“Your Fish or Mine?”
John 21.1-14
Jesus has his own cache of fish but calls for some of the disciples’ haul and when combined they have a feast. Jesus provides for the disciples, preparing the food they will share. He asks for and accepts their contribution but he continues to serve them.
Dear Friends
Services are “back to normal” this Sunday, but the Easter sermon series has two more to go. This Sunday’s reading involves fish for breakfast and we will be asking ourselves how do we keep the momentum of the Easter joy going, and convert that energy into practical action?
In this week’s notices:
This Sunday
Busbridge Junior School Multi-Use Game Area (MUGA) project
Prime Time invitation to a tour of the Brookwood Cemetery
The Bereavement Café starting on Tuesday 25th April
Live at the Yew Tree Café: End of Winter Blues night on 28th April
The Coronation Weekend and your church coronation planner!
Outward Giving and Christian Aid Week
Church Family News
And more.
This Sunday
As today’s reading is about Jesus sharing breakfast with his disciples, so will we! Coffee and pastries will be available on arrival from 9:15AM, as well as between services. Thanks to brilliant coffee person, Sharon W for making the earlier start for this. (If fellowship and refreshments (coffee/tea) are important to you on a Sunday, please consider joining the team that serves it. Contact Sandra Campbell via the church office).
9:30AM Contemporary Service
Busbridge Church and online
Led by: Suzie Lambert | Speaker: Philippa Baker
Children’s groups restart this Sunday. Please drop off for Ark at the Village Hall and Crèche, Tiny Tigers and Explorers in the Old Rectory before the service, or ask a Welcomer for directions.
11:15AM Classic Service
Busbridge Church and online
Led by Sarah Rowden | Speaker: Philippa Baker
6PM Evening Service [Holy Communion}
Busbridge Church
Led by Sheila Samuels | Speaker: Sarah Rowden
6:50PM Gifts of the Holy Spirit Session 5
Prophecy: comfort, edify, strengthen
Led by John Valentine
10AM Morning Worship
Hambledon Church and online
Led by Dudley Hilton | Speaker: Keith Harper
With Children’s Club
Services Next Sunday 30 April
The Stream
GenESIS 2: 8-14 & Ezekial 47: 1-12
9:30AM Busbridge Contemporary
10AM Hambledon Morning Worship
11:15AM Busbridge Classic
6PM Social at the Inn on the Lake
Coming Up:
See the events coming up next and look up dates further ahead in the full calendar.
At a Service near you in the coming weeks (Busbridge this Sunday, and Hambledon 14 May):
Matt Rooke, one of our Busbridge Junior School Foundation Governors will be taking part in a Q&A at both morning Busbridge Services this weekend, and at Hambledon in May. Hear more about what the role entails and how you could make a difference to the school. There will also be an update on the exciting project to build an artificial pitch on the school playing field for use by the school and local community groups. So far, an amazing 90% of the £166,000 has been raised and we’d be delighted if people would like to give towards the MUGA project, in the usual ways (BACS, online or cheque all gratefully received). Please go to GIVING. If you are registered for Gift Aid with Busbridge PCC, we can pass the gift aid on to the school.
New Ministry Bereavement Café: For those who have lost someone recently or some time ago. Starting Tuesday 25th April, The Bereavement Café will take place in the Old Rectory on last Tuesdays of the month, from 2.30-4pm. The Bereavement Café is run by the Pastoral Team (Support & Care) and offers a safe space for anyone who has been bereaved where you can feel safe to talk about how the pain of bereavement is affecting you. If you would like to chat to someone about The Bereavement Café, please contact Shân Hallam e: pastoral@bhcgodalming.org / t: 01483 421267.
Please Sign Up for the Big Church Brunch - Sunday 7th May! We know that there will be many celebrations running locally over the Coronation weekend, and some will be involved with their own street parties on Sunday 7 May. We are planning to celebrate as a church and minster after the morning services on Sunday 7 May. To gauge enthusiasm and numbers, please use the link above to let us know if you would like to be part of the celebration in the Old Rectory Garden!
Prime Time tour of Brookwood Cemetery - 28th April at 2.15PM
Non-regular friends of Prime Time (any age) might be interested in the next event which is a tour of the Brookwood Cemetery in Woking, AKA the London Necropolis. In his role with Woking Borough Council, church member Ian T oversaw the major restoration of Brookwood Cemetery, and will lead an hour’s stroll around the cemetery, looking at graves and buildings of interest across the site. Please click here for details and sign up on ChurchSuite.
