Notices for Palm Sunday 2 April 2023
***Palm Sunday 2nd April***
back to the garden gate
REadings: Genesis 3: 23,24 & Matthew 21:1-11
We pick up the Easter Sermon series “The Garden” that was introduced on Ash Wednesday. Having been thrown out of the Garden of Eden and separated from God in Genesis, humankind is greeted by Jesus at the gates of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. But this familiar story of homecoming can obscure the awesomeness of what we are watching. God has arrived. He is standing at the gate and intends to meet us on the inside. Do we let him in?
10AM Busbridge Palm Sunday Combined Service
[Muddy Church and children’s groups take a break in the school holidays]
Leader: Philippa Baker | Speaker: Simon Taylor
10AM Hambledon Palm Sunday All Age Service
& procession to the Oak tree with the Hambledon Llamas
[A great option for all families with children and younger people]
Leader: Simon Willetts
6PM Busbridge Evening + Youth
Leader: Ben Barnes | Speaker: Sarah Rowden
We are looking forward to uplifting worship on Palm Sunday, and The Merry Harriers Pub is kindly lending a pair of llamas to stand in for the donkey in Hambledon’s reenactment of Christ’s triumphant arrival in Jerusalem.
At Busbridge we will also dedicate the new lecturn which has been donated in memory of Rev David Mace by Jill and his family.
Take a look at the list of events and services for Palm Sunday to Easter Day on the web site and collect a handout from church this Sunday. Events fall into 3 all important categories: Reflect (journey to the cross), Connect (with the church family and our local community) and Celebrate (He is Risen!).
REFLECT: Come along to Busbridge Church at 8pm Mon-Weds for a 3 session series of Holy Week Reflections. Frances and Philippa will be exploring The Path from the perspective of the women in Holy Week. The 8pm Maundy Thursday Communion is at Hambledon Church this year. There are several ways to observe Good Friday as a benefice: the 9.30am Good Friday Service at Busbridge Church is for the whole church family. An hour at the cross 12-1pm at Hambledon is a meditation opportunity. Once again you are invited to the 8pm Holy Saturday Vigil at St Peter and St Paul’s.
Come along with friends on the Good Friday Hot Cross Bun Walk, Hambledon Messy Easter and the Easter Garden Service on Saturday 8th April!
Cakes & volunteers are needed for the Easter Garden Service on Sat 8th April
This is a great invitational event and chance to share the gospel and hospitality with families who are more on the fringe of the church family, as well as our Tiny Tigers, Ark and Explorers. The tea and cake is key to chatting with parents and carers as they watch the fun spectacle of the egg hunt in the Old Rectory Garden. If you can bake and bring something along please let Ben Barnes know now! (e:
It helps if you sign up to the big events where there’s catering involved: The Good Friday Hot Cross Bun Adventure, and the Easter Garden Service on Saturday 8th. (You can use the MyChurchSuite app or the Easter web page to sign up).
6.45AM at the Ladywell Shrine on Minsterfield
10AM Communion Services at Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church
A reminder that the BHC Easter Appeal for SALCET is now underway. For details about the charity’s latest work in El Salvador, Uganda and Kenya - and ways to give - please read the Outward Giving Easter update.
Keep it up! The Transformed Life Lent podcast for all 4 churches joining Godalming Minster has a new episode available every week day in Lent. Why listen? It uses the great devotionals by Dave Smith which run alongside the sermon series on Sundays, and the home group bible studies.
Coming Up:
See the events coming up next and look up dates further ahead in the full calendar.
Last Sunday was a truly exciting Sunday of worship. Thank you to everyone who enabled the service at STPP to go ahead, including the Saturday set up team, children’s group leaders, musicians, tech, welcomers, and set down volunteers. It was a fantastic team effort and there were so many of us there (c160 adults and children combined). Then we had the well supported Classic which was beautifully led by Keith. Later 45 of us gathered at Hambledon Church for a time of deep lent through BCP Passiontide worship. A few people went to Haslemere Parish to represent us at the licensing of the new Area Dean. Many were at the 6pm service followed by the Holy Spirit ministry teaching at Busbridge Church. All in all, a great Sunday full of hope, worship and glory to God. So, from Simon T – thank you if you helped in some way or worshipped together somehow in our diverse offerings of praise.
BHC Clergy Team News: Small Groups, Music and Worship.
We are delighted to announce that Rev Hilary Pettman has accepted the role of leading Small (House) Group ministry. Hilary has a passion and vision for Small Groups and will continue to lead the development of the 6Ws (just ask Hilary!). This enables Simon Willetts to respond to a calling into leading Music and Worship. Hilary and Simon believe this solution is of God, and it has met with resounding support and joy from your Small Group and Worship leaders alike! Simon takes on his new role along with the Rector’s responsibilities for the benefice while Simon Taylor is on sabbatical (11 April-15th July). For Simon T’s parting thoughts, see the latest Rector’s Reflection! Both Simon’s and Hilary request your prayers for the months ahead.
