250th Anniversary Peal
Listen out this Saturday! The 28th January will be the 250th anniversary of the first peal of bells at Church Street, first rung in 1775. The bell ringers will mark the anniversary with a full peal on Saturday 25th from 9.30am. What is a peal?
“that you may believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that, believing, you may have life in his name”
(John 20:31).
Dear Friends
This Sunday, we begin a journey through John’s gospel, starting with the parallels John draws between the dawn of Creation and the dawn of God’s rescue operation for humankind. During Lent, Holy Week and Easter, we continue with John’s narrative, to the cross and beyond.
Read on in the notices for:
Introducing Roots Youth
Courses starting soon: Alpha and The Bereavement Journey
Cut out Cancer concert on 1st Feb
Regular events coming up.
This Sunday
In the beginning
Genesis 1:1-8 John 1:1-18;
10am Morning Worship
Franklyn Road
10am Morning Worship
10am Classic Service
Brighton Road
10.30am Contemporary Service
Church Street
With coffee from 10.15am and children’s groups in the Octagon.
5pm Choral Evensong
Church Street
6pm Evening Worship [HC]
Brighton Road
Introducing Roots Youth
New for 2025! Pathfinders and Ichthus have undergone an exciting transformation, coming together into one to create Roots Youth.
Ben Barnes writes:
This change reflects our vision of helping every young person in our church family grow deeply rooted in God’s love, His Word, and a vibrant faith community. Roots isn’t just a name — it’s a calling to grow in depth and direction.
Why “Roots”?
Roots is about being grounded and guided by God. Just as a tree’s roots reach deep into the earth for stability, strength, and nourishment, we want each young person’s life to be rooted in Christ. Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit” (John 15:5). We’re aiming for a faith that isn’t just surface-level, but a strong foundation, growing ever deeper with time.
Roots also captures the idea of direction. Like a route on a satnav, God’s Word gives us clarity and purpose, helping us navigate life’s choices with wisdom. We aim to be Spirit-led in all we do, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire us, as Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart… and he will make your paths straight.” Whether we’re making big decisions or taking small steps, Roots is about finding God’s direction for our lives.
Do chat to Ben anytime about the Roots values, and what happens in a Roots Youth Bible study session, 6pm on Sundays. The door is always open to new 11-18s.
Cut out Cancer Concert - Jazz, Folk, Classical and Gospel - 7pm 1st Feb 2025
Godalming Minster is hosting a fundraising concert in aid of Rotary’s Cut Out Cancer campaign. All proceeds from this event will be donated to the Royal Surrey Hospital to help provide specialist high-tech, robotic surgical equipment for its new cancer centre. This state of the art medical technology will improve the experience and outcomes of thousands of people in the local area whose lives are affected by cancer each year.
This unique, two hour event will offer special performances from local musicians across a range of diverse and eclectic genres including jazz, gospel, folk, country and classical. Featured artists are: MBM Gospel Choir, Brighton Road, Classical duo Caroline and Jim and the DRCS Jazz Ensemble.
This concert will be an uplifting, emotional and entertaining event for the local community. Everyone is welcome and admission is free but we hope that the audience will be generous in their appreciation, make a donation and help make this a successful fundraising evening. By working together I know that we can make a really positive difference so please do come along.
Tickets are not required for this event but if you would like to attend, please email to richandmarielle@hotmail.com or WhatsApp +32 476 046815 for event planning purposes.
Coming Up
Stay Curious. Try Alpha.
Would you like to try Alpha? and/or Who could you invite? More details.
Final call for the next Weds evening Alpha course starting on 29 January 2025 at 7.30pm. (The Thurs lunchtime course is postponed).
There’s room for more so please contact lesley.mason@godalmingminster.org who will be delighted to hear from you if you’d like to participate as a guest, or a host.
We're still looking for people to provide the meals that are an integral part of the course. It's fun and easier to do this with a friend or 2, or with your homegroup, but we can always provide extra hands to serve if you prefer to prepare it on your own. The evening course runs from 29th January for 10 weeks - we provide a hot meal and a light pudding.
