Message for 2021 from Simon Taylor
We’re recruiting!
Here’s the first in a series of ads for new and familiar roles to serve your church. How is God calling you?
This Sunday
24 Jan: No services from Busbridge&Hambledon Church.
We are joining Godalming Churches Together for the United Service online at 10.30AM.
Go to: or directly to the service:
Every year, Godalming & District Churches Together holds a United Service in January, to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This year, the service will be online, with several of the local ministers taking part. The service will be pre-recorded, and set to go live at 10.30am on Sunday morning.
There will also be children’s work provided by the amazing Trinity Trust Team. Within the service, there will be the option to go off to do the children’s work and then return to the main service.
Sunday Morning “coffee and catch up” sessions on Zoom will take place in the BHC Public Zoom room, as follows:
10AM - Heritage Congregation
11.30AM - Classic with Contemporary (moved to avoid the GCT United Service)
7PM - Evening congregation (Busbridge 6.30PM) - SPECIAL for this Sunday - catch up with friends and faces from the evening congregation.
CYF Groups
As usual: 4PM Pathfinders (Zoom), 7.30PM Ichthus (Zoom)
Prayerfest 0-30 in 60 - from 5-6PM on Zoom. This session focuses prayer on our younger people, youth groups and local schools and colleges. All welcome.
Freedom of Contentment | Philippians 4: 8-13
9AM Online Heritage Service
Speaker: Simon Taylor
9AM Classic Service (live broadcast)
Speaker: Simon Taylor
10.15AM Conversations from the Couch (live Broadcast
On the couch: Mark Williams & Simon Willetts
6PM Unplugged on Zoom
Led by Anto Ficatier and members of Pathfinders and Ichthus.
NEXT UNPLUGGED - 6PM | 31 Jan | on Zoom (BHC Public)
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event to join the meetings on Zoom, or sign up.
the notices
Dave is leaving - Following the announcement of Dave Preece's appointment as Priest in Charge of the benefice of Saxmundham with Kelsale cum Carlton, we are very sadly going to be saying goodbye to Dave, Hannah, Zoe and Esther under the cover of COVID, on 21 February. There can be no leaving "do" before they go, but the Preeces have promised to return in warmer weather, when gatherings are allowed so we can celebrate Dave's curacy and their time at Busbridge&Hambledon. We can, of course, still send them off with a fitting gift to remember their ministry and time here. If you would like to donate to a leaving gift, please use an online method, ideally bank transfer (or the donate function) on the GIVING web page. Cash/cheques can be sent to the Old Rectory too. The details are here. Use the reference "PREECE" or similar.
From Simon T:
We are delighted that we have people looking at ordination and asking whether God could be calling them into this. Although we aren’t sharing names right now do please be praying for them.
Shout out for Ruth! Thanks to Ruth, who moved into the area recently, for wanting to get involved with the cameras and tech. Ruth came along to the Old Rectory to help broadcast the services last Sunday, and we’re grateful Ruth wants to get involved. We’re looking for others who’d like to serve for a couple of hours a week or month in this way on a Sunday morning. Contact Jacob to find out more. No experience necessary – really!
Outward Giving - £1300 raised for HMP Send to pay for phone cards at Christmas
We’ve received letters of thanks from all the charities that the church supported through Outward Giving in 2020, some with helpful insights into what your money has helped to achieve and support. All the letters can be found on the Outward Giving page HERE.
Hearing Aids and “Inter-generational” Ministry
Plans are afoot to restart Hearing Aid Clinics, when restrictions allow, and subject to PCC approval.
Penny (Older People) and Judith (4-11s). Following Creative Kindness and the hand-made Christmas cards, Penny and Judith are planning another cross-over initiative for Lent and Easter whereby our younger church members can be involved in sharing a message of love and community with our older people who are perhaps shielding or isolated. Do get in touch with Penny or Judith if you’d like to be involved, or have any ideas. It’s a two-way thing - grown up (grandparent age) church members are being invited to record bible stories to add variety for the children in Ark! (Thank you Rosie!)
