Celebration Service
Join us for a celebration service in Busbridge Church at 10.00am on Sunday 5th March, with special activities for children. Following the main service there will be a short ceremony in the Old Rectory Garden to mark its future role in Busbridge Church’s ministry, with coffee and anniversary cake. All are very welcome.
This will be followed by a Spring BBQ lunch to which all are welcome, whether or not they have attended the service. To help with planning for the lunch please let us know if you will be joining us by emailing 150th@bhcgodalming.org with “service” as your message title, or sign up in the back of church (Busbridge).
Old Rectory ‘Giving Weeks’ Update...4 weeks to go to our March 5th Anniversary Service
Prayer: this week our focus is on our whole BHC community – we pray that each of us will hear God’s vision for our role in the church, whether ‘big’ or ‘small’.
O.R. is for ALL of us: If you have children, O.R. will provide new dedicated spaces that our toddler and youth teams can tailor for better learning and more fun. If you enjoy a cuppa and a chat (who doesn’t?!), you’ll be able to drop in any time to a proper coffee spot. We’ll have a new kitchen and more parking, so weddings and other events can run even more smoothly. And for all of us, there will be quiet spaces for prayer, group Bible study or reflection.
Latest: The number of people who have listened to the Jan 8th talk about Old Rectory and the vision for 2017 has doubled in the last week, up to 61. It’s great that people are tuning in to that important update, please encourage your friends to do so if they haven’t already.
150 Years and 75 hours!
March 1st – 8.00pm, Ash Wednesday is the 150th Anniversary of Busbridge Church.We’re calling every member of the church to worship at 8.00pm and/or come at 9.00pm for a whole church 40 minutes of prayer for Old Rectory and the future. This is one of our three whole church prayer gatherings of the year. From the end of the Ash Wednesday Service at 9.00pm we plan to cover the following 75 hours in 24/7 prayer to commit the coming years and future of the church to God's directing.
We are looking for everyone: individuals/pairs/groups to commit to pray in hour slots from 10.00pm Wednesday (the first forty minutes is for everyone and will be led in church) until midnight on Saturday 4th. (Before the Gift service on 5th).The prayer can be anywhere, so does not mean you have to come to church in that hour in order to pray.
A list will be coming shortly for you to sign up for specific hours, so please check your diary and commit to sign up soon.
Prayer Triplets Caroline Luard has been charged with finding out how many people in Busbridge&Hambledon are involved in prayer triplets/partners. It would be very helpful if you could drop her a quick email if you are in one.
Concert: On Saturday 25th of February at 6.30pm, the Tilford Bach Society is holding their 2nd Conservatoire Concert in the series. Featuring the Camilli String Quartet from Trinity Laban and playing a variety of music ranging from Beethoven to Irvin Berlin and Cole Porter. Free admission with a retiring collection.
Message from Clare Haddad
Greetings from Guildford! One month in I am enjoying my Local Licensed Ministry training placement at All Saints Onslow Village. The vicar is Beverly Watson who is married to the Bishop. It is like a big proactive happy and very caring family. The 4.00pm Sunday slot for messy church and Songs of Praise works here. Love to you all. Clare
Space for God
Tuesday 7th February 8.00pm - 9.00pm in church. In the midst of all the busyness of life, this is a time for refreshment and stillness with God. After a short introduction, the hour is given over to quiet personal prayer with some activities on offer to help you meet with God in the quiet.
Volunteers required for church opening at Hambledon
We are planning to open the church on a daily basis from 1st March and will need volunteers to open it by 9.30am and lock it by 5.00pm. If you can help in anyway, even if only occasionally, please phone Jenny Henderson on 01428 682624 and let her know what help you might be able to give. The more volunteers we have, the easier it will be for all of us. Thank you!
Busbridge Junior School has an opening for the post of Clerk to the Governors. If this would interest you please contact the school on 417302 for more information.
please pray for…
· Churches Together
· The Movie Ministry team and their events for 2017
· The Prime Time Wisley trip
· The first 150th Anniversary Celebration event
· The Alpha course
· Beechway and their road steward, Susie Chandler
· High Ridge and Rock Hill