About Godalming Minster — Godalming Minster

The parishes of Godalming, Busbridge and Hambledon are now part of Godalming Minster!

Who we are

One Minster, Four Locations, Eight Congregations

We’re building God’s future to become a resource Minster of teaching, preaching, prayer, worship, care, discipleship, resourcing others, provision and taking our place in the wider area as we proclaim Christ and live His risen life.

Following Jesus, loving people and renewing faith

Following Jesus is our commitment to nurture and deepen discipleship and involves shaping and developing our existing network of small groups, individual and communal prayer life, the exercising of spiritual gifts and stewardship.

Loving People is putting mission and evangelism at the heart of our identity as disciples of Jesus, and meeting the needs of our local communities across the parish.

Renewing Faith is our intention to grow younger in everything we do. It focuses us on youth and children’s ministry and our work in schools, as well as identifying new leaders and people to serve in younger generations, and shaping our worship and activities accordingly.

For you, for life

We have four landmark church buildings, two C of E primary schools, a ministry hub, a community centre and a café which are the hives of activity for worship, care and mission activities. Our regular congregations span the contemporary, Charismatic, 1662 BCP, choral tradition, classic, Messy and “Church in the Park”, so that everyone can find a worshipping expression within a shared DNA of evangelical-charismatic preaching and teaching. Together the congregations involve about 400 people, with many more who participate in outreach activities.

Five Years From Now


We’ll be a centre of teaching excellence in matters of Christian belief, formation and character. Our training and discipleship of people will be centred on scripture, worship, prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit. We’ll be a praying community that sees the God of miracles at work.

Collaboration and partnerships

We’ll have developed a deep culture of collaboration with many of the Minster’s community involved in all types of church and mission activity. We’ll be respected by many for what we can offer by working with the council, charities and agencies for the good of the whole community.

Resource Church

We’ll be a Minster of many teams of people who are focused on bringing the best of Christ’s Church to the Godalming area. We’ll share our resources with other churches. Our teams will be full of hospitality, with confident faith in Christ and able to share our faith story well.


The wider area will be a renewed place of hope and people will want to live in the area because of the Minster’s work of care, compassion, Christian teaching, prayer and worship.

Healing for life

We’ll be known for our heart of love and compassion to bind people’s wounds of life. Like Minsters of old, we’ll be a hospital of healing in caring, listening, and Christ-centred support in life-stages of sadness and loss. We’ll be bringing generations together and offer a culture of reconciliation through Christ.


We’ll have good pathways for encountering, exploring and coming to faith and then growing in becoming a disciple of Jesus who brings good to the World. Alpha and baptism courses will all be growing.