This Sunday
Click HERE for the ONLINE Services on YouTube
Available from
9AM Heritage Service (BCP) with traditional liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer and hymns recorded at Busbridge and Hambledon.
10AM BHC Main Online Service
The main act of worship for Busbridge&Hambledon Church with contemporary band-led worship music.
Both services
Welcome: Simon Taylor
Speaker: Dave Preece
Reading: Pippi Williams
Prayers: Liz Cooke
Music: Paul Ridsdale-Smith
11AM After Service Coffee on zoom (Busbridge 8am, Classic and 6.30pm congregations) - see what’s on for joining instructions.
Be part of the worship this Sunday to see a father and son doing a bacon butty BBQ in the rain. Father and son look rather similar. Frighteningly so! We feel another set of out takes in the near future!!!!
New articles to read this week:
Rector’s Reflection: GOD’S NORMAL: HOW ARE WE TO BE AS A CHURCH FAMILY?; includes news of working alongside other local churches.
A Word from Andy Spencer: A thought for Father’s Day; Andy reminisces about the London to Brighton bike ride, but sadly there’s no photographic evidence.
and Hello from Prime Time. - Penny, self-confessed technophobe, is ironically our latest ‘blogger’. The emails she sends to Prime Time members are now going on the web site for all to enjoy.
Churches Opening for private prayer
We are delighted that Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church are now open daily from 9.30am to 4.30pm for private prayer. We know that many of you will welcome this opportunity.
Painting by Chad in Busbridge Church to guide prayer and reflection
For visitors to the church, our aim is to provide a warm welcome and a way to connect with God, or perhaps discover Him for the first time. There are notices and images displayed to guide prayer if people wish, and at Busbridge, an invitation to take part in the prayer walk in the church yard and add a pebble to the Chain of Hope. (Have you decorated your link in the chain yet?) We hope this will encourage you to drop in while we cannot gather physically to worship.
Thanks to those that have volunteered for the rota to open and close the churches. This involves a government stipulated cleaning and checking process to keep visitors safe. Please let know if you would be able to help on a weekly basis.
This Sunday is Unplugged Live at 6.30pm on zoom. The first service had about 100 attendees of all ages, as well as youth - so our largest live and interactive event so far. To keep us on time, please zoom in from 6.20pm to exchange ‘hellos’ as the service will start promptly at 6.30pm. There will end the formality!
Alpha Online—starting 24 June
The ALPHA course has attracted lots of participants since it was adapted for use online in March. The current crisis has led people to evaluate life now and as they knew it, and provided the time to engage in wider questions. Alpha works for people at many stages of their Christian journey:
· If you are new to the Christian faith or just starting to ‘dip your toe in’
· If your friends or family ask you about what you believe and you’re never really sure what to tell them
· If you’ve been a Christian for a long while but have never felt you could ask questions about your faith
· If you’re fairly new to church and want to get to know some more people.
Busbridge&Hambledon has run many Alpha courses in the past and indeed many of our church members are the fruit of those courses. Dave Preece is starting the online version on Wednesday 24 June at 7.30pm. Please pass on the details to people and encourage them to sign up on the web site. And if you can help support or facilitate on Wednesday evenings, please contact, before the prep session on Monday 22 June.
For others elsewhere on their journey, the next Helpful Habits course has been moved to Tuesdays, and will start on 30 June, 8-9pm. The course involves 3 or 4 stand-alone sessions on different ways of praying. The first one will be ‘Praying with my pen’. To discuss or to register, please contact Gertrud Sollars, e:
Hope in Depression—course starts 6 July
This 6 week course was developed by the Hope in Depression charity for delivery by churches, and we are grateful that Simon Willetts has previous experience leading the course and is able to offer the online version to anyone in the local community. The course is free, and can help those suffering with depression and those supporting them. The details and the registration form are here. Do please pass this onto anyone who might benefit.
All invited to pray—As well as Morning Prayer on weekdays, there are 3 opportunities to gather virtually in prayer for different things—Prayerfest this Sunday focuses on prayer for children, youth and young adults at this particularly challenging time for them, Churches Together and Hambledon prayer breakfasts next Saturday morning also welcome all.
In the community
CYF team news—this week Anto, Judith and Simon delivered their first virtual Praise assembly to the year 6 and Keyworkers’ children who are back in Busbridge Junior School. All the tech went well!
Juliet delivered Kindness4keyworkers gifts to Hambledon Nursery staff as they welcomed back their nursery school leavers. The Head at HN was really grateful said the staff would be ‘blown away’ by the gesture.
Hello from Prime Time—the next PT event will a quiz and catch up on Zoom on 6 July. Penny’s weekly mailings to Prime Time members can now be found on the web site under news.
Penny has had an offer from Sister Mary at the convent to make a limited number of reusable face masks for vulnerable people who need help to source one. If you would like a lovely gingham face mask, please contact
Facemasks made by Sister Mary
#CreativeKindness. You can find information about how our young folk are spreading light and hope to those who aren’t using the internet and see some of the lovely creations on the web page here. Please do keep them coming and let Penny know if there’s anyone who might like to be on the receiving end.
The Coronavirus Response team is ready to help those self-isolating.
If you are not connected to a small group in some way and would like to be, please let us know.
The CFSF is receiving donations AND applications for financial gifts. Details on
If you have anything to post, thoughts, prayers, musings—remember the BHC Together facebook group is yours to do so!
Prayer Ministry team available
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.
For more information contact Jeannie Postill t 01428 687968