This Sunday
Part 4 in the Autumn Sermon series: The Beatitudes - “Falling Upwards”
“Blessed are the those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled”
at church
On Zoom - BHC Public Room | PMI: 946-391-4833 | PW: 2020
Go to What’s On and select the event to join the meetings on Zoom
Children & Youth
Unplugged Youth Light Party - Sat 31 Oct, 7.45-9PM | Explorers Light Party - Sun 1 Nov, 4-5PM
1 November - Half-term: No CYF groups this Sunday (Ark, Explorers, Pathfinders or Ichthus).
Busbridge Contemporary FUSE (all age service) - Sunday 1 November, 10AM
& both Light Parties will provide acts of worship for our older children and youth. Email Anto Ficatier for details or sign up via the calendar.
Next Sunday
The Notices
Thanks to all those who joined the APCMs on Zoom last Sunday, and voted in the following church officers: Busbridge Churchwardens 2020-2021
Frances Shaw
Keith Harper
Hambledon Churchwardens 2020-2021
Derek Pearsall
Fran Duffell
Thanks were given to Liz Cooke on completion of her 6 year term as churchwarden.
The Electoral Roll which allows you to vote at the APCMs is now reopen for applications. Please find the application form here.
All Souls Service THIS Sunday 1 Nov
As we are unable to hold our annual Memorial service in the usual way this year but the 10AM service at Busbridge will be on the theme of All Souls, and include a reading of names of loved ones. Priority to attend the service will be given to church members who have been bereaved in 2020. Space in church is limited, but it is also possible to sit and listen to the service in the churchyard. If you usually attend the Classic service, or would like to attend this special service, please sign up in the usual way.
If you would like someone remembered by name during the service, please use the sign up form for the event, or email Margot Spencer. Please note that, by submitting a name, you are giving permission for it to be read out and broadcast to a wider audience than would usually be the case.
FIRE PIT service at Busbridge Church, Sunday 1 Nov at 7PM
An outdoor service with fire pits for warmth, light and to signify the presence of the Holy Spirit. This will be a short gathering with a charismatic feel. We need you (and your fire-pits, torches and maybe umbrellas) to come! Please sign up in advance to assist with Test and Trace. If you are able to bring and care for a fire-pit on the day, please contact Annie (
Remembrance Services, 8 November
10.30AM outside at Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church
The Remembrance services replace 9AM at Hambledon 10AM Busbridge Classic & Contemporary services. Brighton Road and the roads surrounding the church will be closed from 10AM to 12noon to allow for additional standing room around the war memorial.
Prayer Opportunities and changes to times:
Change to Morning Prayer on Zoom: From November, Morning Prayer will be at 9AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. ‘Listening Prayer’ will continue to take place on on Monday mornings at the slightly later time of 8.45-9.30AM on Zoom. Space for God (early bird) has migrated. It is not quite so early any more, on
the first Wednesday of the month (e.g. 4th November) from 7.45 to 8.30AM. Morning Prayer restarts at Hambledon Church at 9.30AM every Wednesdays from 4 November. Also the Prayer Ministry team will be leading a 12 hour prayer vigil on 14th November to pray for families affected by Covid crisis and for the community initiatives that are working with them including Godalming food bank and the Cellar. All welcome to sign up to join the team to pray from the Church or at home, 1 hour slots. Email Michael Stubbs. The prayer page will shortly be updated to reflect these changes but you can find out about the different meetings on the PRAYER page.
NEXUS is back on 5 November at 8pm, with an online talk by Simon Willetts titled: Never Say Never. All welcome to the talk in the BHC Public Zoom Room. The event can be found in What’s On. (Save the Date for the NEXUS Christmas Quiz on Saturday 7 December, starting at 7.30PM in the BHC Zoom room too.)
Who is Missing?
With the threat of increased restrictions, if there is anyone you can think of that you haven’t seen or heard from at church or on Zoom, and may not receive (or read!) the notices, please consider trying to make contact. In April our Small Group leaders led an activity to contact everyone on the church database to check they were OK and invite them to connect with a small group. This is a follow up to that, but we are asking all members of the church family to think about those who may be self isolating, in need of support or a friendly phone call every now and then. If you have any questions or need to pass on a request for further support, please contact Jill Johnston in the Pastoral Care team.
