MISSION Sunday 11 December

Dear friends,

It’s Mission Sunday on 11th December and time to think about the true spirit of Christmas! Many of you have already been involved in mission this season, charitable works or simply helping others day-to-day. As a church we set aside this Sunday to harness all the goodwill and generosity among us, and give as a church for the benefit of local people for who life is tough, and Christmas tougher. The Busbridge Wreath project has got the Christmas Appeal for the Cellar Camino Café off to a great start (£500+ raised), but the Besom Hamper initiative is a little behind schedule. Can you help? We need 20 more cardboard fruit trays to be collected from the supermarket and covered in wrapping paper. And LOTS more donations of Christmas goodies to fill the hampers before next Tuesday 13th December. Read on for more details.

Christmas services start this Sunday with Messy Christingle, 4pm at Hambledon Church, and all are invited to the Prime Time Carol Service on Monday afternoon, 2.30pm at Busbridge Church. Busbridge Junior School Choir will sing too and the Prime Time team will be serving mulled wine and mince pies afterwards. It’s particularly good for those who are less independent and need a lift or accompanying so think who you might ask.

Before next week you can enjoy the warm welcome at Busbridge Church on Saturday for the Movie Matinee at 2.30pm, and later the England vs France quarter final at 7pm.

Thanks to the brilliant group of volunteers who took part in the Busbridge Wreath Project on Weds 7th December. Their wreaths sold out in a day and made a tidy profit for the Christmas Appeal. It was messy job, but rather enjoyable.

Do please check the Christmas dates, ways to volunteer, and remember the “Mince Pie” events that are key to linking church and community. Have you earmarked an event to attend, a place to serve, and a person, family or group to share the great invitation?

As expected, the 4PM Christmas Eve Candlelit Celebration at St Peter and St Paul’s is almost up to capacity, indicating potential demand for a second one at 5.15PM - now scheduled! If you prefer the later time, please cancel the 4PM booking using the confirmation email and rebook for 5.15PM.

Sunday 11 Dec

Mission Sunday

Songs of joy and gladness ring out
Readings: Isaiah 35: 1-10 and Matthew 11: 2-11

We look forward to hearing from representatives from The Cellar Café team in all the services. Please take a look at the Christmas Giving info to find out about BHC mission this Christmas, and how to take part.

9.30AM Busbridge Contemporary Service
Speaker: Suzie Lambert
Busbridge Church

2nd Sunday donuts are being replaced by mince pies and gingerbread men. Do stay for coffee, or come before Classic.

10AM Hambledon Morning Worship [Holy Communion]
Led by: Simon Willetts | Speaker: Dudley Hilton
Hambledon Church

11.15AM Busbridge Classic Service
Led by: Simon Taylor | Speaker: Keith Harper
Busbridge Church

4PM Messy Christingle
Led by: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church - Not the Village Hall!

6PM Busbridge Evening Service
Led by: Simon Taylor


BESOM HAMPERS | 2022 Target = 50 Hampers | deadline 11 Dec: Please find the instructions in the Christmas Hampers page and start collecting supermarket fruit trays. If everyone can collect just 1 or 2, cover them neatly in wrapping paper and bring it to Busbridge church with any other treats of the hamper list that would be great.

For other things to do and ways to volunteer, check the volunteer page in the Christmas section.

Small Group Christmas Invitation
If you are interested in joining a house group - want to find out what one is - what happens at them then please join us at the Howling Owl on Tuesday at 7:45 for a Christmas drink.

HMP Send

Foundation Governors
We have been delighted to welcome Ruth Roseblade and Seb Cheek as new Foundation Governors for Busbridge Junior School this year and thank them for taking on this important role. We are also very thankful to Matt Rooke for his contribution and to Ron Downhill for his time as Chair.

Are you looking for a way to live out your faith and represent this Church family? We would love to hear from anyone who is keen to join the governor team. Please do contact Penny Harris or Beckie Whiteman via the Church Office.

A delight to cheer everyone up at HMP Send

Rev Lesley Mason receiving the cheque from Shelagh Goodwin, chairperson of the Busbridge and Hambledon Outward Giving Group and Rev David Jenkins who was responsible for the campaign.

