Read our stories…

You’ll find a great bunch of friendly staff who are here to help. Alongside the staff team are a huge number of great volunteers. We wouldn’t be the church family that we are without everyone getting involved. Each of us has God given gifts to make use of.

Administration team

The first people on an email or phone call

Clergy team

The vicars…

Children, Youth & Families team

The people who do exciting stuff!

Prayer & spiritual gifts

Releasing the power of prayer & spiritual gifts…

Licensed Lay Ministers

(Readers) People who go to work in the week and preach and stuff at other times

Music, worship & tech team

Guitars, drums, organ, choral, wires, sound, cameras… that sort of stuff

Older People’s team

Enhancing life & bringing joy…

Pastoral care team

A team of trained listeners, bereavement visitors, pastoral assistants and more…

Church wardens

Leading respected lay volunteers who offer wisdom & great advice

Yew Tree Cafe

Our lovely team of managers, who keep the coffee & the chat flowing


Wise volunteers who understand how finance fuels what we do



Coming soon…

Simon Willetts Associate Vicar & Hambledon Contemporary leader

Simon Willetts
Associate Rector

Margot Spencer Weddings & Funerals

Margot Spencer

Andy Spencer Quiet 8am congregation leader

Andy Spencer

David Jenkins Hambledon & Heritage BCP leader

David Jenkins

Hilary Pettman Elstead focus

Hilary Pettman

Rt Rev Bishop Michael Baughen Clergy mentor

Rt Rev Bishop Michael Baughen

Lesley Mason

Dr John Valentine

Associate Minister for discipleship & Hambledon

Clive Potter

Associate Minster for Evangelism & Franklyn Rd - see our vacancies

C. G Ordinand in Training

S. L. Ordinand in Training

Minster Church Wardens

William Bryans, Churchwarden

David Wilkin, Churchwarden


Minster Deputy Wardens

Dave Chadwick - Hambledon

Lin Allen - Franklyn Road

Sarah Bryans - Church Street

Frances Shaw - Brighton Road

Authorised and Licensed Lay Ministers exercising local ministry leadership

Peter Shaw

Prof Peter Shaw

Clare Haddad

Clare Haddad

Ruth Bennett Reader Emeritus

Ruth Bennett

Reader Emeritus

Dudley Hilton The 6.30 congregation

Dudley Hilton

Philippa Baker

Judith Hawkey

Locally Authorised Minister in training

Dave Brockman, LLM in training

Children, Youth & Families

Ben Barnes
Director of Youth and Children + Youth Minister

4-11s Children & Families’ Pastor

Sophia Barnes
0-3s Children's Worker

Jenny Lansdowne Administration, Safeguarding & Compliance

Jenny Lansdowne Administration, Safeguarding & Compliance

Vicki Nye

Toddler groups and parent support


Older People's Ministry

Penny Naylor Befriending, Hearing Aid clinics & Prime Time Co-ordinator

Penny Naylor
Befriending, Hearing Aid clinics & Prime Time Co-ordinator

Wendy Wilkins
Older People's Ministry Admin Support (voluntary)

Jane Tomes

Anna Chaplain


Pastoral Care Team

Sandra Wilkin
Pastoral Care Leader

Shan Hallam
Pastoral Assistant (voluntary)

Jill Johnston
Pastoral Assistant (voluntary)

Janet Harvey Pastoral Assistant (voluntary)

Janet Harvey
Pastoral Assistant (voluntary)


Judith Hawkey
Pastoral Visitor (voluntary)

Ceri Apark
Pastoral Assistant (voluntary)

Alan Harvey Pastoral Assistant (voluntary)

Alan Harvey
Pastoral Assistant (voluntary)

Jacqui Rook
Pastoral Assistant (voluntary)


Esther Elshen
Pastoral Visitor (voluntary)



Jacob Taylor (p/t)
Digital media and technology

Matthew Greenfield LTCL
Organist and Master of the Choristers

Alan Harvey, Hambledon music lead volunteer

Alan Harvey
Hambledon music lead

Mitchell Farquharson ARCO
Principal Organist



Jeanie PostillPrayer Co-ordinator and staff spiritual care (part time)

Jeanie Postill
Prayer Co-ordinator and staff spiritual care (part time)


Administration & support

Liz Gorst Administrator and Facilities Manager

Liz Gorst
Facilities Manager

Vic Hicks  Communications & Office Manager

Vic Hicks
Operations & Communications Manager

Sarah Bryans

Admin for Mission and Occasions

Karen Milton

Foodbank & Centre Manager



Martin Lambert Busbridge Treasurer (voluntary)

Martin Lambert
Busbridge Treasurer (voluntary)

David Burndred
Budget & financial oversight (voluntary)

Lesley ReevesBook keeper (p/t)

Lesley Reeves

Minster Book keeper (p/t)

X Support book keeper

Yew Tree Café

Chantal Dennill
Yew Tree Café Manager

Donna Rigby
Assistant Manager

Olena Tkachenko
Assistant Manager


Facilities support

Ben Rogers

Facilities and Sunday Tech support

O - Facilities support