Do ask Karen Hart (07891 114306), or Lynda Donaldson (07596 921125) for further details and to offer your services! Or email the church office office@godalmingminster.org
Bereavement Café
The Bereavement café is “open” once again from 2.30-4pm on Tue 28 Jan in the Busbridge Old Rectory. All are welcome to drop in for tea and cake in a warm and supportive environment. Members of the Pastoral Team will be here to welcome you. You might also like to find out about the next Bereavement Journey course which starts the following week.
The Bereavement Journey
The next 7-week course for anyone who has been bereaved recently or some time ago, will start on Monday 3 February. This will be the third course at Godalming Minster, and feedback from past participants has been very positive. The pastoral care team would be happy to speak to anyone who wants to find out a bit more, so please do get in touch now. More details.
The Bible Course
To join the next Bible Course starting Thu 30 Jan, contact Rev Hilary Pettmen via the Minster Office.
Minster Prayer Gathering - 8pm 5 Feb at Hambledon
Everyone! Please gather with Simon Willetts at Godalming Minster Hambledon to pray for Godalming Minster and the people we serve, as we await a new Rector and other appointments. There is a short time of worship and reflection before we share a time of prayer. A reminder that Morning Prayer takes place online, and at Franklyn Road and Hambledon during the week. See below for details.
Nexus: Uzbekistan and the Silk Road By Gill Hillman
Thu 6 Feb at 8pm: To bring some warmth to a winter's evening, we look forward to hearing about Gill Hillman's explorations of Uzbekistan and the Silk Road – with lots of stunning photographs!
In May 2024, Gill finally embarked on this trip which had been an ambition of hers for several years. She now invites us to share her awesome experiences, her photographs and the various mementos that she treasures, each with a story attached. It sounds fascinating – do join us at 8.00pm in the Busbridge Old Rectory. All are welcome, including men! Annual subscription £20. Visitors £5 donation. New members welcome! For information, please contact: janetmharvey@btinternet.com or katekaye2@btinternet.com
Serving Opportunities - we God can use you here!
Here are some opportunities to make a fulfilling commitment - and meet some quite urgent needs, perhaps for a season, or a year. We need people’s time and love in a number of areas to keep sustain our missional activities. These are the ones under the priority areas of following Jesus, loving people and renewing faith that the leadership team are most aware of at the moment!:
ABC Toddlers 9-11.30pm
Join Sophia at our busy toddler group in the Old Rectory. She’s currently flying solo and help with set up, welcoming and in the kitchen would be most welcome. Contact sophia.barnes@godalmingminster.org.
11-2pm Set up and host the Warm Hub at Franklyn Road
The Hub is open year-round serving a free lunch followed by tea and social time. In the winter months it’s a registered warm space. Awareness is growing in the local community and the Hub serves 15-20 regular guests each week. You would be serving alongside a small but faithful team who have been running the Hub since it began in 2020. Contact Michael and Julia Stubbs via the Minster Office.
After-school youth café at Franklyn Road
The youth café welcomes 25+ years 5 and 6 children from St Mark’s and All Saints each week from 3-4.30pm and offers a snack and different games and activities. The great team of volunteers get alongside the children to provide them with a safe and welcoming space to chat and share their interests. (The after school café provides a great extension of the work that members of Godalming Minster are doing to support its church school with assemblies and class support.)
Wednesday evening and Thursday lunchtime
Alpha at the Busbridge Old Rectory
One of the best ways to explore and share your faith story and the gospel is by hosting a table and facilitating discussion, or cooking and serving a meal for the Alpha course. Karen Hart is coordinating the catering for the next courses which start in the last week of January 2025. There are more details below.
Friday night youth social 7-9pm in the Busbridge Old Rectory
The popular session for 11-14s is currently running at limited capacity. Ben and the team can’t take any more young people without more volunteers. Contact ben.barnes@godalmingminster.org.
The Ark and Explorers at Church Street 9.45am-12pm
We are looking for more people to support our excellent children’s groups for 0-11s on a Sunday in the Octagon - once or twice a month. If you would like to to share the gospel with young people in a fun and creative way, with songs and games, please get in touch with jenny.lansdowne@godalmingminster.org.
