I want to see!
Reading: Mark 10: 46-52
9AM HERITAGE ONLINE Service on YouTube Click here
Mark 8.22-38.
Topic: Should have gone to Specsavers: when seeing seems impossible. How Christ gradually develops our faith and understanding along with the very counter-cultural challenges of giving up our own self interests for the sake of others.
Speaker: David Hodson
10AM The BIG DRIVE IN, Heath Farm, Heath Lane, GU7 1UN
Gates open at 9.25am
Tune in on the radio to 87.7 MHz (channel only available from Sunday morning)
Watch the livestream on YouTube - Click HERE. The service will be available to watch anytime afterwards as well.
It's our "back to church Sunday" and so that as many can gather together to worship as possible, safely, Busbridge&Hambledon Church and Godalming Baptist Church are holding the Big Drive In service!
With our grateful thanks to the Harvies for the use of their field, we have enough room for everyone to come in cars and listen in on a special radio channel - on 87.7 MHz. There will be music, family friendly bits, and worship and teaching.
Gates open at 9.25am so please allow time to drive up the track, park up and tune in before the service starts at 10am.
Directions to Heath Farm, GU7 1UN: Head for Busbridge Junior School and take the unmade road (Heath Lane) up to Heath Farm on the left - home of the Munstead Horse Trials.
As everyone will stay safely in their cars, we don't need to take names for Test, Track and Trace - however, it would be helpful to know how many to expect on the day, and to manage traffic and parking as necessary.
So, if you please, do sign up in advance of this service (just the driver is fine). But it's not necessary. All welcome to turn up on the day from 9.30am.
If you are watching from home and would like to join in the singing, please download the service song sheet here.
Next Sunday
Psalm 84 How lovely is your dwelling place
Dwell. Blessing. Protection.
9AM HERITAGE ONLINE Service on YouTube Click here
Speaker: Frances Shaw
10AM Morning Worship at Busbridge Church - Common Worship & Hymns
Leader: Simon Taylor | Speaker: Frances Shaw
4PM Outdoor Family service in the Old Rectory Garden
The Notices
Ben at the end of the 180 mile walk on the Greensands Way to raise funds for the Busbridge Church Centre
He’s done it! 180 miles walked & £2400 + raised for the redevelopment of Busbridge Church Centre!
Congratulations to Ben Rogers on completing a huge 180 mile walk Monday to Wednesday this week. The Greensands Way, took him from Haslemere to a place called Ham Street, Kent. Ben says he found it a challenge - both walking and keeping his shoes on, knowing Ben - and is now resting his knee which started to complain a bit!
You may remember that we have been raising funds to redevelop the Church Centre to make it more community focused. As we look to a future where the structure of worship and mission will be evolving, we believe that a coffee drop in could be even more key, and plans are progressing. It’s not too late to sponsor Ben for this huge achievement, ideally via GoFundMe here
Thanks to those who have sponsored Ben already, and those that supported him on the walk, in prayer and in company. But the biggest thanks to Ben - we are so grateful.
Just to confirm and update what’s been published in earlier notices, the services on 13, 19 and 26 September will be as follows
9AM Heritage Online Service on YouTube (continues until October when the 9AM Heritage Service will restart at Hambledon Church - livestreamed).
10AM at Busbridge - livestreamed on YouTube.
4PM Outdoor Family service in the Old Rectory Garden
during September. A more weather proof venue is being sought for when the weather turns more Autumnal! Members of the contemporary congregation have received an update email from Dave Preece this week.
Work is underway at both Busbridge and Hambledon Churches to enable livestreaming of services so that those who continue to shield, or have benefited from anytime, anywhere online worship, can still participate.
The Church Office in the Old Rectory to be open from 7 September, though staff will be in on a rota basis.
The Sep-Oct edition of The Bridge magazine is now ready for collection from church by our road stewards, and will be arriving on doorsteps in the next week or so. If you want a preview, the online version is already available online HERE.
The Bridge team would like to express their grateful thanks for Mary Connolly who's stepping down as a road steward for Windy Wood. They are very appreciative of all Mary's help over many years delivering the magazine.
We send our love to Dave Preece, whose grandmother died, aged 95, at the end of July; her funeral service was held on 18 August. Please pray for Dave, Hannah, Zoe and Esther, as well as for Dave’s mother and the wider family.
Helpers needed to clear School House Garden (Brighton Road) as soon as possible. Please contact
Film Night Discussion: LadyBird - All invited to a zoom chat on Monday 28 September at 7.30pm to discuss this 2017 coming of age film. The film is available in iPlayer at the moment, or to rent on Amazon. Email for the zoom details.
Please pray for Please pray for these roads and their residents, and perhaps include them on a prayer walk this week:
· Old Barn View and road steward Jane Tomes
· Rock Hill.
8AM Listening Prayer
9AM Morning Prayer (zoom)
9.45AM Toddler Sing A-long with Ted (zoom)
7.30PM Alpha Course
9AM Morning Prayer (zoom)
8AM Busbridge Prayer Group (zoom)
See What’s On for event details and links to zoom.
Please see info about the Surrey Churches Ride & Stride with a Difference on 12 September. (Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are on the route.)
Ladywell Convent is recruiting for a Companion - see Job Ad here
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.
For more information contact Jeannie Postill t 01428 687968.