Notices for Sun 23 March

Click here for Easter events and services

Dear Friends

It feels like Spring has sprung, for the moment at least, and it was lovely to see so many people milling about outside and in at Brighton Road yesterday. Last Saturday’s movie matinee was really popular and Penny has seen record numbers at the Hearing Aid Clinics at the library and Hambledon in the past week, so hat’s off to Older People’s ministry and every good thing it’s doing for the wider community!

At Franklyn Road the community centre is always busy and the Minster team runs The Hub, the Foodbank and the afterschool Youth Café for St Mark’s and All Saints. Numbers have been steadily growing so let’s give thanks for that. Please also pray for the team and all the 2025 wedding couples taking part in the Marriage Preparation Day on Sat 22 Mar at Brighton Road.

Have we missed something? No doubt! In the office we are working on a new web site, which is now being polished by the web designer. It really shows what an active community we are and how many different people are involved.

To support all this, can we encourage ourselves in prayer? The Minster staff team will be gathering in the church at Brighton Road on Mondays at 9.15am for Morning Prayer. You are invited to join them, or any one of the mid-week prayer sessions around the Minster:

  • Mondays 8.45am Reflective Prayer on Zoom & 9.15am at Brighton Road

  • Tuesdays 9am at Franklyn Road

  • Wednesdays 9am at Hambledon and on Zoom

  • 8pm 1st Weds of the month - Prayer Gathering for the life of the Minster - 2nd April at Franklyn Road (we rotate the location).

This Sunday

Topic: Jesus anointed at Bethany
Reading: John 12:1-10

10am Morning Worship
Franklyn Road

10am Classic Service
Brighton Road

10am Morning Worship

10.30am Contemporary
Church Street
Coffee from 10.15am and children’s groups in the Octagon.

5pm Choral Evensong
Church Street

6pm Evening Worship
Brighton Road
Roots Youth (11-18s) meets in church before leaving for their time together in The Hut.


NEW Parish Electoral Roll 2025 - Apply before 20 April!

Every six years we start a new Parish Electoral Roll from scratch. The Parish Electoral Roll is the register of its voting members and allows you to play a full part in the life of the parish.  As a member, you can attend and vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting - this year on Wed 14 May, 8pm at Church Street.

2025 is the year we start a new Electoral Roll.  Whether or not you have been on the Roll in the past, if you want to be on the new Church Electoral Roll, you must complete a new application form.   

New for 2025:  Complete your application online

A link to the online form has been emailed to those on the existing Electoral Roll, by Hilary Reeve on 12 March.  If this is you, your invitation is prepopulated with the details we have for you.  (This saves filling in your name and address.) If you haven’t received an email from Hilary, you can use the link above.

TAKE CARE to sign the form digitally using your mouse on a PC or laptop, or your finger on a phone, tablet or laptop touchpad.


The online form seems to be working well for many of you, but we are aware that a few people have had trouble - this maybe to do with the set up of your device or screen. Don’t worry, if the online form doesn’t work or you prefer paper, application forms are available:

·                at all church services

·                from the Electoral Roll Officer (Hilary Reeve)

·                to download here.

All completed forms must be returned by Sunday 20 April either:

· by placing a paper form in the red box to be found at the back of each church; or

· by emailing a scanned form to the Electoral Roll Officer; or

· by completing the online application form.

Hilary Reeve
Electoral Roll Officer e:

Coming Up

Look up Easter events and services here, and pick up a printed programme at church this Sunday. You’ll have the chance to visit all parts of the Minster over the the Easter period, and we’re grateful to everyone who has already put their hand up to serve at one service or event, or other. Offers are still welcome - please get in touch with the office.

NEW: Palm Sunday All in One followed by a bring and share lunch at Church Street
Palm Sunday falls on the middle weekend of the Easter holidays this year, and is a nice time to all get together. We’ll start with a procession from the Pepperpot down Church Street to the church. Meet at 9.50am. It will be an all age service, followed by lunch in the Octagon.

