Thanks to all those who rolled their sleeves up last Saturday at the Summer Blitz clear up sessions at Busbridge (in the morning) and Hambledon (afternoon). The sun shone, a lot got done and the refreshments and BBQ went down a treat. All involved agreed how much they enjoyed it, and didn’t mind the graft in such good company! It meant the Hut and the Yard were spic and span for the youth to enjoy the football together (with pizza) on Tuesday night too.
This Sunday
The topic for this sunday:
God wants a relationship with his Creation |
Zephaniah 3: 14-20
[Sermon Series God our Father]
Come to church, or watch at home:
9AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service [HC]
Leader: Margot Spencer | Speaker: Peter Shaw
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service
Leader: Simon Willetts | Speaker: Keith Harper
Only at Church (not online):
10.30AM BUSBRIDGE FUSE all age service
In the Old Rectory Gardens.
Leader: Mark Puddephatt | Speaker: Suzie Lambert
10.30AM Hambledon Contemporary social at the Village Shop
Meet at the Village Shop for coffee and to support the junior cricket team
4.30PM Pathfinders (years 7-9) | 7.30PM Ichthus (years 10-13)
In the Hut at the Old Rectory
After church online coffee and catch-ups have moved to twice a month:
6.30PM on 2nd Sundays and 11.30AM on 3rd Sundays
Coffee will be available after the Busbridge Classic service on 27 June.
Next Sunday 11 July
God the father gives us his son | matthew 3: 11-17
[Sermon Series God our Father]
9AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service
Leader: Simon Taylor | Speaker: Gertrud Sollars
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service
Leader: Peter Shaw | Speaker: Simon Willetts
10.30AM BUSBRIDGE Contemporary
On the couch: Patrick Samuels & Simon Taylor | Speaker: Gertrud Sollars
10.30AM Children’s Worship in the Old Rectory Garden
10.30AM Hambledon Contemporary
Leader: Simon Willetts
4.30PM Pathfinders (years 7-9) | 7.30PM Ichthus (years 10-13)
In the Hut at the Old Rectory
The Notices
BHC Outward Giving - MISSION SUNDAY Appeal - In Aid of TEARFUND India Coronavirus Appeal
Thanks to everyone who has given to the Mission Sunday Appeal last week. We have received more than £650 for Tearfund, but we know we can do better! Please return your Gift-aid envelopes to church this Sunday. Donations can also be made to the BHC appeal online, by BACS to the Busbridge PCC account, or via the Tearfund web site directly. [BHC holds Mission Sundays 4 times a year, to coordinate the appeals for the church’s outward giving. Our mission partners are recipients of the appeals on a rotation basis. See Outward Giving]
Ordination of Patrick Samuels at Guildford Cathedral | 4 July at 3PM
From ordinand to curate! Numbers are very limited at the cathedral, so to watch Patrick’s ordination online, please use the link:
This will be followed by the Reading of Declaration at the Busbridge Classic and Contemporary services on Sunday 11 July, and a welcome at Hambledon the following week. Please pray for Patrick and give thanks for his calling and ministry.
Congratulations to our former Youth Minister, James Ellin, who will be ordained (to Priest) on Saturday 3 July at 10.30am, and this will also be broadcast by the diocese, and can be found on the Guildford Diocese ordinations web page:
Thursday Prayers for Busbridge Centre Redevelopment >>> Yew Tree Cafe
The building work has begun. Please support the Busbridge Centre Redevelopment Team and the Cafe Management Team in prayer. There will be a 20min prayer session at 12.30pm on Thursdays outside the centre for those that can gather, and on Zoom. Please contact if you'd like to join on Zoom. Prayers will be for the contractors and their safety on site, the ministry of the cafe and everyone involved behind the scenes.
Community Survey on Ockford Ridge and Aarons Hill - Can you help?
