Sunday 11 December 2016

Thank you to our speakers from SALCET today - SALCET is the recipient of our Christmas collection in 2016 - please look out for the gift envelopes in all service over the next few weeks and help support this fantastic charity.

Last call for Besom Hampers!!
Would you like to help brighten someone’s Christmas? Last year, with Besom, we made up and delivered 25 hampers to local people in need. Be part of it this year by generously donating goodies to put in the hampers up until Sunday 11th December (boxes in Busbridge and Hambledon churches); and/or helping to pack and deliver the hampers. Packing will take place on Thursday 15th December at the Church Centre at 7pm with deliveries on 16th and 17th December. See The C4M update for more information or if you would like to help please contact Jo Cookes.

Helpful Habits FOR EARLY BIRDS - A 6-week course of prayer
Would you like to deepen your prayer life, but wonder how you will find the time or discipline to do so? Gertrud Sollars is planning to run another round of this prayer workshop during the next term. Experimentally, she is offering to do it on a weekday morning from 7.00am - 8.00am. If you are interested in joining, please contact her.

Squires Lunch
Our next Squires lunch is on Sunday 18th December at 12 noon. If you would like to join us to partake of their gastronomic delights please let Terry Swanton know by Wednesday 14th so that Squires can be informed as to how many there will be from Busbridge. Christmas lunch is being offered by Squires (from 1st to the 23rd December) at £15.95 pp but it is not necessary to partake and alternative dishes will be available for your pleasure. Look forward to seeing you there!

Trinity Trust Team Update
The team are currently visiting local schools with a new drama they have produced called ‘Silent Night’ a story that tells the plight of a young couple and their new-born son fleeing persecution from Syria in the middle of the night...We are delighted to announce that Arianna Pissetti has joined Andy Poulsom and Matt Blake in the team and that Hyekyeong safely delivered a son, Johan into the world. We send our very best wishes and blessings to you all at this most joyful time of year. Andy Poulsom and the TTT team

The Shedvent season is now here. Everyone, young or old, is invited to the living advent calendar in a garden shed. Please come to support the groups who have all put so much work into their displays, and to chat with the wider community. You might even get a hot chocolate for your efforts! 5.00pm - 6.00pm from 1st to 24th December in the Busbridge Churchyard.

Messy Church
Don’t forget about the Messy Christmas Family service on Sunday 18th December at Hambledon, 10.30am. Jenna has a request for you...if anyone has a few old t-shirts that they would be willing to donate to messy church, could you please bring them to the church office (you can leave them in the porch in a plastic bag so needn’t be during office hours) by Wednesday 14th December.

Busbridge evening carol service wine and mince pies
Thanks to Neil and Jan Pinto for offering to help with this again. We now need an organiser and a couple more helpers. Please speak to Simon in the next couple of days.

Christmas wreaths for sale (£15) in aid of The Cellar:
These popular wreaths will be available from The Cellar or by contacting Jacky Beale. Please order by December 16th. Offers of greenery also gratefully received. If you’d like to join in the fun of making the wreaths come to Godalming United Church on 12th December (12 noon - 7pm) or on the14th December (12 noon - 4pm).

Prime Time Carol Service
Did you know that we offer a special afternoon carol event so that those in our community who prefer not to venture out in the dark have the opportunity to attend a traditional carol service? The event is hosted by Prime Time but is open to all. Perhaps you have an older relative or know an elderly neighbour or friend who might like to come along to this service. Do feel free to invite them along. This is a free event for all to enjoy, but we do ask that you let us know if you’re coming please by contacting the church office or emailing as we want to ensure that we have enough mince pies and mulled wine for everyone!

please pray for…

· Ss Peter & Paul Church in Godalming, as they recruit their new vicar
· Please pray for Peter Shaw as he is installed as a lay canon of Guildford Cathedral at 6pm on Sunday 11th December.
· All our upcoming Christmas events
· Those helped by the Church Family Support Fund
· The upcoming Alpha course
· Windy Wood and their road steward, Mary Connolly
· Grosvenor Road and Hambledon Park