Come to church or watch at home:
Services are back in church and broadcast live on YouTube!
Sunday 23 May
Reading: Acts 2: 1-21
Go to the APCM 2021 page (above) for the Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2020.
APCMs on 23 May: ‘Quality – God’s future for us’ ON ZOOM & AT CHURCH
9AM Heritage followed by the APCM at 9.30AM
10.30AM Busbridge Combined Morning Worship with the APCM starting at 10.45AM
Children’s Worship will take place at 10.30AM (rain or shine) for those with children aged 0-11, so if 2 parents are coming to church it’s possible for one to attend the APCM either on Zoom or in church.
Please do come along to the appropriate APCM and find out about the year gone, and what’s to come. The Annual Report for 2021, and the Financial Reports are now available (linked above).
At the Busbridge APCM we will be electing a new churchwarden. Candidates need to be nominated (proposed and seconded) for elections, and the nomination form must be submitted before the APCM starts.
Also on 23 May: 6PM UNPLUGGED Frescoustic - Pentecost Special! - Now in Busbridge Church due the weather forecast.
After church online coffee and catch-ups have moved to twice a month:
6.30PM on 2nd Sundays and 11.30AM on 3rd Sundays
We are still not allowed to offer refreshments at church, but hope to be able to restart the lovely habit of coffee at the end of services after 21 June!
The Notices
Thank you to
Worship & Prayer Night - Busbridge
...everyone who either gathered in person last Sunday evening at 7pm or prayed in your homes, cars, sheds or where-ever else you find space for prayer. We had over 70 people ‘in person’ combined at Busbridge and Hambledon; praying for revival of faith in God in ourselves, the church and the whole community; praying for Hambledon Church and taking its place in the future of the village.
... the amazing volunteer and staff team who have been putting the outdoor children’s worship together (10.30am, Sundays at Busbridge). Last Sunday there were more children there than there were adults in the main church building! And it was pouring with rain.
...all our Welcomers! We would like to say a Big 'THANK YOU' to all who are helping with the contemporary service on Sundays. We would particularly like to thank Sue, Sally, Dawn, Matt, Jackie, David, Sandra, Esther and Patrick for helping with the Welcome, without our Welcomers (because of Track and Trace requirements), we would not be able to have people in church for the services. Thank you so much for responding to our plea. There are still some Sundays, when we need Welcomers to help, if you would like to know details about the role, please do talk to the Welcomers on Sundays or contact Patrick Samuels for Contemporary and France Shaw for Classic. Thank you!
NEXUS EVENT—Visit to NGS Spurfold, Thurs 3 June
Nexus is thrilled to be planning its first gathered in person event for over a year! 😊 On Thursday 3rd June Nexus have arranged a private walk around the lovely NGS Spurfold garden, near Peaslake, meeting there at 6.30pm. The garden has extensive herbaceous and shrub borders, a sunken gravel garden, topiary, water features, glorious azaleas, and more!! And some surprising sculptures! It all sounds delightful!
The cost for the evening is £12, to include garden entrance and 'al fresco' drinks and nibbles. Numbers are restricted so, if you would like to join us, please email Pam on as soon as possible so we can give numbers to the venue. Hopefully, it will be a warm sunny evening for us to enjoy this beautiful garden.
Save the DATE! 26 June: Sat Summer Blitz Clean up day—both churches
10-12AM Busbridge with BBQ 12-1PM
2-4PM Hambledon with Afternoon Tea
FAMILY EVENT - CHILDREN WELCOME & will be put to “work”!
The traditional Big Spring Clean will be a marginally swifter “summer blitz” to strike off some tidying and maintenance jobs at both Busbridge and Hambledon, but more importantly draw people alongside each other and enjoy the coffee and tea breaks and a lunch together. Please contact the church office to let us know you are coming, or sign up on the web site. Liz will be putting you into teams according to your age and task preference, but we just your willingness and availability ASAP. BUT IF YOU WOULD BE WILLING TO DO THE BBQ, PLEASE SAY NOW!
27 June—St John the Baptist, Busbridge Church patronal festival. Watch this space. There will be a special Outward Giving Tearfund appeal for India.
Fancy a break from working from home? Please contact Patrick Samuels if you would be interested in sharing a workspace in the Old Rectory during school hours on Mondays or Thursdays once restrictions permit. Power, Wi-Fi and tea/coffee making facilities available. This might offer the chance for a change of scenery, some interaction with others and an optional prayer and reflection time at 12 noon.
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event to join the meetings on Zoom, or sign up.
BHC Public Zoom Room
946-391-4833 | PW 2021
CLICK HERE to get together on Zoom after each service for a virtual coffee, and mid-week Morning Prayer.
Please Pray for
Hambledon Road and road steward Simon Taylor
Woodlands Road
Students facing exams, and teachers involved in “Teacher Assessed Grades”
Services at Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church from 25 April
Services are back in both churches AND broadcast live on YouTube. The Contemporary Conversations service has moved into Busbridge Church, and starts at the slightly later time of 10.30AM. Communion (bread only) will take place on 1st Sundays of the month in the 9AM Busbridge Classic service, and on 3rd Sundays in the 9AM Hambledon Heritage service. Those attending are asked to SIGN UP and wear a FACE COVERING. Singing is not permitted in church, but is allowed outdoors (with face coverings).
Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church are both open daily for private prayer.
The Old Rectory is reopening gradually, and clergy and staff are still mainly working from home. The answerphone is checked regularly, but the best way to reach people is by email.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.
Catch up on News from other areas
News Items
Prime Time Lockdown Blog
Dear Cellar supporters,
Matt Buckle has finished his 10 marathons in 10 days last Sunday 9th May. He has set up a fundraising page that links through directly to the Cellar page here:
The Cellar is promoting this through Facebook so can we ask any of our trustees and supporters who use Facebook to 'Like' our page 'The Cellar Cafe Godalming.' if they have not done so already and like and share all the posts on Matt's progress, we will be posting daily throughout and sharing his new total.
We hope you will donate too! 10 Marathons in 10 days in no mean feat and Matt is not a super fit athlete, he has osteoarthritis in his hip and says himself he is not fast but just keeps going!
Please print a pdf copy of the notices and deliver to anyone you know who isn’t on email!