Rev Sheila Samuels will be leading St Mark’s church in carrying out a community survey in the local area to find out about social and spiritual needs. This mission opportunity is available to all who worship at St Mark’s Church, St Peter and Paul Church and Busbridge and Hambledon United Benefice. This opportunity to get out in the local community and support St Mark’s Church in their mission to reach out to the community will begin on Monday 5th July, taking up to 3 weeks to complete. You are invited to assist in delivering the community surveys and/or collecting them. Training will be given to everyone who volunteers. More info >
Please support the Busbridge Centre Redevelopment Team and the Cafe Management Team in prayer. There will be a 20min prayer session on Thursdays outside the centre for those that can gather, and on Zoom. Please contact if you'd like to join on Zoom.
Next Marriage Preparation Course starting 3 July
See Marriage Prepration Day for details, and don’t start your marriage without it! This is open to any couples planning or considering the next step together. You don’t have to be getting married at Busbridge&Hambledon, or even engaged. (If you are already married, you might want to consider the Marriage Course when it next runs.) Thanks to the team that hosts the course: Tom and Debs Jones, Mark Puddephatt, Dawn O’Toole, Ruth Roseblade and the Brockmans.
Services over the Summer Holidays
Last Sunday of term for Busbridge Classic, Contemporary and Children’s Worship is 18 July. Last Hambledon Contemporary is 25 July.
25 July, 1, 15 & 22 August:
10.30AM Busbridge Combined Morning Worship
1, 15 & 22 August:
9.30AM Hambledon Heritage Service
Sunday 8 August:
10.30AM Churches Together Service at Godalming Bandstand
(No services at Busbridge or Hambledon church)
Sunday 29 August:
10AM Hambledon Festival Service on the cricket green
(No services at Busbridge or Hambledon church)
Current services resume 5 September 2021. Plans for Children’s groups tbc.
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event to join the meetings on Zoom, or sign up.
BHC Public Zoom Room
946-391-4833 | PW 2021
CLICK HERE to get together on Zoom after each service for a virtual coffee, and mid-week Morning Prayer.
Please Pray for
Home Farm Road and road steward Cathy Brook
Hambledon Cricket Green
Parents/guardians/role models for our nations.
Services at Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church
Services are back in both churches AND broadcast live on YouTube. Communion (bread only) will take place on 1st Sundays of the month in the 9AM Busbridge Classic service, and on 3rd Sundays in the 9.30AM Hambledon Heritage service. Those attending are asked to SIGN UP and wear a FACE COVERING. Singing is not permitted in church, but is allowed outdoors (with face coverings).
Busbridge Church and Hambledon Church are both open daily for private prayer.
The Old Rectory is reopening gradually, and clergy and staff are still mainly working from home. The answerphone is checked regularly, but the best way to reach people is by email.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.
Catch up on News from other areas
News Items
Prime Time Lockdown Blog
Please find the latest edition of Churches Together Link Up (June issue) here.
Invitation to join Spotlight on Surrey - Decarbonisation and the Green Economy Virtual Event
Surrey County Council invites you to join us for this virtual event hosted by Surrey County Council in partnership with WWF-UK as we present and debate Decarbonisation and the Green Economy sector in Surrey; focusing particularly on innovation & the future.
Surrey County Council will be holding it's third, virtual, ‘Spotlight on Surrey’ event on the Wednesday 14th July at 15:30. The theme of this event is Decarbonisation and the Green Economy.
We are proud to be showcasing a number of Surrey-based speakers, including representatives from WWF-UK, Surrey County Council and UK Government, discussing key topics around the journey to low carbon and how innovation is driving future success.
I am delighted to be able to invite you to attend this free virtual event but ask that you register in advance here. If you have any questions about this event or even want to suggest a topic for a future event, please feel free to contact me. 14th July – Spotlight on Surrey: Decarbonisation & The Green Economy (Virtual) | Business South
Session Musicians needed. Bass, drums and lead guitar player needed to record with an amateur composer / singer in Guildford and Godalming. Paid. Contact Vic Hicks if you’d like to find out more.
Please print a PDF of the notices for someone you know who doesn’t receive them by email!