
And here is the ‘schedule’ for the next 5 weeks:
14.03.22 Praying with images
21.03.22 Praying with poetry
28.03.22 Praying with the imagination
04.04.22 Praying the Examen /prayer doodling
11.04.22 Prayer journaling /writing to God
Join HAMBLEDON Morning Prayer, 9AM on Wednesdays at Hambledon Church. All welcome.
60 mins where we specifically pray for children, young people (aged 0-30) and all those involved in ministering to them.
We pray for our own church family activities and events and leaders/volunteers but also include those from the wider community and beyond e.g. schools, colleges, Trinity Trust Team.
Everyone who has a heart to pray for our young children, our youth and our young people - especially at this time when so much is impacting them - is very welcome.
Contact Shan D Hallam: hallamshan7@gmail.com if you have any prayers you wish to be included in this time. No names please to maintain confidentiality.
Busbridge&Hambledon Church are committed to praying for the needs of our church family and the wider community. A team of people pray regularly for individual needs, all of which are treated as completely confidential. If you have a prayer request for yourself or for someone you know, why not e-mail us at prayer@bhcgodalming.org.
Contact Jeannie Postill t 01428 687968
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” Matthew 18:20
It can be helpful particularly at this time to pray with others in a small group. If you are not part of a prayer triplet and would like to be please do get in contact with us; prayer@bhcgodalming.org.
Lectio 365
Written by leaders from the 24-7 Prayer movement, and produced in partnership with CWR, this resource helps you engage with Scripture to inspire prayer and shape your life. It is a fantastic way of connecting with God in prayer and through His word and can be downloaded as an app or for more info see link https://www.24-7prayer.com/dailydevotional