Please print and deliver a copy to anyone you know who is not online or on our distribution list. There are also some copies on the font at the back of Busbridge church.
Mothering Sunday
Lent Sermon series: The Challenges of Jesus…
The Challenge to rethink what it means to be great!
Reading Mark 9: 33-37
online services
Click below to play! Select the embedded YouTube link for each service to watch when they start broadcasting on Sunday.
9AM Classic from Busbridge
Leader: Frances Shaw
Preacher: Gertrud Sollars
9AM BHC Heritage (from Hambledon) Leader & Speaker: Simon Willetts
10:15AM FUSE all age service
Led by the FUSE team
Craft materials required! Here’s what you’ll need:
Scissors, glue, Sellotape, Yellow paper (3cm by 10cm), Coloured paper (three or four 10cm by 10cm squares) — whichever colour they want the petals to be, Green paper (10cm by 21cm).
Then all welcome at any of the following virtual coffee and catch-up sessions. Drop in for 5, 10, or 15 mins…
BHC Public Zoom Room
946-391-4833 | PW 2021
CLICK HERE to get together on Zoom after each service for a virtual coffee, and mid-week Morning Prayer.
5.30PM - 6.30PM Youth Art Jam for Pathfinders and Ichthus this Sunday.
Watch Anto to find out more.
Next Sunday 21 March
Lent Sermon series: The Challenges of Jesus …
The challenge of jesus to promote racial justice
Readings: Isaiah 61: 1-3, 8-11 and Micah: 6:8
Children & Youth
9AM Ark
11.15AM Explorers
4PM Pathfinders
7.30PM Ichthus
Online Services
9AM BHC Heritage (from Hambledon)
Simon Taylor and Andy Spencer
9AM BHC Classic (from Busbridge)
Philippa Baker and Andy Spencer
10.15AM Contemporary: Conversations from the Couch (from Busbridge)
Anto Ficatier and Simon Taylor
The Notices
Easter Update
Easter Day Services at Busbridge and Hambledon
We are delighted that we will celebrate Easter Day both online, and at Busbridge and Hambledon churches with safely distanced congregations outdoors (which allows more people to attend). Communion will also take place at each service on Easter Day. If you would like to attend in person, please sign up using the event link below. Face coverings are required and congregation singing is not permitted, but there will be hymns and music.
Palm Sunday (9AM service and 10:15AM Messy Church on Zoom) to Good Friday through Holy Week will remain online. See everything that’s happening.
Godalming Churches Together have designed a Good Friday Pilgrim Trail & Quiz around the Churches in Godalming too, so watch out for details on that.
Easter Appeal for A Rocha UK—Caring for God’s Earth
Instead of a Mission Sunday this Easter, this year we are running a “Mission Month” during Lent. Our Easter Appeal is in aid of our mission partner charity, A Rocha UK. A Rocha UK is a Christian charity campaigning for the environment through number of activities. Please take time to read the Outward Giving Update which explains A Rocha UK’s activities and follow the instructions to make a donation. (Copies of the OG Update can be found at the back of Busbridge Church). To support the Easter Appeal, there is an eco thread to the Lent challenges which are being sent out on weekdays by text. Catch up on this week’s challenges (see below).
David Preece licensing at Saxmundham: 6PM on 22 March
Dave and Hannah have sent an invitation to Dave’s licensing via Zoom.
Zoom: No password needed.
Dave writes: It'll be as pared back as possible (pretty much just the legal necessities) as we're planning a bigger celebration of ministry with friends, family, and food in the future when restrictions allow. They would love to “see” their Busbridge and Hambledon family there too.
Busbridge Church Centre Redevelopment
We are delighted that the Busbridge Church drop in coffee space in the church centre for our church ministry, toddler groups, older people… so many people! is inching towards happening and we’re grateful to the team (Carol, Ellis, Tom, Ruth, Chad, Dave) who have got it this far over the past 18 months. Many of the team are now involved in other things so we’re now looking for a little short term ‘delivery’ team to lead on organising the actual fit out and the vision for volunteers (disciples with a heart for this) and how it can run. If this gets you interested in helping organise things practically over the next couple of months please contact either Tom Jones (via the church office) or Simon Taylor. We’ll have a meeting to explain where we are, what we need and what comes next. We’re not looking for the disciples who will be behind the ‘counter’ yet but the people who can help organise things, order equipment, be hands on supporting right now and so on.
