Sunday 18 December - Carols and More!

Dear Friends in Christ,

We are shifting seamlessly from Advent into the celebration of Christmas. This is an opportunity to thank the many who have made our Advent devotion to Christ so meaningful this year. One rule I have learnt is that if you start a list of thanks then someone gets missed off. I am not going to list everyone but there are a few people for us to give particular thanks for – from Shelgah and her food hamper preparations with Ben, Ichthus and the devoted band who did all the packing, to Patrick with the mission to be with people during the England and Wales football matches; from Andy and his preparation of our thought provoking sermon series to Mike for the star cut outs; Chad and Vic for the Busbridge giant star; Fran and Simon for Messy Advent in Hambledon… and everyone else who has got involved or led us through Advent.

Now, Christmas begins… so book your spaces or turn up (booking asap for the 5.15pm candlelit dark-light nativity & carols, this year at StP&P) for carols, candlelit services, midnight communion and Christmas Morning celebrations. Be here, join us as we follow the meaning of the Star which points to Christ.

Thank you once again, Merry Christmas,

Simon (Taylor)

Please read on for what’s happening between now and Christmas and the New Year, and on further for the notices!

Sunday 18 Dec

Your choice: faith or fear
Readings: Isaiah 7: 10-16 and Matthew 1: 18-25

***Busbridge services are “combined” until 8th Jan. Children’s groups take a break***

10AM Family Carol Service
Led by: Margot Spencer
Busbridge Church
During the service Jane Tomes will be commissioned as BHC’s first Anna Chaplain for older people. Please come to support Jane and give thanks for her ministry. More details below.

(No morning service at Hambledon Church)

[3PM FIFA World Cup Final showing in Busbridge Church - family friendly - all welcome]

7PM Busbridge Carol Service
Busbridge Church
followed by mulled wine and mince pies, - subject to volunteers to help!

7PM Carols by Candlelight
Hambledon Church
followed by mulled wine and mince pies

Not enough carols?

Join us on Wed 21st Dec! Carol singers (all welcome!) will set off from Busbridge church at 6pm, and finish at the Pavilion on Holloway Hill rec around 7pm for a knees up in the Howling Owl's lovely new bar.  Bacon sandwiches and other light snacks will be available too. #Howling Carols.

Christmas Services


Candlelit Celebration for all the family
4PM & 5.15PM | St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Godalming


Hambledon Crib Service | 4PM | Hambledon Church
Midnight Communions | 11PM Busbridge Church | 11.30PM Hambledon Church


Family Celebration, followed by communion | 10AM | Busbridge Church
Family Celebration | 10AM | Hambledon Church
Christmas Choral Eucharist | 10AM | St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Godalming


10AM Benefice Combined Service
Leader & Speaker: David Jenkins
Hambledon Church & Online

No service at Busbridge Church


Jane Tomes to be commissioned as an Anna Chaplain
During the Family Carol Service in Busbridge on Sunday morning, Jane Tomes will be commissioned as BHC’s first Anna Chaplain for Older People.  Jane has felt a particular call to Care Home Ministry and so initially she will be focussing on strengthening our relationship with the residents and staff at Hydon Hill, the Leonard Cheshire home in Hydestile and she is already visiting there regularly and has started running informal services at the home on a monthly basis.  Please do come along and support Jane on Sunday morning as she is commissioned and continue to hold her in prayer in the coming weeks as she embarks in her role as an Anna Chaplain.  Jane would welcome volunteers to assist her in this ministry as she seeks to build a team to not only offer spiritual support to Hydon Hill, but as we look towards January 2024 , also to other care homes who will come within the boundaries of Godalming Minster.  Further details about Anna Chaplaincy for Older People can be found on their website:

Mission Sunday and the Christmas Appeal
The Outward Giving Group and Ichthus teens filled 27 hampers on Tuesday night, thanks to your donations of goodies. They are being delivered to those who will really need and appreciate them this week. We are waiting for the final total for the Christmas Appeal for The Cellar Camino Café, but thanks to all those who have given generously.

