Power of Trust
Reading: Philippians 2:12-18
Speakers this Sunday
Heritage - Simon Willetts
Classic - Gertrud Sollars
Contemporary - Simon Taylor and David Preece are “on the couch”.
Find Sunday services on YouTube.
Select the services below for a direct link to the live stream broadcasts of the Classic and Contemporary services from the Old Rectory Garden.
Catch Up after on Zoom
Get together on Zoom after each service for a virtual coffee:
ALL WELCOME to drop in on Zoom at any of the times above.
Next Sunday 24 January
No services from Busbridge&Hambledon Church.
We are joining Godalming Churches Together for the United Service online at 10.30AM. Go to: http://www.godalmingchurches.org/
Every year, Godalming & District Churches Together holds a United Service in January, to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This year, the service will be online, with several of the local ministers taking part. The service will be pre-recorded, and set to go live at 10.30am on Sunday morning.
There will also be children’s work provided by the amazing Trinity Trust Team. Within the service, there will be the option to go off to do the children’s work and then return to the main service.
Sunday Morning “coffee and catch up” sessions on Zoom will take place on 24 January in the BHC Public Zoom room, as follows:
10AM - Heritage Congregation
11.30AM - Classic with Contemporary (moved to avoid the GCT United Service)
7PM - Evening congregation (Busbridge 6.30PM)
CYF Groups
As usual: 4PM Pathfinders (Zoom), 7.30PM Ichthus (Zoom)
Our online services will resume on 31 January including Unplugged on Zoom at 6PM.
NEXT UNPLUGGED - 6PM | 31 Jan | on Zoom (BHC Public)
Coming Up NEXT this Week:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event to join the meetings on Zoom, or sign up.
the notices
Outward Giving - January Update
We’ve received letters of thanks from all the charities that the church supported through Outward Giving in 2020, some with helpful insights into what your money has helped to achieve and support. All the letters can be found on the Outward Giving page HERE. Please do read them and be encouraged in your generosity. The total for the Christmas Appeal for TTT is to follow.
Congratulations to Philippa and Keith, our new LLMs (Licensed Lay Ministers), who received their academic awards at a zoom ceremony this week presided over by Bishop Jo. Both say that it's been a blessing and a privilege to undertake the 3-year training and want to thank their respective Parish Support Groups for walking with them. The stand-out memories for both are their respective placements at Shalford, St Mary's and Beacon, Bordon. They are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the course or you can see the interview they did with Dave last summer: https://youtu.be/ybB2Z_JMYmc.
On Friday 22nd January we are being called along with all Christians from across the country to join together to pray for our nation in need! To pray for our government, our NHS, our schools and colleges, provision for the poor, mental health and relationships, for a revival in our nation and that our Churches can be visible and beacons of light! Here’s more about it: https://youtu.be/BKJC3TyZNzg
You can either take an hour that works for you to pray or join us in one of 3 Zoom prayer sessions which will be hosted at the following times;
8am – hosted my Michael Stubbs
1pm – hosted by Lisa Olsworth-Peter
6pm – hosted by Shan Hallam
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14
Church Family Support Fund - accepting applications
A timely reminder that the Church Family Support Fund is able to help local individuals and families in need with financial gifts NOW - to pay for things such as a laptop or PC for remote learning, or a replacement washing machine or fridge. Information on how the fund operates, and to make an application on behalf of someone, see the CFSF page.
The JAN/FEB edition of the Bridge is available online … click here. The printed copies are expected to be delivered to Busbridge Church next week and will be safely sorted and dropped to road stewards for delivery. Those handling the magazines (max 2 people for any copy) will wear gloves and a face covering. Recipients may wish to take an extra precaution and wait 72 hours before reading it to allow for natural sanitisation.
Road Stewards needed for The Bridge magazine for College Hill and Brighton Road.
