This Sunday
Handling Stress
Part 1: Handling Stress from expectations | Luke 24:17-24 followed by Acts 1:6-8
Essential Links for Sundays
BHC Public Zoom Room
946-391-4833 | PW 2021
CLICK HERE to get together on Zoom after each service for a virtual coffee, at 6PM for Unplugged and mid-week Morning Prayer.
Children & Youth
online services
9AM Online Heritage Service
Speaker: Peter Shaw
9AM Classic Service (live broadcast)
Speaker: Peter Shaw
10.15AM FUSE all age service (live broadcast)
Mark Puddephatt and the FUSE team
No Ark and Explorers sessions this week.
See you all at FUSE!
4.30PM Pathfinders (age 11-14s) on Zoom
7.30PM Ichthus (age 15-18s) on Zoom
Contact Anto Ficatier for joining details
Click the service below to join on YouTube
Then all welcome at any of the following virtual coffee and catch-up sessions. Drop in for 5, 10, or 15 mins…
Next Sunday 14 February
Handling Stress from broken relationships
Reading John 21: 15-19
Children & Youth
9AM Ark session on YouTube
11.15AM Explorers (Zoom)
5PM Youth Half-term Party for Pathfinders & Ichthus (Zoom)
Online Services
9AM Heritage (pre-recorded)
Speaker: Keith Harper
9AM Classic (live)
Speaker: Keith Harper
10.15AM Contemporary Conversations from the Couch
On the couch: Peter Shaw and Simon Willetts
the notices
Plans are hatching for our second locked down Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Lent starts (with Ash Wednesday) on 17 February which is during half-term.
There will be an online Ash Wednesday service with ashing, but no communion, and this year for our younger church families, the CYF team have prepared “Lent in a bag”. The bags with paper chain kits - with a prayer or challange on each link, to be added to the chain once the action is completed - will be available for Ark and Explorers to pick up in the church porches from Sunday 7 Feb.
Things to get involved in
Weekday Reflections - there will be daily reflections to expand on the sermon series The Challenges of…, led by different church members on YouTube - please let Andy Spencer know if you’d like to film yourself leading a reflection. The reading, prayer and thought will be provided for you. During Advent it was nice to see many different faces on screen, and those that took part enjoyed making a contribution in circumstances when ways to serve and be involved in church life may seem more limited. Please be encouraged to put yourself forward.
Alongside, we are also planning “Refreshment by Text”, with topical, eco and community challenges to boost body, mind and soul every weekday through Lent. If anyone has any thoughts or a call to be involved, please contact Vic Hicks.
Penny (Older People) and Judith (4-11s). Penny and Judith are planning another cross-over initiative for Lent and Easter whereby our younger church members can be involved in sharing a message of love and community with our older people who are perhaps shielding or isolated. Do get in touch with Penny or Judith if you’d like to be involved.
Preeces’ Doorstop Farewell - if on your daily constitutional walk, run or cycle, you might happen across the curate’s home, you might like to text or ring the bell and stand back to wave goodbye when they open the door. Dave and Hannah have created a doodle with times when this would be convenient, but also to avoid a suspicious crowd of exercising people arriving at the same time. Here’s a link to the Doodle Poll to pop your name in if you would like to see their faces in the flesh for one last time: .
UPDATE Church Family Support Fund - accepting applications AND DONATIONS
Thanks to recent notices and people spreading the word, the CFSF has received a number of applications recently and has be able to help support several families with equipment for home learning. A further challenge that has become apparent is that those who don’t have adequate hardware for home learning, may also be without broadband. This is another thing for which the CFSF might be able to support.
The fund now needs a top up so that we can keep helping people, so the trustees would welcome donations as well as applications. Information on how the fund operates, and to make a donation, or an application on behalf of someone, see the CFSF page.
Donation of unused laptops or tablets. Please consider if you have any suitable laptops or tablets which could be passed on to children at St Mark’s school. They will be gratefully received.
Left property
Following December’s Comfort & Joy exhibition we find ourselves left with a small knitted Christmas pudding. It measures about 2 ½ inches x 2 ¼ inches and could be a hat for a Sindy doll or maybe it’s a Ferrero Rocher cover (yes, they really do exist – I’ve seen them at craft fairs…!)
It may be small, but someone has put a lot of time and effort into making this (and often the smaller the item, the trickier it is to make). It would be such a shame if we were unable to reunite this item with its owner. If anyone recognises this item they are welcome to email Penny on or leave a message on the Church Office number.
BRIDGE UPDATE: The JAN/FEB edition of the Bridge is available online … click here. We are still looking for a road steward to cover the bottom part of the Brighton Road. If you live in, or close to, either of these roads, (or maybe know someone who does and might be willing to take on the role) please contact the editor, Cathy, at We'd be delighted and most appreciative to hear from you.
Starting Soon
Alpha Online starting 9 February - is it for you? / Who will you invite?
It’s starting again soon! The next course will run on Tuesdays, starting 9 February for 11 weeks. The course begins with a 'no obligation' introductory session led by (Rev) Hilary Pettman and Keith Harper, LLM. Hilary and Keith have been involved in several Alphas, both the physical courses and online. To register your interest, please go to the Alpha page and complete the form, or send the link to a friend.
UPDATE on the Hope in Depression Course
We know many people are struggling, and this course offers a lifeline. The course is ready, facilitators are trained, and we are now waiting and praying for delegates to be brave enough to sign up. (The first session was delayed as we await sufficient numbers to make it viable). Find all the details, and register in confidence on the Hope in Depression page, and please do share the details with anyone suffering with mental health problems, and those supporting them.
NEXT Nexus Talk - Hear about the Godalming and Villages Community Store from town councillor Richard Ashworth. Thursday 4 February, 8pm in the BHC Zoom room.
This is all about the community supporting its friends and neighbours during these unprecedented and difficult times. Come along to learn how the Store operates and how much it is appreciated by those in unexpected need. It will start at 8.00pm, and you can join from 7.45pm to have a chat with others. Bring your own refreshments!! All are welcome, including men! There will be no charge, but donations can be made on their Just Giving page.
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event to join the meetings on Zoom, or sign up.
Update on Monday Listening Prayer - NOW Reflective prayer - What is it?
Since the end of April last year, about a dozen have met on Zoom on Monday mornings to spend time together in the presence of God. In practice, it looks a bit like this:
We start by quieting ourselves, maybe listening to some music. We then have a short Bible reading with a very brief reflection on it – just a few sentences to help us engage with the story – and after that a time of silence to enter into the story and listen to what God wants to say to us. At the end of this, we may have some more music and then anyone who would like to can share what they have heard, but there is no pressure. We end with thanking God for his presence and asking him to go with us through the new day.
Please join us if you would like to, on Mondays from 8.45-9.30 a.m.; BHC Public Personal Meeting Room, Zoom ID 946 391 4833, password 2021.
Lisa Olsworth-Peter, Gertrud Sollars, Shan Hallam
Catch up on News from other areas
A word from
Rector’s Reflections
Prime Time Lockdown Blog
Please Pray for
Beechway and its road steward Susie Musk
Hambledon Park
Godalming Churches Together, and our BHC representatives on the committee Michael Stubbs and Margot Spencer.
What’s On
Click Here for What’s on this week and beyond. It’s all in the calendar and more details for each event can be found when you select it.
Busbridge Church reopen for private prayer
Busbridge Church is open again daily for private prayer from approximately 9.30am-4pm, and Hambledon Church is open daily from approximately 9am-5pm.
The Old Rectory is closed for the time being and clergy and staff are working from home. The answerphone is checked regularly, but the best way to reach people is by email.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.