There are still a few gaps to plug on the hospitality rotas, particularly for Christmas Eve at St Peter and St Paul’s. And can you help the team with the mulled wine and mince pies after the Busbridge Carol Service, for example?

For other things to do and ways to volunteer, check the volunteer page in the Christmas section.

Gabe’s Advent Hunt - 18-23 Dec
Contrary to what you might think, there’s no age limit on Gabe’s Advent Hunt around Busbridge - you (and your younger people) can follow the trail, looking for the missing nativity characters anytime next week. It’s hopefully a nice thing to do while you wait and prepare for Christmas! Thanks to Ben Barnes for devising this activity.

Alpha in 2023 - BHC with Godalming parish (soon to be Godalming Minster), and will be running the next Alpha course at St Mark’s, starting on Thursday 26 January. Christmas is a great opportunity for churches and Christians to share the gospel, and with a big range of services and activities, Busbridge&Hambledon Church tries to make the most of it. Take a look a the Christmas video and think about whether you feel it’s time to respond yourself, and who you will invite…

Foundation Governors
We have been delighted to welcome Ruth Roseblade and Seb Cheek as new Foundation Governors for Busbridge Junior School this year and thank them for taking on this important role. We are also very thankful to Matt Rooke for his contribution and to Ron Downhill for his time as Chair.

Are you looking for a way to live out your faith and represent this Church family? We would love to hear from anyone who is keen to join the governor team. Please do contact Penny Harris or Beckie Whiteman via the Church Office.

Coming Up:

See the events coming up next below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event for details and the location (online or on site).

Church Family News

Anne Wainwright has recently moved from Milford, where she lived for the last few years, to Sussex, to be nearer to her sister and family.  After sixty years in Busbridge, it is a huge wrench and we are really sorry to see her go.  Over the years, Anne has been an important part of our church’s life, involved in many different groups and activities, and we should not let her depart without giving thanks for all that she is, and all that she has done.  She misses everyone here, but is settling in well and loving being near the family.  If you would like to drop her a line (or visit!), Pat Oxborough would be pleased to give you Anne’s new address.

We send our love to Jane Lambert, whose father died on 21st November.  He was a longstanding and faithful member of the church and community in Shalford, where he will be much missed.  Please hold Jane, Martin and the whole family in your prayers, particularly for the funeral service this coming week.

Regular Events

Busbridge Morning Prayer Weds at 9am online.

Hambledon Morning Prayer takes place on Wednesdays at 9am. All welcome.

Prayer gatherings for Ukraine (at Busbridge and Hambledon) have stopped for the time being, but prayer will continue in Sunday intercessions and mid-week morning prayer.

Next Hambledon Coffee Morning and Hearing Aid Clinic is Weds 18th Jan 2023. All welcome.

Wintershall Nativity - There is still plenty of availability for this Sunday 18th December at the matinee performance!

Churches Together Christmas lunch – volunteers are needed to help with the Christmas lunch on Christmas Day at the Baptist Church for anyone who would otherwise be on their own.  The form setting out the various roles is attached. We are also still looking for a volunteer co ordinator and so if anyone would be willing to do this, please let Sarah Higgins know ( Letter to guests and invitation form are also attached for anyone who would like to come.

Christmas Lunch VOLUNTEER Form

Christmas Lunch Invitation

Christmas Lunch Guest Form

Read the latest issue (NOVEMBER) of Churches Together in Godalming and District Link Up.

Don’t forget about…

Minster Update. The Minster Transition Steering Group have published a November Update, which can be found here.

Things in the following areas may not make the notices, but the latest info can be found on the web pages:

Yew Tree Café Opening Hours 8.30am-4pm
10am-2pm Saturday. The café will be open weekdays at 8.30am from 31 October.

Church Family Support Fund
Do you know of anyone who might be struggling to pay their bills in this very challenging time? The Church Family Support Fund is here to help anyone, in the Godalming area, who is in need financially with a one off payment . All details about the fund and an application form can be found on the Busbridge church web site, or please contact Jill Johnston on 01483 422194.

Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.


If you, or someone you know at church, are in need of support and care, please contact Sandra Wilkin via the church office, or e:

To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call 01483 421267.