What a delight it is to have some good news when all we seem to get is a continuous stream of bad news from the media. The good news is that the Lunch with Helen campaign has raised more than its original target of £3000. In fact, the final total is £3250 which was the value of the cheque handed over to Rev Lesley Mason outside Send Prison earlier this week.

Lesley later sent an email expressing her thanks which you will find below. To this I would like to add a specific thanks to the Busbridge and Hambledon House Groups, Hambledon Village shop and Witley Church.

Dear David

A huge thank-you to all those wonderful people who have contributed to the appeal to raise funds for our supplementary discharge grants for those prison leavers not going home to families.  They face so much uncertainty as they leave prison.  Your contributions will help to raise the chances of them succeeding on their challenging journey back to life in the community. (contd.)

For those who are still behind bars this Christmas, chaplaincy is again planning the distribution of gift bags and extra phone credit so I’d also like to say an additional thank you for the earlier gift from BHC this year, which will go toward our Christmas gifts.

Christmas remains, as ever, a really difficult time for women in prison, and they are always truly grateful for our attempts to spread a little joy!

Blessings to you and all who have been involved, Lesley

Revd Lesley Mason, Managing Chaplain, HMP Send Prison
For further information contact: David Jenkins Tel: 01483 200976.

To any parents in Year 2: You may shortly be looking at applying for places for your child(ren) at junior schools to start in September 2023, and wanted to highlight that Busbridge Junior School have a church attendance category (Category 4) in their priority list. The school website contains the full list of criteria, along with a supplementary information form, should you wish to apply.

It would be helpful if you are looking to apply for a church place that you let us know, so that we can arrange a suitable time for a member of the clergy team to meet with you. We look to have applications received by the church office by 10th December 2022, to allow time for the meetings to go ahead of the Surrey County Council deadline of 15th January 2023. You will still need to apply to Surrey County Council for a school place.

Please ensure that you read the application criteria – this email is purely for information, and doesn’t mean that you would be eligible.

Coming Up:

See the events coming up next below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event for details and the location (online or on site).

Sunday 18 Dec

10AM Family Carol Service
Led by: Margot Spencer
Busbridge Church

7PM Carol Services
Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church

Church Family News

We send our love to Jane Lambert, whose father died on 21st November.  He was a longstanding and faithful member of the church and community in Shalford, where he will be much missed.  Please hold Jane, Martin and the whole family in your prayers, particularly for the funeral service this coming week.

Regular Events

Busbridge Morning Prayer Weds at 9am online.

Hambledon Morning Prayer takes place on Wednesdays at 9am. All welcome.

Prayer gatherings for Ukraine are now at Hambledon Church at 7.30pm on 1st Tuesdays of the month.

Next Hambledon Coffee Morning and Hearing Aid Clinic is Weds 14th December. All welcome.



Churches Together Christmas lunch – volunteers are needed to help with the Christmas lunch on Christmas Day at the Baptist Church for anyone who would otherwise be on their own.  The form setting out the various roles is attached. We are also still looking for a volunteer co ordinator and so if anyone would be willing to do this, please let Sarah Higgins know (sarahhiggins478@gmail.com). Letter to guests and invitation form are also attached for anyone who would like to come.

Christmas Lunch VOLUNTEER Form

Christmas Lunch Invitation

Christmas Lunch Guest Form

Read the latest issue (NOVEMBER) of Churches Together in Godalming and District Link Up.

Don’t forget about…

Minster Update. The Minster Transition Steering Group have published a November Update, which can be found here.

Things in the following areas may not make the notices, but the latest info can be found on the web pages:

Yew Tree Café Opening Hours 8.30am-4pm
10am-2pm Saturday. The café will be open weekdays at 8.30am from 31 October.

Church Family Support Fund
Do you know of anyone who might be struggling to pay their bills in this very challenging time? The Church Family Support Fund is here to help anyone, in the Godalming area, who is in need financially with a one off payment . All details about the fund and an application form can be found on the Busbridge church web site, or please contact Jill Johnston on 01483 422194.

Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.


If you, or someone you know at church, are in need of support and care, please contact Sandra Wilkin via the church office, or e: pastoral@bhcgodalming.org.

To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email prayer@bhcgodalming.org or call 01483 421267.