Yes Minster!
Dear friends,
Godalming Minster—all churches voted yes!
Thanks to all those who prayed and fasted, and came to vote on 16 October. The parishes of Busbridge, Godalming and Hambledon have voted in favour of uniting to become Godalming Minster from 1 Jan 2024. The vote for the Minster was one to enable growth of Christian mission across the Godalming area, to maintain and develop diverse styles of worship, to provide better support for clergy and to provide a coherent strategy across the 4 churches of Busbridge, Hambledon, St Peter and St Paul’s and St Mark’s. For details, and results of the vote, see:
Work on the transition will start in the coming months, but, for now, life at all four churches will continue largely as usual, with collaboration on some events and mission activities. As part of this, the Busbridge Contemporary congregation has been invited to hold a service at St Peter and St Paul’s on 6 November at 9.30am, with children’s groups in the Octagon. The Christmas eve family service will also take place in St Peter and St Paul’s, making the most of the bigger church building can accommodate everyone at one time.
Read Simon’s reflection on Changing Seasons:
For all the notices including an invitation to lunch in Hambledon this Sunday, a new group for pre-school tots, church warm hubs and Football World Cup ministry, please read on!
Sunday 23 October
Marks of the Early Church
Reading: Acts 17: 20-34
9.30AM Busbridge Contemporary Service
Led by: Margot Spencer | Speaker: Simon Taylor
Busbridge Church
Please note that there are no children’s groups this week (half-term)
11.15AM Busbridge Classic Service
Led by: Peter Shaw | Speaker: Simon Taylor
Busbridge Church
6PM Busbridge Evening Service [Holy Communion]
Led by: Simon Taylor
Busbridge Church
10AM Hambledon Morning Worship
Led by: Simon Willetts | Speaker: Dudley Hilton
Hambledon Church
This Sunday, 23rd Oct - Hambledon Lunch in aid of HMP Send Prison - Nazareth Way. The Jenkins are organising a lovely Ploughman’s Lunch to raise money for HMP SEND prison, one of the Outward Giving mission partners. Everyone is invited, and encouraged to support the event. There is no charge, but donations will be welcome. An indication of numbers would be helpful, so please contact Liz on 01483 416084 or, or just turn up.
Yew Tree Café HALF-TERM Opening Hours24-28 October 10am-4pm
10am-2pm Saturday. The café will be open weekdays at 8.30am from 31 October.
A new group is starting after half term! Come along to play together, sing together and pray together. Contact Suzie Lambert via the church office for more details.
Warm welcome / Warm Hubs at Busbridge Church and St Mark’s
This winter, Busbridge Church has been registered with the Warm Welcome initiative (see: ) and will provide a warm hub, open to all, with free refreshments for specific times and events. For example, World Cup England matches will be shown on the big screen, starting 21 November. Several Prime Time events for older people, and the Hambledon Coffee mornings also meet the criteria and we are looking forward to welcoming those who would benefit this winter.
Read Patrick’s call to Church, Mission and Football!:
St Mark’s will be a warm hub on Tuesdays 1-4pm, offering a soup and roll lunch on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, and afternoon tea on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays.
To help with any of these initiatives, please contact Patrick Samuels about football, Penny about older people’s events and Sheila Samuels regarding St Mark’s.
Ways to be involved during November, Advent and Christmas
There’s a few plans afoot, so if any of the following activities inspire you to get involved please let the church office, or the relevant person know!
1 Singers for the Christmas choirs and carol singing. The Merry Harriers and the Howling Owl bar at the Busbridge rec pavilion have invited BHC back to lead carols and Christmas sing-alongs in the community. Choir rehearsals for the carol services will start in November. Contact the office if you’d like to find out more.
2 Busbridge Wreath Project. Make, buy, help sell a wreath in aid of the Outward Giving Christmas Appeal for the Cellar. Dawn Puddephatt will provide guidance to those who want to learn to make wreaths which will go on sale at the Yew Tree Café in December. Contact Vic Hicks if you’d like to be involved.
