Sunday 19 February 2017

Marriage Course

A new Marriage Course will be starting in April - there are limited places so if you are interested in attending please email ASAP. Leaflets with more information are at the back of church or on the website


Squires Lunch

Our next Squires lunch is on the 26th February 2017 at the usual time of 12 noon. If you would like to join us and sample the gastronomy perhaps you would let me, Terry Swanton, know before Wednesday the 22nd February so I may warn Squires how many are likely to descend on them from Busbridge&Hambledon Church! Hope you will be able to join us and I look forward to seeing you there.


Lent Devotional Study

Bishop Michael Baughen has provided copies of his 30 day devotional study on 2 Timothy for the church at a discount rate of £3. BHC has ordered books in advance and they will be made available during the services from Sunday 19th February. This study can be done Mon-Fri during the 40 day period of Lent and has been included as part of the home group study on 2 Timothy. This is provided on a first come first served basis. Please contact with any questions.


New Head Teacher for Busbridge Junior School

A team of governors are actively working to find a new head for our great school. Please pray that their actions and decisions will be in strong alignment with God’s plan for the school and for our community.

Please also pray for Carolyn as she prepares to leave, all staff and children, and the new head when they are appointed.


Old Rectory

2 weeks to go to our March 5th Anniversary Service!


As you may have read in the notices last week, we are holding a week of 24/7 prayer coverage starting at 10.00pm on 1st March. You don't have to be anywhere in particular - pray at home, on the train, at work, wherever. The idea is simply that one (or more) people in our church will be praying for the future of our church at all times during these few days. We have an online prayer calendar. Sign up now at and choose which slot(s) you'll pray (multiple people can pray at the same time, so choose whenever you like).  Let's work together as a church to pray continually over that time!


We have reached an impressive milestone that approximately 60% of the Busbridge&Hambledon Church congregation have contributed to the Busbridge Central / Old Rectory project. THANK YOU! There are just two more weeks in our push to complete funding for the Old Rectory development - plans are ready, we'd like to start building work ASAP.


Only 1 person responded to the following notice…is there really no one else who can help?! Come on!

150th Celebration March 5th Can you help with any of the following?

· We need a few easy assemble pop-up gazebos to supplement the existing marquees as a wet weather contingency. Can you lend one?

· Could you help keep the roads safe as a parking marshal before the service (you will be fully briefed)?

· Could you be part of a team clearing up on the Sunday afternoon?

If you can help with any of these please get in touch with Janine Bailey on 07941 131162 or


Celebration Service

Join us for our celebration service in Busbridge Church at 10.00am on Sunday 5th March, with special activities for children. Following the main service there will be a short ceremony in the Old Rectory Garden to mark its future role in Busbridge Church’s ministry, with coffee and anniversary cake. All are very welcome.

This will be followed by a Spring BBQ lunch to which all are welcome, whether or not they have attended the service. To help with planning for the lunch please let us know if you will be joining us by emailing with “service” as your message title, or sign up in the back of church.

please pray for…

· The Bridge Magazine

· Busbridge Junior and their Head Teacher recruitment team

· Those doing the March Marriage Preparation course

· The first 150th Anniversary Celebration event

· The Alpha course

· College Hill and their road steward, Debbie Scott

· Home Farm Road and Salt Lane