9am Heritage & 10am BHC Online services on YouTube
11am Virtual Coffee—3rd Sundays (from 17 May):
hosted by Busbridge 8am and Classic and Busbridge 6.30pm
6.30pm Unplugged LIVE (Zoom) —The service and music for our young people, but it’s extremely popular with all ages.
This Saturday - A reminder about the monthly Busbridge Prayer Group meets this Saturday at 8am. An hour to prayer about things we care about.
VE Day Celebrations
The bunting is up at Busbridge Church for those passing by, and Prime Time invites you all to join the zoom VE day Tea Party and sing along led by Lisa today, Thursday 7 May at 3pm.
Message from Simon
We are beginning to ask the question ‘what might the future look like’? for us as a Christian community. There is much to go back to but there is also much to reflect on for the future. This is about lessons to be learned in areas such as leaning of God, laying down that which became redundant, living faith for tomorrow, and being a learning as a community under Christ. You might call it ‘BHC MkII’.
Explore this with us and Rev Ed Olsworth-Peter on Monday 11 May at 8pm, as he leads a discussion on Pioneering the Future Church.
BHC Online this Sunday
Join everyone at 10am, or at your leisure, to watch the main service this week. Dave is talking to us about how Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians can encourage us to stand firm and have hope—with a reference to his surfing days. Thanks to Lydia Guest who has been interviewed this week, Mark Puddephatt for the reading, the Ford family for the prayers and Hannah Preece for the Lord’s Prayer in sign language. It’s great to have different people involved, as they are for our regular services. If there’s anyone else out there who can offer time and technical skills for video editing, we’d be keen to have you on the team. Contact david.preece@bhcgodalming.org.
CYF News
Anto, Judith, Juliet and all our wonderful CYF volunteers have mastered the art of using the internet in so many fun and creative ways to keep our young people together and learning about the Jesus. (BHC even has gametag for FIFA on the xbox for Pathfinders to challenge Anto!).
Unplugged is returning live on zoom—next Sunday 17 May at 6.30pm. Anto will lead a short ‘service’ on zoom including a message, a worship song recorded by the Unplugged band, and a drama from the FUSE team. All very welcome to join.
Pathfinders and Ichthus seem very at home on zoom (ha!) and the numbers taking part in Sunday and mid-week bible-study sessions are growing. This week the Explorers session will run on zoom too, so our 7-11s can see their leaders and friends.
And we are seriously concerned that Juliet Gilbert might be snapped up by CBeebies if her Tiny Tigers videos keep going. Last week she created a brilliant animated version of the wedding at Cana with lego figures. So impressive! You can catch up on all the Tiny Tigers and Ark videos from Juliet and Judith on BHC Godalming YouTube.
Kids it’s your turn to join the wave of #viralkindness. The BHC version is #CreativeKindness. Penny’s been thinking about the older people we know that aren’t on the internet and are finding harder to stay connected. We can still post things though, and would like to pass on messages with all things arty and crafty from our young people to those who need cheering up. Please see the details on the web site. We are also enlisting the children from Busbridge Junior and Infant schools to help too.
Fruit picking work at Tuesday Farm (over 18s)
This might be good for students back at home for a long summer… Hall Hunter has received so many applications that it’s no longer accepting applications for work this summer. HOWEVER, they are keen to support local people, and due to our links they will consider those who are put forward by Anto on behalf of Busbridge&Hambledon Church. You need to be 18+ and able to work 5 days a week for at least a month from May. Contact anto.ficatier@bchgodalming.org ASAP. Please share this opportunity to people and families you know might be interested (they don’t need to be church members).
Why Pray? If anyone is asking (and we think they are) please refer them to the web site. Andy Spencer has put together some info for people who might be thinking about this for the first time, and can respond to people individually, or develop sessions if there’s a demand. Please pass the word on.
Watch this space for our prayer opportunities when you are out for your daily dose of fresh air. Philippa Baker is working on a prayer walk in the Busbridge Churchyard, and Mark Puddephatt is setting up an orienteering challenge around Busbridge, based on Psalm 23. We hope to have these ready to start next week. Another reason to keep an eye on the web site!
A slice of cake on us. In Hambledon, the village shop is doing an amazing job of coordinating volunteers to delivery orders to those who can’t get out. Shop orders are going out with a slice of cake from Hambledon Church with a message from Simon Willetts, just to say Hi, the church is still here and how we can support. If you are a lucky recipient, enjoy!
Don’t forget
¨ 10.30am Coffee breaks for anyone to pop in and out.
¨ The Coronavirus Response team is ready to help those self-isolating— Email: coronaresponse@bhcgodalming.org.
¨ The CFSF is receiving donations AND applications for financial gifts.
Christian Aid Week 10-16 May: Love Never Fails. Please don’t forget it this year, and support in the way you usually would. See caweek.org to give or take part in their other fundraising initiatives.
Please pray for The Cellar café in Godalming as the trustees and management team pray to discern the future for its ministry in the town, and for provision and safety for its vulnerable customers who are missing the care and safe haven that The Cellar provides.
If you have anything to post, thoughts, prayers, musings—remember the BHC Together facebook group is yours to do so!