Doing the right thing by God
Reading: 2 Samuel 24:18-25
9.15AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service
Leader: Keith Harper
Speaker: Andy Spencer
Busbridge Church & Online
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service
Leader: Margot Spencer
Speaker: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church & Online
Leaders: Patrick Samuels
Speaker: Andy Spencer
Busbridge Church & Online
Leader & Speaker: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church
Please note: Hand sanitiser and face coverings are available in both churches for those that wish to use them.
the tithe
Reading: Malachi 3:1-4, 10-12
9.15AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service
Leader: Maggie Jagger
Speaker: Anto Ficatier
Busbridge Church & Online
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service
Leader: David Jenkins
Speaker: Dudley Hilton
Hambledon Church & Online
Leaders: Jeannie Postill & Simon Taylor
Speaker: Anto Ficatier
Busbridge Church & Online
10.30AM HAMBLEDON CONTEMPORARY (with communion)
Leader: David Jenkins
Speaker: Dudley Hilton
Hambledon Church
The Notices
It’s Patrick and Cat’s turn to deliver this week’s headline notices, and there’s a cameo appearance from the FUSE team too! Watch with a smile on your face…
The PCC met on Thurs 21st Oct to respond to the Bishop’s invitation to consider joining BHC with St Mark’s and St Peter and Paul church. There have not been any meetings or discussions about this invitation since the Bishop visited us a couple of weeks ago. Many people have expressed views – from excitement through to concern – and lots of questions have been asked. We haven’t taken anything to home groups because there isn’t currently anything substantive to share.
We have not asked people questions because we don’t yet have detail as to what to ask. We held an initial prayer and discussion time a couple of weeks ago but, as those who were there found, a lot of the answers to questions were that we needed the PCCs of all the churches to create a small group to explore things. The PCC has agreed that we need a small group, convened by the Bishop and led by Rev Simon Taylor, which explores things, ensures that everyone has great input, and that the PCC has a firm proposal to consider. This PCC unanimously agreed that joining together is worth exploring and that the first step is to have a small group to co-ordinate explorations. This group will organise meetings, ensure that we gather the church to pray, keep a good flow of communication going, seek feedback and arrange other groups to look at specific areas of any proposal such as finance, buildings and sustainability that comes out of deliberations. We will be in touch with everyone once the small steering group has met. In the meantime, thank you for your prayers.
Lisa is leaving us 😢 - for great new things 😊. We know that music-worship ministry and Lisa’s input into prayer, creative arts and bringing Christian music to our church school has been a hugely important. We’d love to continue this ministry and support our musicians so and our first call out is to the church family. Do you feel called to step up into leading this as a volunteer? Or perhaps on a part time basis? If this might be of interest please talk to Simon T in the next few of days because we need to explore options before Lisa leaves. We’re hugely grateful to the musicians, tech people, prayer teams and everyone else who Lisa has worked with – thank you all for all that you do.
Giving Season & Ministry Fayres On Sunday 24 October we are giving the 10.30am Busbridge and Hambledon Contemporary services over to our church ministries to share what they do, and provide the opportunity for everyone to chat to people, find out more and consider their skills, time and money.
There will be:
- some prayer, worship and teaching to introduce the fayre
- coffee, throughout
- a short talk about finances which underpins the vision and mission
- an informal walk about time to "meet the ministries".
The hope is to inspire people to join up and join in, get involved in something that God is calling them to do (be it small or larger), reinvigorate those who have been serving in a certain area for some time. You are guaranteed to learn something you didn't know about. The Fayre will finish at 11.30am sharp.
Recent online “viewing” figures tell us that it’s important! For some services, more people are watching and worshipping online than in church, and as most views are not live, providing worship and teaching on demand seems to be worthwhile. If you feel encouraged by this, and perhaps a calling to production ministry Jacob Taylor will be starting some production training in the future focussing on sound, camera and livestreaming. Please get in touch with Lisa or Jacob or see them at the ministry fayre at Busbridge next Sunday, 24 October.