3 The Churches Together Christmas lunch needs someone to coordinate the volunteers, and someone else to organise the invitations. The invitations coordinator does not need to be there on Christmas Day itself. It is a really enjoyable event to be part of, and the arrangements are tried and tested. Please let Sarah Higgins (chair of committee) know if you are interested or want to know more
JAM Together - Sat 5th Nov, 2.30pm in Busbridge Church
Jam Together is back in November, and open to 13-18 year olds who sing or play an instrument. The band will be led by experienced musicians who will encourage all abilities to get involved. Please sign up as numbers are limited. e:
NEXUS news
On Thursday 3rd November, our craft expert, Helen Sturney, will demonstrate how to create Festive Papercraft Wreaths. And then she’ll help us to make one too! Do come along and have a go – it’ll be fun, and we can make an early start on our Christmas preparations! We’ll meet in the Yew Tree Café at 8.00pm and will start the evening with drinks and nibbles and a chance to chat with others before handing over to Helen for her demonstration. There will be a £5 visitor fee for non-members.
Good news: Happily, this December Nexus will be holding a ‘live’ Charity Quiz, after two years on Zoom!! We’re delighted that our regular Quizmaster team of Alan Betts and Dudley Hilton have agreed to do their popular and entertaining double-act again. The Quiz will be held in Busbridge Church on Saturday 3rd December starting at 7.30pm. Please put this date in your diary. More details shortly!
Meals for families with newborns - serving up love on a plate
Thanks to Ruth Roseblade for her service in organising this ministry in recent years, and the rota of willing cooks who deliver scrumptious meals to families with new babies. And to Sam Morris who is taking over as coordinator. If you or you know of others in the church community who are looking for a great way to serve then let them know to contact Sam via the church office to be added to the list.
4-11s Childrens Worker post BHC is still praying and on the look out for a new children’s worker. The closing date for applications has been extended to Wednesday 26 October.
The brilliant team of Yew Tree Café staff and volunteers also needs some new recruits. Speak to any of them to find out what a privilege it is to serve there, and what fun!
Coming Up:
See the events coming up next below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event for details and the location (online or on site).
Sunday 30 October
You are the Salt of the Earth. You are the Light of the World.
Reading: Matthew 5:13-16
9.30AM Busbridge Contemporary Service
Led by: Simon Taylor | Speaker: Peter Shaw
Busbridge Church
11.15AM Busbridge Classic Service
Led by: Hilary Pettman | Speaker: Peter Shaw
Busbridge Church
10AM Hambledon Morning Worship
Led by: David Jenkins | Speaker: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church
***6th Nov - 9.30am Contemporary Pilot at St Peter and St Paul’s (replaces Muddy)***
13th Nov - Combined services for Remembrance. 10.30am Hambledon, 10.45am Busbridge
An event for Ukraine in Busbridge Church - all welcome. (replaces Unplugged, but youth encouraged as there will be young people giving a presentation).
Regular Events
Busbridge Morning Prayer Weds 26 Oct is taking a break for half-term.
Hambledon Morning Prayer takes place on Wednesdays at 9am. All welcome.
Prayer gatherings for Ukraine are now at Hambledon Church at 7.30pm on 1st Tuesdays of the month.
Next Hambledon Coffee Morning and Hearing Aid Clinic is 16th October. All welcome.
please pray for
Feathercombe Lane
Ashstead Land and its road stewards Caroline Wright and Jane Tomes
The work of Nexus.
90 Minutes in Heaven Film night at Godalming Baptist Church: Friday 4th Nov, 7pm. Free entry, donations for the Food Bank and Ukraine Appeal.
Life Sessions: Bereavement. Day course on Sat 29th Oct 9.30am-4pm at Godalming Baptist Church. Contact Sally, tel 01483-428646 by Friday 21st October for details and to reserve a place.
Don’t forget about…
Things in the following areas may not make the notices, but the latest info can be found on the web pages:
Yew Tree Café Opening Hours HALF-TERM 24-28 October 10am-4pm
10am-2pm Saturday. The café will be open weekdays at 8.30am from 31 October.
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.
If you, or someone you know at church, are in need of support and care, please contact Sandra Wilkin via the church office, or e:
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.