A very warm welcome to Florence Whitmarsh, her family and friends, as she is baptised at Hambledon today.
We send our love and prayers to the Nelson family, following the death of Mark’s father on 2nd November. The funeral took place in Bodmin on Wednesday of this week. Please hold Mark, Julie, Luke and Rosina in your prayers; also Mark’s stepmother and sister.
We have been saddened to hear of the death of Margaret Holland, who died earlier in November, please pray for Margaret’s daughter Julie, her son Chris and the wider family, and also remember Ann Bishop, one of the residents at the Hydon Hill, who died in the RSCH on 19th October. Her funeral service will take place at Guildford Crematorium, on Wednesday 23rd November. Please pray for her fellow residents at Hydon Hill and for all who knew her through her regular attendance at the communion services there.
On Tuesday 15th, Simon, Mark and Frances attended an important meeting with the Diocesan Chancellor and various other Parties to discuss the Temporary Licence for the removal of the Busbridge chancel walls. They will be submitting their report, observations and recommendations to PCC for their consideration and will let you know PCC’s decision as soon as they can.
The Busbridge Ball - Raffle donations wanted
The second annual Busbridge ball fundraiser in aid of the old rectory is taking place on February 25th 2017 and notification of how to purchase your tickets will be coming out shortly. Last year the raffle was a major contributor to the fantastic amount raised and we would like to hold another at this year’s event. To avoid the raffle taking too much time we are looking to have around a dozen or so really nice prizes. We would be grateful if anyone has a business contact or a possible prize available that they would be prepared to donate, if they would get in touch with Juliet Shadrick or Sue Hardy. Many thanks in advance.
Besom Hampers
Would you like to help brighten someone’s Christmas? Last year, with Besom, we made up and delivered 25 hampers to local people in need. Be part of it this year by generously donating goodies to put in the hampers from this Sunday 20th November through to Sunday 11th December (boxes in Busbridge and Hambledon church); and/or helping to pack and deliver the hampers. Packing will take place on Thursday 15th December at the Church Centre at 7.00pm with deliveries on 16th and 17th December. See The Channel for Mission update available at the back of church for more information, or if you would like to help, please contact Jo Cookes
Reverence Service: Hambledon Advent Evensong
An opportunity to pause and reflect, as we approach Christmas with a traditional service of hymns, prayers and psalms in the style of choral evensong: Sunday 27th November, 4.00pm at Hambledon Church.
Hambledon vestry
ARE YOU A VESTRY KEY-HOLDER? As a final item for the vestry refurbishment work, we will be renewing the worn lock of the main vestry entrance door. To ensure that if you are a current key-holder, you receive a new key to the new lock, we need to know who you are. Also, there is now an insurance requirement for a register of church key-holders to be maintained. As a first step, if you have a key to the vestry door, please advise Jenny Henderson by 15th January 2017.
Stars in Their Eyes…
...is coming to Godalming! So if you fancy bringing out your inner diva or showing off your rock star alter ego, then start rummaging through your wardrobe for your costume and put 25th March 2017 in your diaries. Individuals, duets and groups all welcome! Tim Davies is organising this extravaganza, so if you’d like to put your name down or find out a bit more, please email stars@bhcgodalming.org.
Night, Night. God Bless: Tuesday 29th November – a date for the family diary.
Would you value being equipped and enabled to pray with your young family? Then, come along at 4.00pm – 5.00pm with your children to the next family friendly prayer event in Busbridge Church which has a specific focus on praying with children. To join in the fun – come along in your onesie and bring your cuddly friend. You will end up with a “prayer bag” of ideas to take away with you to use at home. For the grownups – the prayer event starts later the same evening - 8.00pm – 9.00pm in church. Contact Shân Hallam for the children’s event and David Mace for the 8.00 – 9.00pm event if you’d like more information.
Please pray for...
· The family and friends of Margaret Holland and Ann Bishop
· The Nelson family and the Blackman family
· Chris and Maggie Jagger and the SALCET team in Uganda
· The Postills - John who has shingles and Jeannie, recovering from a chest infection
· Our political leaders
· Upcoming events: Jingle & Mingle, Night Night, God Bless prayer event and the Nexus Christmas Quiz
· The Paddock and their Road Steward, Judith Rolfe
· Duncombe Road and Church Lane