Dreams and Revelations
Reading: Daniel 2:24-45
9.10AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service [Holy Communion]
Leader: Andy Spencer
Speaker: Keith Harper
Busbridge Church & Online
The option of Home Communion is available again on 1st Sundays of the month, following communion in the Classic service. To request home communion, please email margot.spencer@bhcgodalming.org or call the church office on 01483 421267.
10.30AM MUDDY Church
Leader: Mark Puddephatt and the FUSE Muddy team
Busbridge Lakes - meet at the car park. Please leave dogs at home!
10.30AM ALPHA @ Hambledon Church
Session 2: Who is Jesus?
4PM HAMBLEDON Choral Evensong
Leader & Speaker: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church & Online
Next Sunday 8 May
There will be no morning services at Busbridge and Hambledon on 8 May as we are invited to the 10am traditional choral Eucharist service at St Peter and St Paul. There will be provision for all children at St Peter and St Paul support by the Busbridge&Hambledon Church CYF team.
On Sunday 15th May the Godalming parish church will come to BHC to worship at the contemporary service at 10:30am.
These changes on the two Sundays are part of the Minister exploration process, where the Bishop has invited us to explore the possibility of establishing a single Godalming parish (for more detail please click on this link https://www.bhcgodalming.org/godalming-minster-evaluation).
The idea of the combined services is for all parishes to come together to experience a different styles and traditions of worship as well as to get to know each other. We would encourage you to attend both these service as the parishes come together in prayer and worship as the process of evaluation and exploration is progressed. After each of these services Simon, John and David will be available to answer any questions about the status of the Minster evaluation.
5PM Minster Prayer gathering in the Old Rectory
We would request your prayers for this whole evaluation process as we seek God’s heart and His will the Godalming. If you would like to join us for the next prayer session, please come the Old Rectory at BHC on Sunday 8th May at 5:00 – 5:45 pm where a Prayer Gathering has been organised for members of all the parishes to come and pray together.
6PM BUSBRIDGE Evening Service
Leader: Clare Haddad
Speaker: Simon Taylor
Busbridge Church
Join the Electoral Roll / 2022 APCMs on 22 May: 10.30am Busbridge & 4pm Hambledon. To vote in the elections of church officers (church wardens) and other matters you must be on the electoral roll. If you have not already enrolled, please submit you application form ASAP - see Electoral Roll.
Nexus Talk, Thursday 8 May: ‘Rest and Relaxation at the Cellar Camino Café’
It has been more than 10 years since Chris Jagger spoke to Nexus about The Cellar and Skillway, both part of the Christian Warehouse Trust and one of BHC’s outward giving mission partners. The Cellar relocated from it’s home of 40 years to a new venue in the Bury’s and was renamed The Cellar Camino Café in October 2020. The Café welcomes everyone, with the principal objective of providing a caring and friendly meeting place for disadvantaged and vulnerable people in our local community. Come along to Busbridge Old Rectory at 8.00pm to find out from Chris about this transformation and what services and activities are on offer at the new café. You may even find you’d like to volunteer there; any offers would be warmly welcomed!
We’ll meet in the Busbridge Old Rectory at 8.00pm. You’ll be welcomed with a glass of wine or a soft drink and have a chance to catch up with each other before Chris begins his presentation. We look forward to seeing you.
Prom Praise at the Albert Hall, 14 May - Bishop Michael Baughen would like to recommend a marvellous annual event in the Royal Albert Hall started by Noel Tredinnick and Bishop Michael 50 years ago! With great music and singing, Bishop Michael would love a group from BHC to go this year. It is so inspiring to worship with 5000 others and a great musical uplift. It is on Saturday 14 May at 7.30pm.. a huge choir and orchestra... plus Keith and Kristyn Getty, Graham Kendrick and of course Noel Tredinnick and his fine successor Michael Andrews. Seats are bookable: RoyalAlbertHall.com/booking/production/74163
Christian Aid Week 15-20 May
There will be a street collection for Christian Aid (focussing this year on Zimbabwe) in Godalming High Street on Friday 20 May between 10am and 4pm. Please contact Muriel Clark at muand0n@gmail.com if you wish to help with this. Christian Aid needs the money to continue working with the many projects it is involved in which may be overlooked at this critical time.
For those anxious to collect for Christian Aid in their own streets, this is now possible as COVID restrictions have been lifted. Muriel has a supply of 'deliver only' envelopes, which means that those doing this need only visit each house once, to deliver the envelopes. Would those keen to take up this opportunity please contact Muriel at the above address and arrange to collect a supply of envelopes, and let Shelagh know at shelagh.godwin@bhcgodalming.org so that she can advise on where to leave the filled envelopes.
Yew Tree Café Opening Hours
8.30am-4pm [takeaway to 4.30pm] Weekdays
10am-2pm Saturday
SPECIAL OFFER FOR BRIDGE MAGAZINE READERS: Buy a coffee and get one for a friend for free! (Offer applies between 10am and 2pm only) Look out for the voucher in the May edition of the Bridge magazine.
The latest edition of the Bridge magazine is now available for road stewards to collect and deliver, and copies can be found at the back of Busbridge Church. The Bridge magazine is still in need of a treasurer - please speak to David Brockman to find out more.
The weekly prayer vigils for Ukraine will continue on TUESDAYS: 7.30pm at Hambledon Church, and 8pm at Busbridge Church.
Please fill out the Ukraine host / supporter form if you would like to join the network: https://bhcgodalming.churchsuite.com/forms/jyj7s8c8
The recently established BHC4Ukraine group aims to:
1. Link with council, community and hosts
2. Support host families with practical help
3. Organise fundraising and supplies
Updates will be posted on the new BHC4Ukraine page and Sarah Black is the POC for general enquiries, and Will Godwin is the link for prospective hosts.