Live Streaming We know that people have commented on the quality of the internet coverage on Sundays in Busbridge. We’re working on providing the technology and are hugely grateful to Tim Davies and others for their time on this. There have been a lot of internet problems in the Busbridge area recently which has made our live stream go jittery from time to time. We’re purchasing some equipment including a backup box which uses the mobile phone network so we are hoping that our more usual smoothness will return this Sunday. Thankyou for bearing with us. If you’d like to help fund the work we are doing in this area please speak to Martin Lambert (treasurer) or for more information and a confidential chat about the vision for it, Simon Taylor (Busbridge) or Simon Willetts (Hambledon).
Road Stewards needed for The Bridge magazine for Grayling Close and Windy Wood.
The Bridge magazine is looking for two new road stewards who, 6 times a year, would be willing to deliver magazines to either Grayling Close (46 houses) or Windy Wood (38 houses). If you live in, or close to, either of these roads, (or maybe know someone who does and might be willing to take on the role) please contact the editor, Cathy, at We'd be delighted and most appreciative to hear from you.
***WARNING: Christmas section ***
With a shortage of opportunities to gather people all at once, our key community event for Advent and Christmas will be the “Comfort & Joy” Exhibitions at Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church - open to anyone to get involved and contribute creative works loosely on the theme, and to visitors from 7 December. We’ve adopted the Church of England theme for Christmas 2020 (which you can read about here) and are calling on church members and the local communities to make it your own.
If you would like to find out more, contribute something to either exhibition, or encourage a local friend or group to produce something, please contact Lisa Olsworth-Peter. We want lots of community involvement and visitors at both churches! BIG Advent Stars made by Rob Hewlett will be lighting up at both churches at 5PM on Advent Sunday, 29 November.
Christmas Eve Drive In “Bling your Car” at Godalming College! Given the likelihood of existing or higher COVID 19 restrictions severely limiting numbers (and singing!) in church, a drive in carol service offers the safest opportunity to gather and share a Christmas experience with your church family and the local community - and exercise your lungs in the confines of your car. We are delighted that Godalming College has offered its grounds to host the event. The central, well known location, tarmac carpark, lights and other infrastructure make the organisation quite easy - but there’s still some planning to do! If you can help on Christmas Eve, please contact Patrick Samuels who is leading the team of organisers, ASAP. We need people to help on the evening but also those who can help plan and organise now.
Outward Giving & Outreach
CORRECTION TO LAST WEEK: The Busbridge&Hambledon Church Christmas £ Appeal will be in aid of the Trinity Trust Team. Take a look at their web site to find out about TTT’s great work with young people in the Godalming area. More information and how to give will follow in advance of Mission Sunday on 13 December.
We will again be supporting BESOM this Christmas through by preparing hampers for delivery to families in need. Unfortunately the Taylors’ jolly hamper filling party won’t be possible this year, so the Outward Giving team are working out how, what and when. Please be ready for instructions!
The BHC ladies group coordinated by Nicky Hemery are liaising with the Godalming Community Store and hope to be able to give out Meaningful Chocolate Real Advent Calendars to bless community store clients before 1 December. Each calendar is £3.50. If you would like to contribute to the fund to buy a calendar, please contact Nicky Hemery.
Churches Together in Godalming will not be able to run their usual Christmas lunch this year, but there may be many people who are on their own with families unable to visit them. We are hoping to put together a list of volunteers who would visit anyone on their own on Christmas Day, with a small gift and card. We would go in pairs and not enter people’s houses. If anyone would like to volunteer to join us, please contact Gillian Martin ( or if you or anyone else would like a visit, please contact Gwen Wheatman (
Busbridge Church Christmas cards for sale
Pack of ten of 2 designs with envelopes for £4. The cards say Happy Christmas inside! Contact the church office to place an order.
Please pray for
Please pray for these roads and their residents, and perhaps include them on a prayer walk this week:
Ramsden Road, Busbridge and road steward Ruth Roseblade
Church Lane, Hambledon
And those working in healthcare and medicine.
What’s On
Click Here for What’s on this week and beyond. It’s all in the calendar and more details for each event can be found when you select it.
6 week Road Closure on Brighton Road from 26 October
Gas works will begin on 26 October between Crownpits Lane and Latimer Road, and a diversion via the A3100, Broadford Road, A281 and the B2130 will be in place. Please allow extra time if this affects your journey to church, or school.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.