Easter Events to sign up for

Everyone is welcome, but there are a few events which we ask for sign ups to help with catering:

Maundy Thursday supper and communion
We remember the last supper and Jesus washing the disciples feet at Franklyn Road. There will a light supper of soup, bread and cheese at 7pm. Sign up.

Good Friday Hot Cross Bun Hambledon-2-Busbridge cross country adventure
Approx 5 km walk finishing at the Old Rectory for tea and hot cross buns. How many hot cross buns do we need? Sign up

Easter Garden Service and Egg Hunt
This service is already half full. Sign up.

Churches Together

Churches Together AGM, Monday 17 March, 7.30 pm, St John’s Church, Farncombe

All are welcome to this open meeting. As well as the annual business there will be a short discussion of the role of ‘saints and other holy people’ in our church communities.

Forthcoming Prayer Breakfasts 22 March – Cellar Café

Come to St Mark’s Community Centre “Annual General Meeting” AND QUIZ NIGHT

At St. Mark’s Community Centre, Franklyn Road, GU7 2LD

ON FRIDAY 11th APRIL at 6.30pm for 7pm START

£10 per person, includes ENTRY - HOT SUPPER - DESSERT- and HOT DRINK

Bring your own bottle and glass. Raffle £1 for 5 tickets


Homes for Ukraine

We share a request from Diane Alder who has been involved in placing individuals and families from Ukraine. She asks if anyone can provide a home for the sister-in-law of a lady already supported locally: Marina (36) and her daughter, Milana (1.5) are currently living in Kyiv and have recently taken the difficult decision to leave her husband and family in Ukraine for the sake of their daughter. Marina is a manager in an e-commerce company, speaks good English (B2), and has a driving license. Please contact for more details.

Big Spring Clean at Brighton Road Sat 10 May

Sign up

Please join us at Brighton Road from 10-2am for an intensive but joyous time of cleaning, sorting, gardening and light DIY. There’s tasks for all ages, so the whole family can come along. Satisfaction guaranteed: It’s more fun that it sounds, and doing chores together builds us as a family. Liz our facilities manager will be organising the teams and task lists, providing tools and equipment, and lunch will be provided in the Old Rectory garden once we’ve all downed tools.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting 8pm Wed 14 May

Please save the date:  As mentioned above, the PCC have confirmed the date for the first Godalming Minster APCM for 8pm on 14 May at Godalming Minster Church Street.  Everyone is encouraged to attend as we look back over the first year, elect new members to the PCC, and other church officers.  It is also an opportunity to come together and thank and encourage the PCC and those in leadership roles in the parish, and consider what God has in store for the next season.  As we are in vacancy, Chris Bessant Area Dean will be chairing the meeting.  There’ll be refreshments to start.  The Annual Report and Accounts for 2024 will be published in advance.  


Find out more >

The spring term Alpha is now well underway, but you can sign up or register your interest at any time and we’ll be in touch when the next dates are announced.

The Bereavement Journey

Please register your interest at anytime for the next series of sessions for anyone who has been bereaved recently or some time ago. The pastoral care team would be happy to speak to anyone who wants to find out a bit more, so please do get in touch now. More details.

Church Family News

Congratulations to Seb and Izzie (Contemporary congregation) who announced their engagement this week! We wish them joy, and pray for God’s blessing as they prepare for their marriage. (They were just in time for the Marriage Prep Day on Saturday, so thanks to everyone involved for doing the “quickstep”.)

We have been deeply saddened to hear of the death of Trevor Kennea, a much-loved and longstanding church member. Trevor died peacefully last week at the age of 91.  Please pray for his daughter Carole and son Nigel and their families, that they will know God’s peace and comfort as they mourn.  A service to celebrate Trevor’s life will be held in Brighton Road on Friday 11 April at 12.30 pm.  All friends are warmly invited to attend both the service and also refreshments afterwards at The Withies Inn, Compton. If possible, please could you let Carole know by e-mail or 07775 797970.

