Here’s Anto leading prayers of thanksgiving during one of the 8 (yes, that’s eight) Harvest services led by Judith, Anto and Simon on Tuesday. The team repeated the service for each class bubble at Busbridge Junior School. Having given the talk and performed actions for the songs 8 times, Judith admitted she felt a little tired!
This Sunday
Blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall inherit the Kingdom of God
Reading: Matthew 5:1-3
at church
Children & Youth
Children are more than welcome to come and be part of our worship as we gather as a church family, but there won't be children's groups running in the morning services.
0-3s (approx) Parents are welcome to use the creche room in Busbridge Junior School as a ‘breakout’ room for wriggly/noisy babies or children.
4-11s (Ark & Explorers) on Zoom. Details on request from Judith Hawkey.
4PM Pathfinders Youth Club, The Hut (for 11-14s)
7.30PM Ichthus Games Night, The Hut (for 15-18s)
COVID-19 Safety notice for sunday services
Please also help Busbridge&Hambledon Church to comply with NHS Test and Trace, and save a little time when everyone arrives, by signing up to services in advance.
Details and instructions for each service can be found when you click the service title to sign up, but in short we are continuing to follow the government mantra: Hands. Face. Space. Hand sanitiser will be available on entry to the services, face coverings must be worn and social distancing of 2m will be observed. (This means there is a limited capacity in the churches and school hall, and later arrivals may be asked to listen outside).
NHS Test & Trace App & QR codes: Smart phone users may also have the new NHS COVID-19 Test & Trace app - a QR code poster is on display at Busbridge Church, Hambledon Church and the Old Rectory, and the government asks you to check in to all BHC venues using the app too. (Yes, please sign up and check in on both systems so we can establish and alert close contacts in the church community should a + test be reported.)
Next Sunday
11.30AM Zoom Coffee Morning hosted by 8AM and Busbridge Classic congregations
5PM PrayerFest 0-30 in 60 - Zoom
7PM Zoom Coffee & Chat hosted by the Evening Congregation (formerly 6.30PM)
The Notices
This pic is meant to be ironic as we know that, as Christians, nothing can ‘steal’ Christmas. But this image was on the church server having been used to advertised a past Movie Matinee. Simon has also referred to the Grinch in past Christmas sermons, and it seems oddly apt at the moment!
Help to plan Christmas
Do excuse us for mentioning the “C” word so early this year. Though we usually start planning in July, we are careful not to mention it (much) before November.
This year presents a different challenge and we’d like to get a feel for a few proposals before the wheels are fully set in motion.
The survey doesn’t give it all away. Details for how we will mark and celebrate, and draw in the local communities of Busbridge and Hambledon will be following in the coming weeks.
Please take 3 mins to complete a short survey here!
it’s Ordination Season - & we know a few candidates!
Please pray for the following candidates as they are ordained this weekend and next. You can watch the ordinations live via the Guildford Diocese web site:
Sheila Samuels is being ordained as Priest at St Mark’s, Ockford Ridge - 9AM on Saturday at St Bart’s, Haslemere. More details & to watch live
James Ellin, former Youth Minister at BHC, is being ordained as Deacon at St John’s Egham - 2.30PM on Sunday at St John’s Egham. More details & to watch live. James has been in touch this week with the details (below) and would love us to be with him, Emma and Elodie virtually, and in prayer….
Next Saturday, 17 October:
Keith Harper and Philippa Baker will be licensed as LLMs (License Lay Minister) at St Thomas-on-the-Bourne - details to follow next week.
Doing Life Together
Acts 2: 42-47
“Doing Life Together”
‘Doing Life Together’ is the theme we are using as Sunday worship, mid week ministry and mission and outreach are linked, interwoven and streamlined to foster discipleship as we journey through challenging and uncertain times. It’s based on the theology of Acts 2: 42. Small Groups are central to the plan to create a better relationship between Sundays and everything that happens mid-week, and to keep people connected in bible study, outreach activities with local “mission partners”, and serving the church and one and other. Mid-week church events and activities, teaching, training, courses etc. will be run via small groups, on the night they meet, to keep to one night a week and reduce diary conflicts and overload. Small Groups and local Mission Partners will be (re)introduced during services over the next few weeks in a series of short videos. This Sunday Simon Willetts talks to Mark Puddephatt about what’s so good about Small Groups.
Virtual APCM - Sunday 25 October
Annual Parochial Church Meetings will be held on Sunday 25 October at:
4PM for Busbridge Church
5.30PM Hambledon Church
Sadly there will be no Quality Street this year, as these meetings will be held in the BHC Public Zoom room (ID: 946-391-4833 password: 2020). The annual report and accounts for 2019 will be available the week before the meeting and Simon Taylor and Simon Willetts will be recapping on 2020 and sharing the vision for Busbridge&Hambledon Church going forward.
The Electoral Roll which allows you to vote at the APCMs is now closed and will be published in church this Sunday.
Would you be interested in becoming a PCC member? Find the application form here:
Would you like to influence churches in the area of Godalming, south to Haslemere and west towards Aldershot? The Deanary Synod and Simon Taylor need your input – it’s a commitment of three meetings a year – please get in touch with Simon Taylor directly to find out more.
Congratulations to Ieva and Rufus (Contemporary congregation) on the birth of baby daughter Marni this week. We are so happy to hear news of the safe arrival, and send our love and prayers.
Our love and prayers go to Mark Puddephatt whose mother died this week, and to Dawn and the family as they mourn. We pray for God’s love and comfort to surround them in the days and weeks ahead.
Please pray for
The Prayer Ministry team will be holding a 12 hour prayer vigil for those who have lost employment due to Coronavirus, and students away at university, this Saturday, 10 October. If you would like to submit a name to be prayed for, e: Lisa Olsworth-Peter
Prisons Week - A week of Prayer is 11-17 October For details and resources see:
The Mill Medical Practice as they prepare for the drive through flu vaccination clinic next Saturday, 17 October. It’s a big community effort, and Linda Smith asks for your prayers for the weather, safety, that there will be a good response, and all will go smoothly!
FEBA - Come and join our small prayer group which meets under socially distanced conditions and will be meeting on Monday 19 October from 10.30 for an hour to pray for Feba, a media organisation with partners in most of the world's trouble spots. Further details can be obtained from Shelagh at
Please pray for these roads and their residents, and perhaps include them on a prayer walk this week:
Phillips Close and road steward Keith Harper
Vann Lane
Churches Together Link Up - October 2020
What’s On
Click Here for What’s on this week and beyond. It’s all in the calendar and more details for each event can be found when you select it.
This week
Monday & Thursday Prayer Meetings, Toddler Sing Along and the Hambledon Prayer Breakfast, 9:30AM next Saturday
Look out for details to follow on:
All Souls service, 10AM Busbridge Church, 1 Nov
7PM Busbridge Churchyard service, 1 Nov
Remembrance Services, 8 Nov
(….Advent & Christmas!)
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.