Please note that a DBS certificate is required to serve with young and vulnerable people. For info see the safeguarding policy. Training, instructions and support are provided for every role, and we also ask everyone to sign a volunteer agreement which sets out the scope for each role.
What’s on Where
There’s lots going on around Godalming Minster every week, for all ages and stages - always too much to list in the notices!
Following Jesus
Mid-week prayer gatherings take place in the Zoom Online Prayer Room (8.45am Mon / 9am Wed), and at Godalming Minster Hambledon (9am Wed) and Franklyn Road (9am Mon and Tue). Vacancy Prayers are 1st Weds of the month around the Minster. Please check the calendar.
If you would like to join a prayer gathering online, please use the link to the online prayer room on Zoom with passcode: 2025.
Small groups meet in homes to study the bible, pray and journey together.
New members are invited to join an existing group, or form their own group.
To find out more and connect with the right one for you, contact Rev Hilary Pettman. e: hilary.pettman@godalmingminster.org.
Loving People
The Hub at Franklyn Road provides a free lunch and time to socialise every Tuesday from 12-2.30pm. Open to all in the area, and across the Minster. (Donations of homemade cakes are always welcome.)
Prime Time for older people meets every Monday at 10.30am in the Yew Tree Café for a coffee drop in. For all events and details, see Prime Time.
Nexus meets on the 1st Thursday of the month, with talks and activities for church members and the community. More about Nexus.
The Men’s Group meets for breakfast at 8.15am on the 1st Saturdays of the month. See the calendar for details.
Busbridge Coffee Morning takes place on 1st Wednesdays of the month at 10.30am in the Yew Tree Café.
Hambledon Coffee Morning and Hearing Aid Clinic takes place 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10.30am.
The Bereavement Café takes place on the last Tuesday of the month, 2.30-4pm in the Busbridge Old Rectory.
Hearing Aid Clinics run at the Busbridge Old Rectory on 2nd Fridays of the month from 2.30-4pm, and at Godalming Library on 3rd Mondays of the month from 10.30am-12pm.
The Yew Tree Café at Godalming Minster Brighton Road is open 8.30am-4pm weekdays in term time, and 10am-2pm on Saturdays, and 9.30am-4pm during school holidays. There’s wi-fi and power for those that want to work, and Prime Time hosts a drop in session for anyone who’d like a coffee and a chat every Monday from 10.30-11.30am.
CYF activities for 0-18s include term-time Toddler Groups, The Youth Café and Friday Night Social, as well as Sunday groups and seasonal events.
Led by Revd Peter Jackson
Saturday 25th January 2025 10 am – 12.30 pm
(Coffee available from 9.30 am) at Godalming Baptist Church,
Queen Street, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1BA
What is bullying?
What is the difference between bullying and harassment?
We often associate bullying with children but many adults are bullied.
In what situations does bullying happen?
What are the signs that bullying might be taking place?
What does it feel like to be bullied?
How do we deal with bullying?
Come and join us to look at some of these issues together, and find out ways of combatting bullying whether for our own preservation, or in coming alongside others who are experiencing this intimidating behaviour.
The session will be free of charge, but voluntary donations are invited for The National Bullying Helpline. Please reserve a place, by contacting Sally Pollard email: pollard3@hotmail.co.uk, tel: 01483 428646.
Get Involved / Join a team
We're passionate about people feeling like they're a part of our church family and one of the best places to do that is as part of a team.
No matter your age or experience, there's a team that you can join, serving alongside others and getting to know people better in the church. You can find out about all our opportunities to serve and offer your time and talents on the Join a Team page.
Don’t forget about…
MyChurchSuite is an app for members of Godalming Minster to check dates, rotas, church emails, look up church members and sign up to events (without having to enter your details again and again!). Contact the Minster Office if you’ve lost your login details or would like to request an account. See more instructions.
Can we pray for you?
***Please send prayer requests to prayer@godalmingminster.org***
If you, or someone you know at church, are in need of support and care, please contact Sandra Wilkin via the Minster office, or e: pastoral@godalmingminster.org.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email prayer@godalmingminster.org or call 01483 421267.