Dear Friends
What a great start to Advent! An enjoyable quiz, Advent Carols in all their forms (traditional to acoustic contemporary around the campfire) took place last weekend, and this week the Christmas hampers have been prepared and packed. Sherry with the Vicars was a lovely event, bringing Prime Time together with people from across the Minster churches. After completing the Christingle kits for this Sunday, guests set about covering hamper boxes. There’s no sherry in the pics below, but we are reliably informed that it wasn’t all hard work!
You may have seen the promotion for The First Nowell video on Instagram and Facebook already, but we’ll be seeing it again on Sunday, and the full version of the video will be premiered at the 4pm Christingle, and at the Carol services on 17 December. It’s a wonderful effort from so many, but special thanks to our multi-talented associate vicar/ worship pastor/music producer Rev Simon Willetts, and to Ben Barnes and Jacob Taylor for making it all happen.
This year’s Christmas Appeal is in aid of Elam Ministries (see and read the update below. You can donate in advance of Sunday, when you come to church, or next week.
Mission Sunday 10 December
The true message of Christmas
Reading: Mark 1: 1-8
9.30AM Contemporary Service
Busbridge Church & online
Led by Simon Taylor
All gather in church before the children leave for their Christmas parties in the Old Rectory!
11.15AM Busbridge Classic Service
Busbridge Church & online
Led by Sarah Rowden | Speaker Simon Taylor
10AM Hambledon Morning Worship [Holy Communion]
Hambledon Church & online
Led by Simon Willetts | Speaker David Jenkins
4PM Christingle
Busbridge Church
Led by Ben Barnes & Marcus Hockley
Please check availability
We asked people to sign up for this service to avoid turning people away. The service is now full, but do check the link for cancellations if you would still like to come.
Singing Joy to the Lord
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11
10AM Family Carol Service
for everyone in Godalming Minster
(no morning services at Hambledon, St Peter & St Paul’s and St Mark’s)
Busbridge Church & online
Led by Mark Williams | Speaker Margot Spencer
Please wear your Christmas Jumper!
6PM Carol Service
St Mark’s Church
Led by Sheila Samuels
6.30PM 9 Lessons & Carols
St Peter & St Paul’s Church
Led by John Harkin
7PM Carols by Candlelight
Hambledon Church & online
Led by Simon Willetts
Advent & Christmas
There is now a very simple holding page for to direct everyone to Christmas events and services, and the existing church web sites. (Development of an exciting new web site is getting underway.) Pick up a Christmas programme at church this Sunday, or download the pdf below:
Christmas Hampers
The first batch of hampers was packed on Thursday evening at the Packing Party at St Mark’s. Thanks to Karen Milton for organising everything, and to all those who came to help, our youth group and a group from Priors Field School.
There are more households on the list, so it’s not too late to donate items to help local families, some of whom are supported by the Foodbank at St Mark’s year round, and some who appreciate a little help at this time of year. We like to make the hampers a real treat and show of love and generosity to those who might not be able to enjoy the nicer things at Christmas. It is especially appreciated if the items are from the luxury range rather than value range. See the shopping lists and select 3 or 4 items to buy. No gifts will be wasted! You can drop hamper items off at the Yew Tree Café ASAP.
Help make it all happen
It be great to spread the load this Christmas and support our service and worship leaders in making every service and event a success. Please look at the programme and let the Church office know when you are available, or better still use the nifty form below!
Churches Together Christmas Day Lunch - Helpers needed
Churches Together in Godalming and District for many years has organised a Christmas Day Lunch for people who would otherwise spend the day on their own. Invitations to attend are distributed through the Godalming churches, doctors’ surgeries and community centres.
Guests arrive at Godalming Baptist Church in Queen Street for a soft drink followed by a full Christmas lunch. After lunch there is entertainment and everyone is given a small gift. The day is very good fun and a lovely way to spend Christmas!
Volunteers are needed for a variety of roles: preparing food and setting tables on 24 December; providing transport on Christmas Day, helping in the kitchen with serving and washing up, hosting the day; providing entertainment and a team to help clear away. If you can help, or would like to be a guest, please complete and return the forms below.
Stay Curious Try Alpha - course starting 11 Jan 2024
Godalming Minster’s first Alpha course is starting on 11 January 2024 at Godalming Minster St Mark’s Franklyn Road. It will actually be the 3rd course run together, but we are starting a bigger campaign for this one. You can a) sign up yourself, b) invite a friend or family member, c) offer to cook or help with hospitality for one of the sessions or d) all of the above. Keith Harper will be delighted to hear from you whichever option you choose!