The Bridge magazine is looking for two or more new road stewards who, 6 times a year, would be willing to deliver magazines to either College Hill and High Ridge (59 houses) or the lower part of Brighton Road, Underhill Close and part of Latimer Road (89 houses). We'd be more than happy to split or share these larger bundles between two road stewards if needed. If you live in, or close to, either of these roads, (or maybe know someone who does and might be willing to take on the role) please contact the editor, Cathy, at editor.atthebridge@gmail.com. We'd be delighted and most appreciative to hear from you.
CANCELLED Nexus Online Talk - Walking the Camino Way with Ceri Apark
Unfortunately this event scheduled for 14 January has been postponed. Watch the notices for a new date, or email nexus@bhcgodalming.org to join the mailing list so Janet and Kate can let you know.
Starting Soon
See What’s on above for info on the following:
Junior Lockdown Choir - starting Thursdays from 21 January
To support children in our church and local community, particularly while they are not attending school physically, Lisa Olsworth-Peter is starting a Junior Lockdown Choir. Singing encourages a child to express their emotions and sharpens their ability to communicate while exercising lip and tongue movement. But one of the biggest benefits of singing is the repeated use of the 'memory muscle'. (We have all sung nursery rhymes with our children but as children get older the power of singing in their lives can still be extremely beneficial.) The choir will sing a range of Disney and pop songs suitable for each age group, and do different vocal exercises that will stimulate facial muscles, the body and the brain. The choir is being promoted through Busbridge Infant and Junior schools and St Mark’s Primary, but open to all primary age children. If you know any primary age children who would be interested, please pass the message on to go to the Lockdown Choir page and complete the registration form.
Hope in Depression Course
Clare Haddad is leading the next 6 week Hope in Depression Course on Tuesday evenings, starting 26 January. Find all the details, and register in confidence on the Hope in Depression page, and please do share the details with anyone suffering with mental health problems, and those supporting them.
Alpha Online starting 9 February - is it for you? / Who will you invite?
It’s starting again soon! The next course will run on Tuesdays, starting 9 February for 11 weeks. The course begins with a 'no obligation' introductory session led by (Rev) Hilary Pettman and Keith Harper, LLM. Hilary and Keith have been involved in several Alphas, both the physical courses and online. To register your interest, please go to the Alpha page and complete the form, or send the link to a friend.
Church Member news
We send our love to Carol Jones, whose father died on Wednesday, 13 January. Please hold Carol, Stuart and the whole family in your prayers, together with the wider family.
Further to the note last week about the deaths of John Winder and Mary Rodway, their respective funerals are to be held over the next two weeks. Because of the current Covid restrictions, both are limited to family only. However, if friends wish to make a donation in their memory, Mary’s family have asked for gifts to go to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution Donate to the RNLI and help save lives at sea ; John’s family have suggested Water Aid - one of John’s favourite charities https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/JohnWinderRIP
Listening - worship recommendations from the Music Pastor
Thank you Alan Harvey for introducing me to this beautiful piece of music https://open.spotify.com/track/7n4T8CRVo55rXpX2wvtRdF,
It’s still close enough to enjoy a song that expresses the wonderment of our dear Jesus’ birth.
English translation
O great mystery,
and wonderful sacrament,
that animals should see the newborn Lord,
lying in a manger!
Blessed is the virgin whose womb
was worthy to bear
the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Sovereign Over Us, written by Michael Smith, performed by Shane&Shane
“Jeremiah 29:11 'For I know the plans I have for you', declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”
Busbridge Church closed until 25 January
We are sorry but the church is closed as we set up and install technology for broadcasting online services. Busbridge Church will be open again daily for private prayer from 25 January 2021. Hambledon Church is open daily from approximately 9.30pm-4pm.
The Old Rectory is closed for the time being and clergy and staff are working from home. The answerphone is checked regularly, but the best way to reach people is by email.
Catch up on News from other areas
Please Pray for
Alvernia Close and its road steward Kate Brockman
Clock Barn Lane and the Cheshire Home
Local health services and surgeries.
What’s On
Click Here for What’s on this week and beyond. It’s all in the calendar and more details for each event can be found when you select it.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email prayer@bhcgodalming.org or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.