Join the Maundy Thursday 8PM service and Good Friday 10AM reflection on YouTube. Also on Good Friday, there will organ music from 12-1pm in both Busbridge and Hambledon Church to accompany private prayer and reflection.
If you want to get out and about on Good Friday, Godalming Churches Together have designed a Good Friday Pilgrim Trail & Quiz around the Churches in Godalming too. Busbridge Church is on the trail! The map and instructions are available on
See everything that’s happening!
The Challenge to recognise victory in the defeat
Reading: Luke 24: 13-27
Join us at church or online - outdoor services at Busbridge in the Old Rectory garden, and in Hambledon Churchyard will be broadcast live.
9AM Easter Day Service from Hambledon Church (Sign up to attend or watch on YouTube).
Click below to play! Select the embedded YouTube link for each service to watch when they start broadcasting on Sunday. Or go you can access the services from the YouTube Channel. This is recommended if you want to view and take part in the Chat, or if there are any tech issues.
Children are very welcome, and the services will be family friendly, though they will be asked to stay close to their grownups throughout, and observe social distancing. (In present circumstances there will not be a creche or toy bags available). There will be Children’s Easter activities available on YouTube on Easter Day for you to do anytime. See Easter Day for Children.
10.15am Easter Day Service at Busbridge (Old Rectory Garden).
The service is now full, but please join us to watch live on YouTube.
Then all welcome to wish each other a Happy Easter at the virtual coffee and catch-up session at 11.30AM
BHC Public Zoom Room
946-391-4833 | PW 2021
CLICK HERE to get together on Zoom after each service for a virtual coffee, and mid-week Morning Prayer.
The Notices
St Marks invites you to join the last of their daily reflections at 5pm on Saturday. The Reflection series is called Sitting at Jesus Feet, as in the story of Mary and Martha, and offers time to sit at Our Lords feet during Holy Week.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 0848 7809
Passcode: 584375
Enjoy this video about the great Egg Hunts that our very creative CYF team have come up with for families this Easter. Anyone can do it!
HOME Communion on Easter Day
The pastoral team will be offering Home Communion to those who can’t make it to the services on Easter Sunday. This will be done outside, in front gardens. If you would like a member of the pastoral team to visit and share communion with you or someone else, please email Jill Johnston e:
Easter Appeal for A Rocha UK—Caring for God’s Earth
Instead of a Mission Sunday this Easter, this year we are running a “Mission Month” during Lent. Our Easter Appeal is in aid of our mission partner charity, A Rocha UK. A Rocha UK is a Christian charity campaigning for the environment through number of activities. Please take time to read the Outward Giving Update which explains A Rocha UK’s activities and follow the instructions to make a donation. (Copies of the OG Update can be found at the back of Busbridge Church). To support the Easter Appeal, there is an eco thread to the Lent challenges which are being sent out on weekdays by text. Catch up on this week’s challenges (see below).
‘Meeting the world right here in Surrey!’ - Nexus Talk, Thursday 8th April
Louise Baumberg will talk to us on ‘Meeting the world right here in Surrey!’ Louise has worked with refugees, mainly young people who have arrived alone, as a foster carer and, more recently, as a caseworker with Big Leaf Foundation. This charity supports displaced young people in Surrey.
Do come along and find out about the challenges and achievements of this diverse group of individuals living in our community. It may give you a fresh perspective on life, and all the things we take for granted.
This will be a free Zoom meeting starting at 8.00pm, but you’re invited to join from 7.45pm so you can chat with others. We look forward to seeing you!
BHC PUBLIC Personal Meeting Room: 946 391 4833 Password: 2021
All are welcome to our Zoom Nexus events, including men!
Road Steward needed for The Bridge magazine for Shackstead Lane (numbers 2-26 only) and Busbridge Lane (numbers 106-146, 111-125)
The Bridge magazine would like to thank Mary Keech for her time as a Road Steward for the upper part of Shackstead Lane. We're very grateful to her for all her years of service. We're now looking for someone who might be able to take over her patch of 14 houses (the Godalming College end of Shackstead Lane).
We're also looking for a new Road Steward who, 6 times a year, would be willing to deliver magazines to 32 houses in Busbridge Lane (numbers 106-146 & 111-125). If you live in, or close to this stretch, (or maybe know someone who does and might be willing to take on the role) please contact the editor, Cathy, at We'd be delighted and most appreciative to hear from you.
More Digi-disciples needed!
News from our mission partner: The Cellar Camino Café - fundraising for a new coffee machine and till for lift off after lockdown!
The Cellar is on a fundraising drive to help lift off after lockdown. The move to the new premises next to the Borough Hall in July has been really positive, and The Cellar has done well on spiritual capital from staying open during the winter lockdowns. The café has had a good number of people for takeaways, hot meals on food vouchers put at the community food store, and much supportive pastoral work and street witness with prayer. With the new bigger and better venue, the management team want to buy a good and efficient coffee machine, and till to improve security and speed of use. Can you help? What to do next :-
Contact Chris Jagger for more information 01483 415334 | Donate via our website or use the web site to set up a standing order to support the ongoing work of the Cellar.
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event to join the meetings on Zoom, or sign up.
Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church are both open daily for private prayer.
The Old Rectory is closed for the time being and clergy and staff are working from home. The answerphone is checked regularly, but the best way to reach people is by email.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.