Weekly Notices for Sun 23 July
Dear Friends,
Thanks to everyone who came along and helped make last Sunday’s Minster-wide party such a welcoming and enjoyable event. The summer events continue today with the Prime Time Garden Party, complete with lawn games and a cream tea! (Strawberries generously donated by Hall Hunter Ltd).
The start of school summer holidays, which means more to some of us than others, does affect a few things at church. Morning services at Busbridge “combine” at 10am with one multi age children’s group (check below for dates), most mid-week activities take a break and we can take time to consolidate and come together. Services at Hambledon Church continue, but all services will make an outing to the Churches Together Service at the Bandstand, 10.30am on 13th August.
Please pick up a summer services programme at church this Sunday.
This Sunday
See you at church, or online this Sunday as we start the summer sermon series:
The popular television programme of the same title takes famous people on a journey to trace their family history. Along the way, they often come across ancestors of whom they were previously unaware – the good, the bad, the ugly and - sometimes also – the surprising. Over the summer, we shall look at some of the people who make up Jesus’ family tree and the part they played in bringing God’s plan – and his big story – to fruition, through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus who, in Matthew’s words “was called the Messiah”.
Who do you think you are? Abraham
Readings: Genesis 12:1-9
Watch out! The summer service programme begins this week. Busbridge Contemporary and Busbridge Classic services combine. Children’s groups take a break but Ben and Marcus will host a multi-age group on 23 July, 30 July, 20 August and 27 August.
10AM Busbridge Combined Service
Led by: Philippa Baker | Speaker: Margot Spencer
Busbridge Church
10AM Hambledon Morning Worship
Led by: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church
6PM Busbridge Evening Service [Holy Communion]
Led by: Simon Willetts | Speaker: David Brockman
Next Sunday 30 July
Who do you think you are? Ruth
Readings: Ruth - selected verses
10AM Busbridge Combined Service
Led by: Margot Spencer | Speaker: Clare Haddad
Busbridge Church
with multi-age children’s group in the Old Rectory. Children start in church.
10AM Hambledon Morning Worship
Led by: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church
FINAL NOTICE - Notice of the DRAFT Pastoral Scheme - issue 2 - has now been given by the Diocese of Guildford and is available for comment until Monday 24th July. Please email the church commissioners if you would like to comment on the Minster pastoral scheme (for or against). Messages in support of the Minster reorganisation would be helpful to the church commissioners too!
The Pastoral Scheme is the legal document which sets out the organisation of the new Godalming Minster and has been sent to the affected parishes of Godalming, Busbridge, Hambledon and Farncombe. The draft Pastoral Scheme and instructions to comment can be found on the Minster page under About Us HERE. There is a notice on the church doors and a printed copy of the draft pastoral scheme in each of the churches.
Bereavement Cafe
We meet in the Old Rectory on Tuesday 25th July from 2:30p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
There are free refreshments and a listening ear waiting for you if you would like to chat to one of our pastoral team or simply meet up in a safe space with others who have been bereaved. Please note that there is no Bereavement Cafe in August. We start again on Tuesday 26th September.
Nexus Event Thursday 3rd August: From Tunsgate Arch ‘Royal Guildford’ tour with a Town Guide
For our August outing this year, we have organised another popular walk around Guildford with a Town Guide. This year our private guided tour of will be about ‘Royal Guildford’. The town has had royal connections from the Saxon King Alfred to Queen Elizabeth II. Murders and beheadings feature in these stories as well as celebrations and jubilees! This tour will last between 60 - 90 minutes. We plan to go for a cuppa and cake afterwards! Numbers are limited and are up filling fast! Please contact Kate Kaye, if you would like to go. A donation of £5.00 is requested, in support of Skillway.
Monday Morning Reflections
We shall resume our sessions on Monday 4th September ( same time, same place). If you would like to start your week in quiet reflection over a passage of scripture do join us in September - you will be very welcome. For any further information please contact: Gertrud Sollars or Shan Hallam.
Wednesdays: Busbridge Morning Prayer and Hambledon Morning Prayer now take a break for summer and will restart in September (dates tbc).
Surrey Churches Ride & Stride will take place on Saturday 9th September to raise money to help preserve our local church buildings. If you have any cyclists who wish to take part as a member of a group then they are very welcome to join me (and perhaps others) as we set out from St John's church, Farncombe at 10.00am on 9th September. All of the necessary forms etc are available for download on the following website: http://www.surreychurchespreservationtrust.org/ride-stride/
pray & Give thanks for
The work of Prime Time and the Hearing Aid Clinics in and around Godalming.
Everyone who serves at church or with any church ministry. Please pray for discernment about how you would like to be involved in the new Minster, and what activities the Minster should prioritise while we await volunteers to gather?
get involved / serving
We're passionate about people feeling like they're a part of our church family and one of the best places to do that is as part of a team.
No matter your age or experience, there's a team that you can join, serving alongside others and getting to know people better in the church. You can find out about all our opportunities to serve and offer your time and talents on the Join a Team page.
Coming Up / plan ahead
See the events coming up next and look up dates further ahead in the full calendar.
Mid-week Prayer Gatherings
Mid-week morning prayer gatherings take a break in August. Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer and reflection.
Can we pray for you?
***Please send prayer requests to prayer@bhcgodalming.org***
Groups & Activities
The Men’s Group meets for breakfast at 8.15am on the first Saturdays of the month. See the calendar event for details.
Hambledon Coffee Morning and Hearing Aid Clinic takes place 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10.30am.
The 2023 Prime Time programme for Jul-Dec is now available. For all events and details, see Prime Time.
Nexus meets on the 1st Thursday of the month, with talks and activities for church members and the community. The 2023 Nexus programme can be found on Nexus.
Bereavement Café - The Bereavement Café is for anyone who has been bereaved recently or some time ago and provides a safe and supportive space to come and chat with members of the pastoral care team, and others who have experienced loss. Every last Tuesday of the month in the Old Rectory. More details >>>
Don’t forget about…
The MyChurchSuite app. It’s the easiest way to check dates, rotas, church emails, look up church members and sign up to events (without having to enter your details again and again!). Contact the Church Office if you’ve lost your login details or would like to request an account. The instructions which are now on the web site HERE.
For news from all the other local churches, see:
Churches Together Link Up - JULY 2023
Godalming Baptist Church Life Issues talks
See the full 2023 Life Issues programme.
To book a place contact Sally Pollard-pollard3@hotmail.co.uk or tel-01483-428646.
The Yew Tree Café at Busbridge Church is open 8.30am-4pm weekdays in term time, and 10am-2pm on Saturdays, and 10am-4pm during school holidays.
If you, or someone you know at church, are in need of support and care, please contact Sandra Wilkin via the church office, or e: pastoral@bhcgodalming.org.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email prayer@bhcgodalming.org or call 01483 421267.
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.