Simon Taylor: Contact, Connect, Fold in

Simon writes for the weekly notices:

Heavy artillery
This Palm Sunday, thank you for all your acts of kindness and signs of Christ’s love across this church family and in the wider community. Your presence makes a difference. Your prayers change the spiritual atmosphere. The Rt Revd Graham Cray called prayer “the heavy artillery of spiritual warfare”. I am hearing stories of people who have rarely been to church but who have prayed in the past two weeks.

Contact. Connect. Fold in
Over the next week or so every member of this church family will be contacted by us. I don’t know how many you think that might be but if you add up all the adults involved in Nexus, Ark, Explorers, WOW, Prayer Ministry, who have asked for this church email weekly… it is over 650 adults. We’ll contact you about inviting you to be connected to a key person who lives in your neighbourhood. It is about folding into a closer Christ community. It is a way to stay close whilst we are apart and to know the bonds of Christian love at a time such as this. If this isn’t for you, then you just need to reply to the email (next week). We expect most people will be wanting a little bit more connection and community; you may have it in spades yourself but I can promise you that if that is the case, you have something to share with Christians near you who need some of it. Share it and fold in with others!

Hope in dark times
If you’re looking for some hope, do read Simon W and my articles on the church website. Do check the youtube channel out and listen to our sermons from the past two weeks.  (Also available on the soundcloud).

There are too many people to thank. Today we’re celebrating Lorna Sherwin, Cathy Brooke, Penny Naylor, Jackie Rooke and others who are spearheading our community response team. Pray for them.

This is why we’re asking everyone to join the 10.30am and 4pm coffee rooms once or twice a week. You might be fine, but others there may need to see your beautiful face. Do it for them.

Simon Taylor
Rector of Busbridge&Hambledon and Area Dean of Godalming
A Deanery Family Encouraging, Enthusing & Equipping one another in Christ