We send our love and sympathy to Richard Redfern and family, following the death of Daphne in late February.  Daphne’s service will be in Church Street on Thursday 27 March at midday.  All friends welcome.

We also send our love to Karen Beamer, whose father died earlier this month.  Please surround Karen and the whole family with your prayers.

What’s on Where

There’s lots going on around Godalming Minster every week, for all ages and stages - always too much to list in the notices!


Next Life Issues at Godalming Baptist Church:
The Challenge of Aging - The Saga Years on Sat 26 April 10-12.30pm

led by Revd Peter Jackson. Peter leads with great compassion, empathy and humour and this promises to be such a worthwhile morning.

Peter will address such questions as: How can we live well as we live longer? Is there a difference between ageing and maturity? Is ageism a factor in our society? 

There is no charge for the morning but donations would be very much appreciated towards the work of Age UK Charity. To book a place please contact Sally Pollard-01483-428646 or e-mail

Following Jesus

Mid-week prayer gatherings take place in the Zoom Online Prayer Room (8.45am Mon / 9am Wed), and at Godalming Minster Hambledon (9am Wed) and Franklyn Road (9am Mon and Tue). Vacancy Prayers are 1st Weds of the month around the Minster. Please check the calendar.

If you would like to join a prayer gathering online, please use the link to the online prayer room on Zoom with passcode: 2025.

Small groups meet in homes to study the bible, pray and journey together.
New members are invited to join an existing group, or form their own group.
To find out more and connect with the right one for you, contact Rev Hilary Pettman. e:

Loving People

The Hub at Franklyn Road provides a free lunch and time to socialise every Tuesday from 12-2.30pm. Open to all in the area, and across the Minster. (Donations of homemade cakes are always welcome.)

Prime Time for older people meets every Monday at 10.30am in the Yew Tree Café for a coffee drop in. For all events and details, see Prime Time.

Nexus meets on the 1st Thursday of the month, with talks and activities for church members and the community. More about Nexus.

The Men’s Group meets for breakfast at 8.15am on the 1st Saturdays of the month. See the calendar for details.

Busbridge Coffee Morning takes place on 1st Wednesdays of the month at 10.30am in the Yew Tree Café.

Hambledon Coffee Morning and Hearing Aid Clinic takes place 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10.30am.

The Bereavement Café takes place on the last Tuesday of the month, 2.30-4pm in the Busbridge Old Rectory.

Hearing Aid Clinics run at the Busbridge Old Rectory on 2nd Fridays of the month from 2.30-4pm, and at Godalming Library on 3rd Mondays of the month from 10.30am-12pm.

The Yew Tree Café at Godalming Minster Brighton Road is open 8.30am-4pm weekdays in term time, and 10am-2pm on Saturdays, and 9.30am-4pm during school holidays. There’s wi-fi and power for those that want to work, and Prime Time hosts a drop in session for anyone who’d like a coffee and a chat every Monday from 10.30-11.30am.

CYF activities for 0-18s include term-time Toddler Groups, The Youth Café and Friday Night Social, as well as Sunday groups and seasonal events.

Get Involved / Join a team

We're passionate about people feeling like they're a part of our church family and one of the best places to do that is as part of a team.

No matter your age or experience, there's a team that you can join, serving alongside others and getting to know people better in the church. You can find out about all our opportunities to serve and offer your time and talents on the Join a Team page.

Don’t forget about…

MyChurchSuite is an app for members of Godalming Minster to check dates, rotas, church emails, look up church members and sign up to events (without having to enter your details again and again!). Contact the Minster Office if you’ve lost your login details or would like to request an account. See more instructions.


Can we pray for you?

***Please send prayer requests to***

If you, or someone you know at church, are in need of support and care, please contact Sandra Wilkin via the Minster office, or e:

To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.