This Sunday
Easter 2
A Fresh Start
Reading: John 21: 16-25
Come to church or watch at home - Services are back in church and broadcast live on YouTube!
9am Hambledon Heritage Service [with communion]
Leader: Simon Willetts | Speaker: Peter Shaw | Reading: Ron V | Prayers: Jenny H
10.30AM Busbridge Combined Service
Leader: Andy Spencer | Speaker: Gertrud Sollars
Sign up to attend by using the “I’ll be there” link, or scroll down to watch on YouTube. At Busbridge, sound will be on in the churchyard for those wishing to remain outside and listen to the service (no need to sign up, but you may wish to bring a chair!).
Select the embedded YouTube link below to watch when they start broadcasting on Sunday.
10.30AM Busbridge Combined
9AM Hambledon Heritage
Then all welcome at the virtual coffee and catch-up session THIS WEEK at 11.30AM or 6.30PM . (This Sunday there is a Zoom social hosted by the 6.30PM congregation too.) Drop in for 5, 10, or 15 mins…
BHC Public Zoom Room
946-391-4833 | PW 2021
CLICK HERE to get together on Zoom after each service for a virtual coffee, and mid-week Morning Prayer.
Next Sunday 25 April
Humility take centre stage
Reading: Mark 1: 1-18
Children & Youth
9AM Ark (Zoom)
11:15AM Explorers (Zoom)
6PM Unplugged Frescoustic (Zoom)
Contact the CYF team for details:
Juliet (0-3s), Judith (4-11s), Anto (11-18s)
9AM Hambledon Heritage Service
Speaker: Simon Willetts
9AM Busbridge Classic Service
Speaker: Patrick Samuels
10:30AM Busbridge Contemporary “Conversations from the couch”
Speaker: Simon Willetts
6PM Unplugged “Frescoustic”
Old Rectory Gardens
The Notices
Services at Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church from 25 April
Services are back in both churches AND broadcast live on YouTube. The Classic service at Busbridge and the Heritage service at Hambledon will remain at 9AM. The Contemporary Conversations service will also move into Busbridge Church, and start at the slightly later time of 10.30AM.
Communion (bread only) will take place on 1st Sundays of the month in the 9AM Busbridge Classic service, and on 3rd Sundays in the 9AM Hambledon Heritage service.
Those attending will need to sign up and wear a face covering, and listen to the worship.
For those attending Hambledon who’d like to get involved with the roles of ‘welcoming’, ‘reading’ and ‘intercessors’ please get in touch with Fran ( this week.
Welcomers are also needed for services at Busbridge - please contact
Unfortunately we have been advised by the diocese that physical youth and children’s groups can not restart until 17 May at the earliest, so the Ark, Explorers, Pathfinders and Ichthus will continue on Zoom for the time being.
Join the church membership / Electoral Roll
This year’s APCM will be in May, and to vote you must be on the electoral roll. The form and instructions can be downloaded HERE.
The Smiths and the Blakes are off to live by the sea on 21st April!
After over 40 years worshipping at Hambledon and Busbridge, having started as members of the Hambledon Youth Fellowship in the 1970s, we are off to Totland, Isle of Wight with son Matt and his wife Emily. We wish a fond farewell to all of our friends and are sorry we won’t see you in person. Please get in touch if coming our way. We’d love to see you. Our mobiles and emails remain the same. God Bless you all, we will miss you. David and Linda
David, Linda and Matt have made a huge contribution to Busbridge&Hambledon church over many years, and have faithfully served in pretty much every aspect of church life: youth work (all), outward giving and reordering the church (Linda), carpentry and maintenance (David), music, tech and web site design (Matt) and we owe them huge thanks. They will be sorely missed by us, and we wish them every blessing as they start the next phase of their journey.
We are sad to announce the death of Nora Kennea, a longstanding and faithful member of Busbridge Church, until ill health prevented her from coming on Sundays. We extend our love to Trevor, Nigel, Carole and the whole family. Please pray for God’s peace and comfort to surround them all. Nora’s funeral service will be in Busbridge Church but, because of Covid restrictions, numbers are limited, so the service will be by invitation only.
BHC seeks an online digital producer and technician!
The advert for this 6 month part-time contract can be found on the job vacancies page. Please take and look and share with anyone who might be interested.
More Digi-disciples needed!
If you are wondering how we put out 3 online services each week, and who is behind the camera, here’s a great video to show what it’s like, and inspire you! Please contact Jacob if you’d like to be involved or find out more. e:
A reminder that the Easter Egg Hunt is running in Busbridge and Hambledon until the end of the Easter Holidays - 18 April. See below for details.
Biking Pilgrimage for persecuted Christians next May: North Foreland lighthouse (Kent’s most easterly point) to Land’s End
Revd Robert Deberry is organising a bike pilgrimage next spring which will be including Godalming over the weekend 21-22 May 2021. See the letter for details. If you could offer accommodation to 1-2 cyclists for the weekend, please contact the church office.
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event to join the meetings on Zoom, or sign up.
Please Pray for
Duncombe Road and its road steward Carol Jones
Salt Lane
Parents struggling with home/life balance.
Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church are both open daily for private prayer.
The Old Rectory is closed for the time being and clergy and staff are working from home. The answerphone is checked regularly, but the best way to reach people is by email.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.
Catch up on News from other areas
News Items
Prime Time Lockdown Blog
Please print a pdf copy of the notices and deliver to anyone you know who isn’t on email!