Read our stories…

You’ll find a great bunch of friendly staff who are here to help. Alongside the staff team are a huge number of great volunteers. We wouldn’t be the church family that we are without everyone getting involved. Each of us has God given gifts to make use of.

Administration team

The first people on an email or phone call

Clergy team

The vicars…

Children, Youth & Families team

The people who do exciting stuff!

Prayer & spiritual gifts

Releasing the power of prayer & spiritual gifts…

Licensed Lay Ministers

(Readers) People who go to work in the week and preach and stuff at other times

Music, worship & tech team

Guitars, drums, organ, choral, wires, sound, cameras… that sort of stuff

Older People’s team

Enhancing life & bringing joy…

Pastoral care team

A team of trained listeners, bereavement visitors, pastoral assistants and more…

Church wardens

Leading respected lay volunteers who offer wisdom & great advice

Yew Tree Cafe

Our lovely team of managers, who keep the coffee & the chat flowing


Wise volunteers who understand how finance fuels what we do