The Outward Giving Group is looking for more members who are passionate about outward giving and mission. Shelagh will be standing down from her current role as Chair at the APCM and we need a replacement. The group is also looking for somebody to co-ordinate the ongoing appeal for the HMP Send Nazareth Way project in Busbridge, perhaps by organising a lunch or similar event as Hambledon are doing, and somebody to co-ordinate the organsation and distribution of Christmas Hampers when the time comes (mid-November to mid-December). Please in the first instance contact Shelagh Godwin at shelagh.godwin@bhcgodalming.org
And, looking forward to May:
BHC are not planning a church-orientated project or a house-to-house collection for Christian Aid Week 14-20 May. However, please read the web site for how you can support this invaluable charity, and join us at Nexus on 4th May to hear about one of the many Christian Aid projects....
The Nexus Talk on 4th May is about the Christian Aid Pigeon Pea Project in Malawi by Laura Mead. Laura is going to tell us about their fantastic Pigeon Pea Project in Malawi. This project gives women in remote communities in Malawi the confidence and skills to start up small businesses. This, in turn helps the women support their families and their local community. It’s an intriguing title, so do come along and find out more. You’re welcome to bring friends. We’ll start the evening with drinks and nibbles to give us a chance to mingle and meet new people before handing over to Laura for her fascinating presentation.
Furniture and household items for local Ukranians
Local Ukrainians, many of whom have now been with their hosts for a year, are trying to find flats to rent so that they can move out and let their hosts have their homes back. As these flats are unfurnished, they need all household items that one might need to furnish a flat from scratch from furniture to saucepans and cutlery. If you have an unwanted item that you think might be useful for them and would be happy to pass it on, would you please contact, in the first instance, Diane Alder e: diane.alder@btinternet.com or text 07920 828 191 or Peter Crane e: Peter.crane1973@virgin.net or text / phone 07712 485 712.
Join the Electoral Roll by Friday 5 May - As we approach the Annual Parochial Church Meetings on 21st May: 9:30AM Busbridge, and 11:30AM Hambledon, this is a reminder that we’d love you to join the church electoral roll if you are not on it already. To complete the application form, please go to Membership.
Church Family News
Congratulations to Patrick and Esther on the arrival of baby Colette Alice (Lettie) on Easter Saturday, 8th April. We can’t wait to meet her at church!
The funeral service for Sue Owen (née Appleton) will take place in Guildford Cathedral on Friday 5th May at 1.30 p.m.. Anyone who knew Sue will be very welcome at the service.
Please pray for
The St Mark’s Family Fun Day on Saturday 22nd April. That families in the community will come and enjoy games and hospitality at the community centre, and that mission in that community will be advanced.
Don’t forget about…
Simon’s sabbatical 11th April-15th July 2023
3rd time lucky! Simon Taylor will be taking a twice postponed sabbatical this year from Easter to July. (Stipendiary clergy are given a sabbatical every ten years, and Simon’s was postponed in 2020 due to Covid, then again in 2022 due to the Minster evaluation.) He leaves the leadership of the benefice in the capable hands of Simon Willetts, supported by Margot Spencer, the wardens, clergy and staff team. Minster plans will continue to develop.
The MyChurchSuite app. It’s the easiest way to check dates, rotas, church emails, look up church members and sign up to events (without having to enter your details again and again!). Contact the Church Office if you’ve lost your login details or would like to request an account.
Mid-week Prayer Gatherings
Reflective Prayer Mons at 8.45am online.
Busbridge Morning Prayer Weds at 9am online.
Hambledon Morning Prayer takes place on Wednesdays at 9am. All welcome.
Busbridge Saturday Prayer Meeting + PrayerFest 0-30 8-9am 2nd Saturdays of the month.
***Please send prayer requests to prayer@bhcgodalming.org***
Groups & Activities
The Men’s Group meets for breakfast at 8.15am on the first Saturdays of the month. See the calendar event for details.
Hambledon Coffee Morning and Hearing Aid Clinic takes place 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10.30am.
The 2023 Prime Time programme for Jan-Jun is now available, and the next event is the Tour of Brookwood Cemetery led by Ian Tomes. For all events and details, see Prime Time.
Nexus meets on the 1st Thursday of the month, with talks and activities for church members and the community. The 2023 Nexus programme can be found on Nexus.
Godalming Baptist Church Life Issues talks: See the full 2023 Life Issues programme.
To book a place contact Sally Pollard-pollard3@hotmail.co.uk or tel-01483-428646.
For news from all the other local churches, see:
Churches Together Link Up - MAR 2023
Yew Tree Café
at Busbridge Church
The Yew Tree Café at Busbridge Church is open 8.30am-4pm weekdays in term time, and 10am-2pm on Saturdays, and 10am-4pm during school holidays.
Pastoral Care
If you, or someone you know at church, are in need of support and care, please contact Sandra Wilkin via the church office, or e: pastoral@bhcgodalming.org.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email prayer@bhcgodalming.org or call 01483 421267.
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.