We look forward to worshipping with friends from St Peter and St Paul’s church and St Mark’s church, Godalming at the Contemporary service this Sunday. It’s part of the Minster Evaluation process and follows the wonderful joint service at Godalming Parish church last Sunday. There will be tea and coffee as usual, and for this special occasion… doughnuts!
Sunday 15 May
The Testimony of Nebuchadnezzar
Readings: Daniel 4:19-28
9.10AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service
Led by: Peter Shaw
Speaker: Simon Taylor
Busbridge Church & Online
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service
Leader & Speaker: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church & Online
10.30AM BUSBRIDGE Contemporary Service
We welcome members of St Peter and St Paul’s Church and St Mark’s Church, Godalming
Leader: Abigail Hewlett & Mark Williams
Speaker: Simon Taylor
Busbridge Church & Online
10.30AM HAMBLEDON Alpha Course
Leader & Speaker: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church
4PM HAMBLEDON Messy Church
Lost and Found
Led by Simon Willetts and the Messy Team
Hambledon Village Hall
Sunday 22 May
The writing on the wall
Reading: Daniel 5: 1-6, 17-30
The BHC annual report and accounts for 2021 are now published in advance of the APCMs next Sunday. You can view and download them from the APCM page below, or pick up a copy from church this Sunday. Please come to Busbridge at 10.30AM or Hambledon at 4PM for the annual shower of Quality Street and to hear about the big picture for BHC. We will also be thanking our outgoing wardens and voting in new church officers and PCC members. The Busbridge and Hambledon Electoral Rolls are now closed, 14 days in advance of the APCM, and available on request from the church office.
9.10AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service
Led by: Philippa Baker
Speaker: Patrick Samuels
Busbridge Church & Online
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service
Leader & Speaker: Andy Spencer
Hambledon Church & Online
10.30AM BUSBRIDGE APCM & Contemporary Worship
Leader & APCM Address: Simon Taylor
Busbridge Church & Online
10.30AM HAMBLEDON Alpha Course
Hambledon Church
Leader & APCM Address: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church
6PM BUSBRIDGE Evening Service
Leader and Speaker: Simon Taylor
Busbridge Church
THIS week is Christian Aid Week 15-20 May
or take a Christian Aid envelope from church and return it next Sunday 22 May.
There will be a street collection for Christian Aid (focussing this year on Zimbabwe) in Godalming High Street on Friday 20 May between 10am and 4pm. Please contact Muriel Clark at muand0n@gmail.com if you wish to help with this. Christian Aid needs the money to continue working with the many projects it is involved in which may be overlooked at this critical time.
BHC is starting a new Hearing Aid Clinic at Godalming Library, running 3rd Mondays of the month from 10.30am to 12.30pm. The first clinic will be Monday 16 May. Go to the Hearing Aid Clinic page for the 2022 dates at the Old Rectory and Godalming Library, and please pray for Penny and the team as they foster new links in town.
The Churches Together Ascension Day Service of Evening Prayer takes place at St John’s Farncombe at 6.00 pm on Thursday 26 May. It will be followed by bring-and-share supper in the church. Please stay on for this if you can, to share a meal with friends in Churches Together. Thanks to Rev James Rattue for hosting.
NEW WINE CONFERENCE week 1 | 23-28th July: A group from BHC are booked to attend the Christian family conference, United (New Wine) along with the youth event, Luminosity this Summer at Peterborough Showground. This event is huge fun and a great way to recharge your spiritual batteries. We would love to take more of our church with us to experience what many of us have been loving and blessed at for many years. More information can be found here https://www.new-wine.org/events/ or please do ask Karen Hart or Nicky Hemery any questions you may have. We all camp together in our own 'village' area and can help with finding tents to borrow etc. Families are welcome and there are always plenty of willing baby holders / toddler entertainers available!!
Coming Up:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event for details and the location (online or on site).
Manna Ministries will be staging it’s production of Miracles in Busbridge Church on Sat 14 May at 7PM.
Manna Theatre Company is the heartbeat of Manna’s mission. The Crick family, write musicals, outreach pieces, dramas, and original songs and monologues. We are a collective group of lovers of Jesus of all ages that come together to pray, perform and play as one big family. From foster mums to teachers, Bible college students, GCSE takers, ministers of the gospel, and graphic designers, we love presenting the Gospel to those we reach, in imaginative and creative ways. The Crick family writes and composes all the music and scripts, and this music is then arranged by DWB music.
Church Family News
We send our love to Hilary Pettman following the the death of Mike on 24 April. The funeral will take place at Guildford Crematorium on Tuesday 31 May at 2.15PM. All are welcome. Please pray for Hilary and the whole family, for God’s comfort and peace at this time.
Looking ahead
5 June PENTECOST - 10.30am Queen’s Jubilee “Songs of Praise” service at Godalming Bandstand - no services at Busbridge
19 June
10.30am Hambledon Festival service on the cricket green - no morning services at Busbridge
6PM Unplugged (special service for youth during the exam period).
Don’t forget about…
Things in the following areas may not make the notices, but the latest info can be found on the web pages:
Yew Tree Café Opening Hours
8.30am-4pm [takeaway to 4.30pm] Weekdays
10am-2pm Saturday
SPECIAL OFFER FOR BRIDGE MAGAZINE READERS: Buy a coffee and get one for a friend for free! (Offer applies between 10am and 2pm only) Look out for the voucher in the May edition of the Bridge magazine.
Work continues apace on the Minster evaluation with the Steering Group and Working Groups continuing to meet regularly. The 2nd update is available on Minster Evaluation page above. Please continue to ask or send your questions or concerns to Simon Taylor, John Harkin or David Wilkin (Steering Group Chair).
CALL TO PRAYER for the Minster Evaluation Process:
9AM Wednesdays on Zoom
Please Pray for
ABC Toddler group and parents
Hambledon Road and Hambledon Nursery School
Pullman Lane and road stewards Kate Brockman and Kate Kaye.
Please see the May issue of Churches Together Link Up and info on other local church events.
Connect Ladies Breakfast at Wetherspoons, 9-11 a.m. on Saturday 21st May with Canon Hazel Whitehead as speaker. Please let Sally Pollard know if you would like to attend by Sunday 15th May (phone her on 01483 428646).
Godalming Baptist Church Life Sessions are back in 2022. Topics covered: Decision Making and the Will of God; Autism; Compassion Fatigue; Growing Old Disgracefully - holding onto what matters with increasing age; Bereavement; Come and Be Colourful. Please see the full brochure here.
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email prayer@bhcgodalming.org or call 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.