Answers to “Ask a Simon”
Following last week’s invitation to “Ask a Simon” anything that was on your mind, or didn’t know how to find out:
Simon Taylor and Simon Willetts have replied to several people who asked us questions directly, and will also add these questions to the web site next week.
Simon T has had 11 phone calls asking questions and he’s loved chatting them through with people.
The Simons plan to pop in to all the Small Groups to answer any questions in the next few weeks.
If anyone wants to know the range of questions/emails/phone calls, some of which we have not answered yet but will be on the website:
When will we have in person communion in both kinds? [A: Soon!]
Will we be offering YouTube services online after Covid for those of us not able to come every week (eg if husband is not a Christian)?
What has happened to our finances over Covid as we’ve heard that other churches are in serious trouble; why haven’t we been asking people to give on YouTube?
What can we pray for you and Simon W?
We’re not worried but we know there are some who aren’t going to be ‘back in church’ or going to home group for a while because they’re nervous of crowds. What are the plans for supporting them or will they get forgotten?
If you could change one thing about church after Covid, what would it be?
You said in a sermon last year in the contemporary service that you wouldn’t change your past even though it had not always been easy. Would you still say the same in the light of covid?
Please explain why there is only one ‘traditional’ service on youtube, can we offer more choices each week?
Why are you outside in the cold? Can’t you go in the church?
If someone starts watching a service on youtube then does that count as a ‘view’?
What is the average length of time that someone worships with us on a youtube service?
Can you mix the locations in services by having live liturgy from Hambledon and the live sermon from Busbridge?
Why do you use the chat on youtube? It is distracting
Can we have more traditional hymns for the book of common prayer service?
One person phoned to comment rather than question: loving the more modern mix of songs in the classic and loving the window shots in the videos
Contemporary Service Update: Patrick Samuels and Simon T are looking to the future for the couch service and we’ve been chatting to the advisory group for the contemporary. We can only start gathering again if we have people to welcome, run the laptop and sound and be involved in helping set chairs out and so on. We’re looking at being in the reordered church right now so it isn’t a massive set out task in the short term. If you could be someone to a) help in welcoming, laptop, sound, reading, prayers, set up or b) offer to run the team for an area (ie lead a rota) please contact Simon T or Patrick asap. We’re starting to plan… and we know people are beginning to ask themselves ‘how will I serve as we head into the future’.
Following the sad news that Barbara Hubble died on 12 February, we now have the details for the funeral to be held on Thursday 25 March at 12 noon.
Please email this link to anyone who you would like to invite to attend the funeral in a virtual capacity. The funeral will only be accessible to view using the unique link above and will be broadcast via the Clandon Wood YouTube Live channel.
News from our mission partner: The Cellar Camino Café - fundraising for a new coffee machine and till for lift off after lockdown!
The Cellar is on a fundraising drive to help lift off after lockdown. The move to the new premises next to the Borough Hall in July has been really positive, and The Cellar has done well on spiritual capital from staying open during the winter lockdowns. The café has had a good number of people for takeaways, hot meals on food vouchers put at the community food store, and much supportive pastoral work and street witness with prayer. With the new bigger and better venue, the management team want to buy a good and efficient coffee machine, and till to improve security and speed of use. Can you help? What to do next :-
Contact Chris Jagger for more information 01483 415334 | Donate via our website or use the web site to set up a standing order to support the ongoing work of the Cellar.
CWR’s Higher Education arm, Waverley Abbey College, currently has a vacancy for the post of College Admissions Officer. The job is advertised on the Waverley Abbey website and can be accessed using this link
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event to join the meetings on Zoom, or sign up.
Please Pray for
Chestnut Way and its road stewards Shelagh Godwin and Alan Betts
New Road
Those preparing for marriage.
Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church are both open daily for private prayer.
The Old Rectory is closed for the time being and clergy and staff are working from home. The answerphone is checked regularly, but the best way to reach people is by email.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.