The Alpha course in underway, 10.30am on Sundays at Hambledon Church. Simon Willetts and members of the Hambledon Contemporary congregation is sharing an invitation to anyone who would like to explore faith and enjoy coffee and croissants together on a Sunday morning. Alpha is great for absolute beginners as well as those of us who might want to do a bit of revision! This link takes you to the Alpha page to find out more.
NEW WINE CONFERENCE week 1 | 23-28th July: A group from BHC are booked to attend the Christian family conference, United (New Wine) along with the youth event, Luminosity this Summer at Peterborough Showground. This event is huge fun and a great way to recharge your spiritual batteries. We would love to take more of our church with us to experience what many of us have been loving and blessed at for many years. More information can be found here https://www.new-wine.org/events/ or please do ask Karen Hart or Nicky Hemery any questions you may have. We all camp together in our own 'village' area and can help with finding tents to borrow etc. Discounted rates are available for group bookings of 10 or more before 5th May so please do let us know if you are interested before booking in case we can take advantage of the discount for you. Families are welcome and there are always plenty of willing baby holders / toddler entertainers available!!
Coming Up:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event for details and the location (online or on site).
A printed list with the new service times is on the May Notices and can be picked up at either church.
9.10AM BUSBRIDGE Classic SERVICE (Change of time)
At Church and on YouTube every Sunday. Communion 1st Sundays.
Trial for 6 weeks: Service starting at the earlier time of 9.10am, with chairs laid out in the Contemporary setting (sideways on), and coffee in the Yew Tree Café after.
Thank you for vacating the church promptly after the service to help the team setting up for the Contemporary service.
9.30AM Hambledon Heritage
At church and on YouTube every Sunday. Communion 2nd & 5th Sundays.
10.30AM Busbridge CONTEMPORARY
At church and on YouTube 2nd-5th Sundays. Communion 3rd Sundays.
The Ark for ages 4-7 meets in Busbridge Village Hall. Crèche and Tiny Tigers for 0-4s in the Old Rectory. Drop off from 10.20am.
10.30AM ALPHA COURSE @ Hambledon (NEW)
All welcome. Please share the invitation. The Alpha course is 11 weeks and will run on Sundays during the summer term.
6PM Busbridge Evening Service (change of DATES)
At Church 2nd & 4th Sundays. Communion 4th Sundays.
Monthly Services & Special DATES:
1st Sundays of the month: 1 may, (Not 5 June - Queen’s Jubilee), 3 July
Locations tbc. No 10.30AM Contemporary service at Busbridge.
3rd Sundays of the month: 15 May, (Not 19 June - Service on Hambledon Village Green), 17 July
Messy Church
4PM at Hambledon Village Hall, with sandwich tea & refreshments!
Unplugged Youth Service (CHANGE OF DATES)
6PM at Busbridge Church on 19 June, and monthly on 3rd Sundays from September.
Recent meetings with the Unplugged Youth Team about the impending exam season has led to the conclusion that Unplugged is due a fresh new start. The next three months will be dedicated to pray, and work on a new format for Unplugged. The relaunch will happen in September. We have new leaders coming along, which is exciting! Anto writes: Join me in celebrating the fact that the youth have an increase interest in organizing a worship time for their peers and are not satisfied with something organized by the adults. There is a greater sense of ownership, and the feeling that Unplugged has lot of potential for the future of Youth Ministry at BHC. Please could you also pray for the restart of Unplugged in the autumn, and also for all the youth in the Unplugged team who are preparing for the tenuous exam season!"
Don’t forget about…
Things in the following areas may not make the notices, but the latest info can be found on the web pages:
Work continues apace on the Minster evaluation with the Steering Group and Working Groups continuing to meet regularly. The 2nd update is available on Minster Evaluation page above. Please continue to ask or send your questions or concerns to Simon Taylor, John Harkin or David Wilkin (Steering Group Chair).
CALL TO PRAYER for the Minster Evaluation Process:
9AM Wednesdays on Zoom
5PM Sunday 8 May at Busbridge Old Rectory (before 6PM Busbridge Evening service)
Looking ahead
5 June PENTECOST - 10.30am Queen’s Jubilee “Songs of Praise” service at Godalming Bandstand - no services at Busbridge
19 June - 10.30am Hambledon Festival service on the cricket green - no morning services at Busbridge - 6PM Unplugged (special service for youth during the exam period).
Church Family News
We send our love to Hilary Pettman following the death of husband Michael last Sunday. Please pray for Hilary and the whole family, for God’s comfort and peace at this time.
Please Pray for
Commuters in the congregation
Malthouse Lane, St Dominic’s school
Ramsden Road and road steward Ruth Roseblade
Please see the May issue of Churches Together Link Up and info on other local church events:
Godalming Baptist Church Life Sessions are back in 2022. Topics covered: Decision Making and the Will of God; Autism; Compassion Fatigue; Growing Old Disgracefully - holding onto what matters with increasing age; Bereavement; Come and Be Colourful. Please see the full brochure here.
£ donations to St Mark’s Foodbank
From time to time the foodbank needs to buy specific items for customers that they don’t have in stock. Unfortunately cash reserves are low and the foodbank is appealing for financial donations as well as goods. To give money, please donate by BACS to St Marks Community Centre, sort code 402212, a/c 91277766, or send cheques to St Marks, Franklyn Road, Godalming GU7 2LD.
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email prayer@bhcgodalming.org or call 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.