The Bridge Magazine—looking for an new editor and treasurer. It is with huge gratitude and appreciation (and more than a little regret) that we share that Cathy Brook, who has been editor of the Bridge for 6 years, will be stepping aside at the end of December. Lesley Reeves will also be ending her tenure as treasurer. This leaves important vacancies in one of our key local mission and outreach activities. Do please contact Vic Hicks if you would like to find out about these roles. The role of editor is paid. More details about the 2 roles will be available shortly.
This month’s Prayer Breakfast is on the fifth Saturday (not usual 4th), 30th October at 8.30am at the Cellar . Breakfast from 8.30am with prayer time from about 9.15 - 10 at latest, being led by Catherine Lawton. Donations to be in cash in the basket. Next month’s Prayer Breakfast will be at St Marks Church, on Saturday 27th November.
Muddy Church - The next Muddy is on Sunday 7 November, and replaces the Contemporary services at Busbridge and Hambledon. Other services on 7 November are 9.15am and 6pm at Busbridge, and 9.30am at Hambledon.
Christmas Planning
Contrary to popular opinion, we think it’s never to early to talk about Christmas! … and we have been (of and on) for months. One of the first things to plan is this year’s Walking Advent Calendar - back again for 2021 if we have enough people to produce a window display for every day. We need 23 great households to volunteer to put an advent display or photo in their front garden/window/door/gate. To take part please email by 8 November. Hoards of people did the walk last year and it was a great message from our church into the community.
My ChurchSuite is coming …
Look out for, and please respond to the email request to check and update your personal details and privacy settings that Busbridge&Hambledon Church holds for you. This is the first part of the process to making a GDPR compliant church directory available to church members, and to introduce more church members to My ChurchSuite - the app for managing rotas, signing up for events, organising your children’s activities and more. If you are keen to find out more now, here’s the info from ChurchSuite:
Not a fan or user of IT? Don’t worry. My ChurchSuite is an optional enhancement for those that manage the rest of their life online. We can also produce a printed copy of the Church Directory which will include the details of those who have given the appropriate permission.
Nexus For our event on Thursday 4th November, David Rose, will talk about ‘Guildford’s Lost Shops’. David is a well-known local historian. His talks are always well researched, and he usually brings along some interesting and relevant old photos or artefacts. Whilst this talk will focus on historical lost shops, there will doubtless be reference to the many High Street shop closures, following the Covid lockdowns!
It should be a fascinating evening, so do come and join us in the Old Rectory at 8.00pm. We look forward to seeing you. All are welcome, including men!
There will be a visitor fee of £5.00 for non-members to cover refreshments, gifts or fees for speakers and charity donations. Our charity for 2021 is Phyllis Tuckwell. For more information, please contact or
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event for details and the location (online or on site).
church family news
Pat, Tim, Claire and the family would like to thank all the many friends at Busbridge and Hambledon Church for their wonderful thoughts and prayers on their loss of Brian, and for attending the Thanksgiving Service on 11th October.
We send our love to Lawrence Akka, whose father died on 5th October, in Cheshire. The funeral has already taken place. Please hold Lawrence, Elizabeth and the whole family in your prayers.
Please Pray for
Please let us all be praying ahead of the COP26 conference in Glasgow from 31st October - 12th November. At this significant time for our country and the world we must unite in prayer.
Park Field and road steward Alan Betts
Hambledon Road
Those working in social services.
Racial Justice
This month is a significant month for Racial Justice.
At the beginning of the month the Archbishops of Canterbury and York announced the members of the Racial Justice Commission. Their remit is to take action to identify, respond to, and root out systemic racism in the Church of England.
The Commission is an independent body bringing together a range of experience and expertise within and beyond the church.
The Archbishops said that members of the Commission represent complex interests and expertise, within and beyond the church, bringing a rich experience that will inform and meet the needs of the task that lies ahead. We pray for a transformation in our Church that will bring hope to the world. We look forward to their reports and pray for their work.”
Secondly, October has traditionally been recognised as Black History Month. The major television channels will have special programmes and there is an official Black History Month website:
Why not look up both and let us all learn how we can work for racial justice locally as well as nationally?
See Churches Together Link Up - October Issue for news from around other churches in and around Godalming.
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.
Catch up on News from other areas
RecTOR’s Reflections
Please print a PDF of the notices for someone you know who doesn’t receive them by email!