A prayer tree has appeared at the back of Busbridge Church. We created this for the recent Prime Time Tea & Talk event: God’s Trees as we thought it was an obvious link not to be missed. The Prime Timers were encouraged to write requests or topics for prayer on leaves which were then hung on the tree. Our Anna Chaplain Jane also took some leaves to the Hydon Hill service on Friday morning and a few of the residents and carers participated in the same activity and these leaves have been added to the Prime Time ones. The tree will be in the church for the Easter period for all visitors to make prayer requests in this way.
New Ministry Bereavement Café: For those who have lost someone recently or some time ago. Starting Tuesday 25th April, The Bereavement Café will take place in the Old Rectory on last Tuesdays of the month, from 2.30-4pm. The Bereavement Café is run by the Pastoral Team (Support & Care) and offers a safe space for anyone who has been bereaved, where:
- you can feel safe to talk about how the pain of bereavement is affecting you
- you will meet others who have experienced their own loss
- there is a team willing to offer support by listening
- you will find mutual support and encouragement
there is a cup of tea or coffee and a slice of cake waiting for you
- you are welcome whether your loss is recent or some considerable time ago
The Bereavement Café does not provide counselling, but signposting can be offered if appropriate. If you would like to chat to someone about The Bereavement Café, please contact:
Contact: Shân Hallam e: / t: 01483 421267
Thank you to Owen for his contribution as Assistant Manager in the Yew Tree Café in recent months. Owen will be finishing in this role on 8th April, so do pop in to thank him.
Nexus regrets that tonight’s speaker, James Giles, Manager of the Thursley National Nature Reserve has unfortunatley had to cancel at short notice. But do not fear! The Easter event will go ahead tonight, Thurs 30th March in the Old Rectory as planned, with Alan Betts stepping in to talk on a topic of his choice. All welcome.
Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2023 - The Turkey-Syria Earthquake and those suffering deprivation in Guildford Diocese AND Hearing Aid Clinics
Work of the Bishop’s Fund is wide-ranging, but one of the recipients is the Hear Hear project that enables the BHC Hearing Aid Clinics. Penny and Sophie Bessant were recently interviewed for the promotional video:
Godalming Baptist Church Life Issues talks: See the full 2023 Life Issues programme.
To book a place contact Sally or tel-01483-428646.
For news from all the other local churches, see:
Churches Together Link Up - MAR 2023
Don’t forget about…
Simon’s sabbatical 11th April-15th July 2023
3rd time lucky! Simon Taylor will be taking a twice postponed sabbatical this year from Easter to July. (Stipendiary clergy are given a sabbatical every ten years, and Simon’s was postponed in 2020 due to Covid, then again in 2022 due to the Minster evaluation.) He leaves the leadership of the benefice in the capable hands of Simon Willetts, supported by Margot Spencer, the wardens, clergy and staff team. Minster plans will continue to develop.
While Simon is away, his plans involve some walking (The SW Coastal Path) and prayer, time with his leadership coach and spiritual director, reading, a visit to Simon’s spiritual retreat home (Storrington Priory, Chemin Neuf charismatic catholic Order) and some research on St Ignatius and the Jesuit Way of Life.
Please pray for Simon as he prepares for a restorative break from ministry, and for those he leaves in charge.
The MyChurchSuite app. It’s the easiest way to check dates, rotas, church emails, look up church members and sign up to events (without having to enter your details again and again!). Contact the Church Office if you’ve lost your login details or would like to request an account.
Join the Electoral Roll - As we approach the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in May, this is a reminder that we’d love you to join the church electoral roll if you are not on it already. Go to Membership.
Mid-week Prayer Gatherings
Reflective Prayer Mons at 8.45am online.
Busbridge Morning Prayer Weds at 9am online.
Hambledon Morning Prayer takes place on Wednesdays at 9am. All welcome.
Busbridge Saturday Prayer Meeting + PrayerFest 0-30 8-9am 2nd Saturdays of the month [11th Feb]
***Send prayer requests to***
Groups & Activities
The Men’s Group meets for breakfast at 8.15am on the first Saturdays of the month. See the calendar event for details.
Hambledon Coffee Morning and Hearing Aid Clinic takes place 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10.30am.
The 2023 Prime Time programme for Jan-Jun is now available, and the next event is the Talk on God’s Trees on Friday 24th March. For all events and details, see Prime Time.
The 2023 Nexus programme is now available, and the next event is a talk on 30th Mar is about Life on Thursley Common. For all events and details, see Nexus.
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.
The Yew Tree Café at Busbridge Church is open 8.30am-4pm weekdays in term time, and 10am-2pm on Saturdays, and 10am-4pm during school holidays.
If you, or someone you know at church, are in need of support and care, please contact Sandra Wilkin via the church office, or e:
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.