Church Family Support Fund - accepting applications
A timely reminder that the Church Family Support Fund is able to help local individuals and families in need with financial gifts NOW - to pay for things such as a laptop or PC for remote learning, or a replacement washing machine or fridge. Information on how the fund operates, and to make an application on behalf of someone, see the CFSF page.
BRIDGE UPDATE: The JAN/FEB edition of the Bridge is available online … click here. Kind thanks to Mary Keech who is stepping down as a road steward for Shackstead Lane - our grateful appreciation to her for all her years of service. And a warm welcome to Sarah Wharf who has volunteered as the new road steward for College Hill - great to have you part of the network.
Meanwhile we are still looking for a road steward to cover the bottom part of the Brighton Road. If you live in, or close to, either of these roads, (or maybe know someone who does and might be willing to take on the role) please contact the editor, Cathy, at We'd be delighted and most appreciative to hear from you.
Starting Soon
See What’s on above for info on the following:
Hope in Depression Course
Clare Haddad is leading the next 6 week Hope in Depression Course on Tuesday evenings, starting 26 January.
We know many people are struggling, and this course offers a lifeline. The course is ready, facilitators are trained, and we are now waiting and praying for delegates to be brave enough to sign up. Find all the details, and register in confidence on the Hope in Depression page, and please do share the details with anyone suffering with mental health problems, and those supporting them.
Alpha Online starting 9 February - is it for you? / Who will you invite?
It’s starting again soon! The next course will run on Tuesdays, starting 9 February for 11 weeks. The course begins with a 'no obligation' introductory session led by (Rev) Hilary Pettman and Keith Harper, LLM. Hilary and Keith have been involved in several Alphas, both the physical courses and online. To register your interest, please go to the Alpha page and complete the form, or send the link to a friend.
NEXT Nexus Talk - Hear about the Godalming and Villages Community Store from town councillor Richard Ashworth. Thursday 4 February, 8pm in the BHC Zoom room.
This is all about the community supporting its friends and neighbours during these unprecedented and difficult times. Come along to learn how the Store operates and how much it is appreciated by those in unexpected need. It will start at 8.00pm, and you can join from 7.45pm to have a chat with others. Bring your own refreshments!! All are welcome, including men! There will be no charge, but donations can be made on their Just Giving page.
Junior Lockdown Choir - Thursdays from 21 January
The lockdown choir started this Thursday with more than 50 children on Zoom over the 2 sessions. There is now a waiting list for the choir while we establish demand and how to manage the numbers well.
The choir sings a range of Disney and pop songs suitable for each age group. If you know any primary age children who would be interested, please pass the message on to go to the Lockdown Choir page and complete the registration form.
Church Member news
We send our love to Andrew Baker, whose mother “Granny Annie” died peacefully on Tuesday 19th January. Please hold Andrew, Philippa, Adam, Ben, Dominic and Ellis in your prayers, together with Andrew’s brother Simon and the wider family.
We send much love to Dave Preece, whose grandfather died on New Year’s Day. The funeral took place this Thursday in Kent. Please hold Dave, Hannah and the whole family in your prayers.
Catch up on News from other areas
Please Pray for
Appletree Close and its road steward Cathy Brook
Residents on Hambledon Cricket Green
the Citizens Advice Bureau.
What’s On
Click Here for What’s on this week and beyond. It’s all in the calendar and more details for each event can be found when you select it.
Busbridge Church closed until 26 January
We are sorry but the church is closed as we set up and install technology for broadcasting online services. Busbridge Church will be open again daily for private prayer from Tuesday 26 January 2021. Hambledon Church is open daily from approximately 9.30pm-4pm.
The Old Rectory is closed for the time being and clergy and staff are working from home. The answerphone is checked regularly, but the best way to reach people is by email.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.