Godalming Minster News & to dos!
Call to Prayer! We are truly seeking God’s glory in the creation of Godalming Minster and call everyone to pray together at St Peter & St Paul’s Church Street at 7.30pm on Monday 18 Dec. You can also join a Morning prayer on Wednesdays at 9am on Zoom or at Hambledon Church, or pray in your small group, with a friend, or on your own. Creating a Minster (the first of it’s kind) is a thrilling but not uncomplicated prospect, particularly following the busy Christmas season. Please pray for everyone involved, and especially our clergy and church wardens.
Save the dates:
A Special Parochial Church Meeting (SPCM) will follow morning services on Sunday 7 Jan, 11.30am at Godalming Minster Busbridge Church Brighton Road. At this important meeting, those people present will vote in the Godalming Minster Officers and PCC members: ·
2 Churchwardens
To the Parochial Church Council 15 (maximum) lay representatives
To the Deanery Synod: 6 (maximum) lay representatives
Other matters of parochial or general church interest
Eight representatives from Busbridge Church, three from Hambledon Church will be elected to serve on the Minster PCC. Anyone who is on the current Electoral Rolls is eligible to vote. The electoral rolls will close to new applicants on 18 December and the roll will be published on 24 December (2 Sundays before the SPCM). Apply to the Electoral Roll.
You are invited to the Godalming Minster Launch service on 14 January, 10.30am at Godalming Minster Church Street. The service will be led by The Rt Revd Andrew Watson, Bishop of Guildford, with hymns accompanied by the choir, and band led worship. There will be children’s activities in the Octagon and prosecco and coffee afterwards.
News from the Church Office
Cat Garner who looks after a wide range of church admin tasks from baptisms to IT, is away from the office for a while. We pray that God will bless Cat and the Garner family during her time off, and ask for your understanding as we endeavour to cover the gap that she leaves in the church/Minster office.
Coming Up / plan ahead
See the events coming up next and look up dates further ahead in the full calendar.
Can we pray for you?
***Please send prayer requests to***
Mid-week Prayer Gatherings
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer and reflection.
Monday Morning Reflections on Zoom
If you would like to start your week in quiet reflection over a passage of scripture do join us at 8.45am on Mondays - you will be very welcome. For any further information please contact: Gertrud Sollars or Shan Hallam.
Wednesdays at 9AM:
Morning Prayer at Hambledon Church
Morning Prayer on Zoom
Groups & Activities
Nexus meets on the 1st Thursday of the month, with talks and activities for church members and the community. The 2023 Nexus programme can be found on Nexus.
Ladies’ Drinks takes place every 1st Friday of the month, 7.30PM at the The Pavilion by Howling Owl.
The Men’s Group meets for breakfast at 8.15am on the first Saturdays of the month. See the calendar event for details.
Hambledon Coffee Morning and Hearing Aid Clinic takes place 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 10.30am.
The 2023 Prime Time programme for Jul-Dec is now available. For all events and details, see Prime Time.
Bereavement Café - The Bereavement Café is for anyone who has been bereaved recently or some time ago and provides a safe and supportive space to come and chat with members of the pastoral care team, and others who have experienced loss. Every last Tuesday of the month in the Old Rectory. More details >>>
get involved / serving
We're passionate about people feeling like they're a part of our church family and one of the best places to do that is as part of a team.
No matter your age or experience, there's a team that you can join, serving alongside others and getting to know people better in the church. You can find out about all our opportunities to serve and offer your time and talents on the Join a Team page.
Don’t forget about…
The MyChurchSuite app. It’s the easiest way to check dates, rotas, church emails, look up church members and sign up to events (without having to enter your details again and again!). Contact the Church Office if you’ve lost your login details or would like to request an account. The instructions which are now on the web site HERE.
For news from all the other local churches, see:
Churches Together Link Up - DECEMBER 2023
Yew Tree Café
at Busbridge Church
The Yew Tree Café at Busbridge Church is open 8.30am-4pm weekdays in term time, and 10am-2pm on Saturdays, and 10am-4pm during school holidays.
Pastoral Care
If you, or someone you know at church, are in need of support and care, please contact Sandra Wilkin via the church office, or e:
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.