Please print and deliver a copy to anyone you know who is not online or on our distribution list.
This Sunday
Lent Sermon series: The Challenges of … following the gospel of Luke.
Lent 1: The Challenge to be inclusive - Reading Luke 4:14-30
With farewell to the Preece family
Children & Youth
online services
9AM Heritage (Live from Hambledon!)
Speaker: Simon Willetts
9AM Classic (live)
Speaker: Dave Preece
10.15AM Contemporary Conversations from the Couch
On the couch: Simon Taylor and Dave Preece (and family)
Half-term! But you can be getting on with Lent in a Bag…
We will be saying goodbye to our curate and his family this Sunday before their move to Saxmundham, Suffolk. Do tune in to listen to Dave preach at Busbridge&Hambledon for the last time, and to say goodbye during the services, and at virtual coffee on Zoom from 11AM.
Then all welcome at any of the following virtual coffee and catch-up sessions. Drop in for 5, 10, or 15 mins…
BHC Public Zoom Room
946-391-4833 | PW 2021
CLICK HERE to get together on Zoom after each service for a virtual coffee, and mid-week Morning Prayer.
The next virtual catch up for the Busbridge evening congregation will be on Sunday 7 March at 6.30PM.
Next Sunday 28 February
Lent Sermon series: The Challenges of … following the gospel of Luke.
Lent 1: The Challenge to recognise God in Jesus
Reading Luke 5: 17-26
Children & Youth
Sunday School groups resume
Online Services
9AM Heritage (Live from Hambledon!)
9AM Classic (live)
10.15AM Contemporary Conversations from the Couch
6PM Unplugged Youth Service (on Zoom)
the notices
Keep an eye on What’s On / Lent and Easter for full details of all services, events and activities.
Over the coming weeks of Lent and Easter, we’ll be thinking about what “A Long Awaited Ending” means to us - as both individuals and global citizens in 2021, and as Christians looking towards the trials, death and resurrection of Jesus. The latest Rector’s Reflection for the Hambledon Parish and Bridge magazines explains the theme (see below).
We had nearly 90 people watching the Ash Wednesday service, and the first live stream from Hambledon Church this week. Well done and thanks to the team that made it happen. Click here to watch the service. This means that the Heritage service will now be broadcast live at 9AM on Sundays too.
Penny’s weekly Prime Time blog has been re-shared this week, so it’s going rather wider than Penny first imagined! Debbie Thrower (remember Pebble Mill, and her days of presenting Songs of Praise?) has seen it and posted about it on her own blog!
3 things for Lent
1) Lent Reflections - Monday to Friday on YouTube. A reading, a thought and a prayer building on the Lent Sermon series in which we explore some of the prevailing challenges to us as Christians, with reference to the challenges of Jesus in the gospel of Luke. Bookmark the Lent Reflections page to check for the latest reflection every week day in Lent. Dave and Hannah have followed Andy Spencer this week, in one of their last appearances at Busbridge&Hambledon:
Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to lead a reflection provided by Andy Spencer. There are still a few days to cover, so please contact Andy if you are able to film yourself.
2) Refresh by text - sign up NOW to receive a text every week day. Let’s Go! >>> For this one we’ve decided to drop “challenge” in favour of “Refresh” and the daily suggestions will aim to boost mind, body and soul; spur us onto positive action locally, and encourage us to consider lifestyle changes that might positively support the environment. We are linking it to our mission partner and the Easter Appeal for A Rocha UK. (And on that note, please also see the info below about the Godalming Climate Forum this Saturday).
Some of the challenges will be just for fun, as an antidote to lockdown, and to remind us of the joy we get from being part of a wonderful church family. The Woody Wicks warm up for day 2 is one example, but some days will be a little harder and thought provoking! Let’s Go! >>>
3) For Ark and Explorers - Lent in a Bag! Collect your bag from either Busbridge or Hambledon Church porch by Ash Wednesday to create the prayer paper chain during Lent.
Alpha Online - is it for you? / Who will you invite?
The latest online Alpha course got underway on Tuesday 9 Feb. Please pray for all those involved. The course is running on Tuesdays, the next 10 weeks. To find out more, and to register your interest, please go to the Alpha page and complete the form, or send the link to a friend.
Hope in Depression Course - 6 sessions starting Tuesday 23 Feb
We are pleased to have scheduled a new start date for a group of delegates, and would continue to encourage anyone struggling to please take heart and sign up too. Find all the details, and register in confidence on the Hope in Depression page, and please do share the details with anyone suffering with stress, anxiety or depression, and those supporting them.
NEW DATE for the NEXUS talk: Walking the Camino Way, Thursday 4 March
Ceri’s talk was postponed in January so Nexus is delighted to arrange a new date. Ceri Apark will share with us the challenges and highpoints of her five weeks walking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, in Spain. It will be wonderful to see her photos of sunny Spain and learn of her experiences. Will you be inspired to follow in her footsteps? Something to plan for after Covid-19, maybe?? This will be a Zoom event, so you’ll need to bring your own wine and nibbles! We’ll start at 8.00pm but please join from 7.45pm for a chance to chat with others. BHC PUBLIC Personal Meeting Room: 946 391 4833 Password: 2021. We look forward to seeing you. All are welcome, including men!
We have been saddened to hear that Barbara Hubble died on 12 February, in Milford Hospital, aged 90. She and Julian are known to many of us from the years when they worshipped here, and they have remained faithful members of Prime Time. A celebration of Barbara’s life will be held on Thursday 25 March at 12 noon. The service will be live-streamed from Clandon Wood Natural Burial Ground and there will be a link nearer the time, for anyone who wishes to join the service online. Please hold Julian in your prayers.
Godalming Climate Forum
Hello to all who want to take action about climate change and feel frustrated during lockdown that so little is happening. There is nothing like taking personal action to feel part of a collective movement to create change for the better. Godalming Town Council is promoting an online Climate Forum event on Saturday 20th February. You will be able to explore what more you might do.
This is free of charge, all you have to do is book and choose which sessions you want to attend. I'm sure you will enjoy taking part.
Vacancy with Waverley Abbey College for the post of College Manager & Academic Registrar. For details see:
World Day of Prayer - 5 March 2021. You are invited to join in a service from St Peter’s Church Wrecklesham via YouTube to pray with Vanautu. More details.
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event to join the meetings on Zoom, or sign up.
Please Pray for
Braemer Close and its road stewards David and Lizzie Burndred
Lane End
The Bridge and Hambledon Parish magazines
Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church are both open daily for private prayer.
The Old Rectory is closed for the time being and clergy and staff are working from home. The answerphone is checked regularly, but the best way to reach people is by email.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.