We have been deeply saddened to learn of the death of Ishbel Veitch, one of the sisters at Ladywell Convent, who was also a much loved and respected member of WoW. She was deeply involved in Churches Together and was a regular helper at The Hub, in Godalming. Ishbel originally hailed from New Zealand and had a wonderful, lively Christian faith and personality. There is no date set for her funeral yet, but the convent will let us know when the arrangements have been made. We give thanks for her life and witness. Please pray for Ishbel’s family and many friends, as well as for the community at Ladywell.
Shedvent Monday 19th December
CALLING ALL CHILDREN! If you'd like to make friends with a REAL donkey come and meet him, 5.00 - 6.00pm at the Shed at Busbridge Church.
Busbridge Ball
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a second Busbridge Ball on 25th February 2017 at Clock Barn Hall. Your £45 ticket will include a welcome glass of bubbly, a beautiful 3 course meal and a disco. Tables of 10 can be booked from the 9th January (9am), no reservations prior to that date, sorry. Please contact Carol Jones. Please note, no individual/couple places are being sold - you need to talk to others to make up a table of 10 in order to book - 1 payment per table please.
Can anyone help Clare Haddad?
Two gifts to Busbridge Church were made at Natwest Godalming with no name or reference which we suspect are year two pledges for Busbridge Central. One was on 12th October at a cash deposit machine for £1,000 and the other was over the counter on 25th October for £500. Please contact Clare on 01403 751677 or clare.haddad@bhcgodalming.org if you can help.
Help in Hambledon
After many years of sterling service on the part of Jenny Holford (for which we wholeheartedly thank you, Jenny), she has decided it is time to pass on the reins to someone else. If anyone would like to take on the role of organising our great teams of welcomers, readers and intercessors for the Hambledon services, please contact Liz Gorst in the church office on 01483 421267. Jenny has found it an enjoyable ministry, hence her long service award, and has only stepped down as she will be spending more time travelling now that Graham has retired.
If you’re not coming on the course then can you help? The ALPHA team are looking for more volunteers to help in various ways with the course starting in January. Please help us if you can. If you are able to help please speak to Bryan or Tori Silletti or email Bryan at bryan.silletti@bhcgodalming.org.
Fundraising Update from Souheil Haddad
Our church family has been very generous with pledges and donations to purchase the old rectory. We expect to be able to complete the purchase by the end of 2017 subject (a) to all the pledges being honoured within the promised dates, and (b) the remaining small shortage of about £40,000 being temporarily funded by an existing free loan. All the pledges are for the sole purpose of purchasing the old rectory and we pray that the shortage will be covered by new donations by December 2017.
Space for God
For your diaries… there is no Space for God event in January 2017; the next one will be on Tuesday 7th February, 8.00pm - 9.00pm in Busbridge Church.
Cards for refugees
In May, Georgie Jefferies went to the Calais 'Jungle' camp to carry out art workshops with refugees, using materials kindly donated by members of Busbridge Church. Having turned their designs into greetings & Christmas cards, they are now available to buy at the back of Busbridge church or through www.fairimprint.com. 100% of the profit supports registered charities working with refugees.
Hambledon Prayer Breakfast
The first Prayer Breakfast in the New Year will be on Saturday 21st January.
Please look out for the gift envelopes in all services.
Please note: This is the last notice sheet for 2016 - they will resume in the new year. Happy Christmas from the Church Office Team!
please pray for…
· Local Pubs and Clubs
· All our upcoming Christmas events
· The unemployed / The homeless
· The upcoming Alpha course
· Admiral Way and their road steward, Derek Pearsall
· Hascombe Rd, Hambledon Rd & Hambledon Nursery School