Reading: Mark 6: 6b-13
9.15AM BUSBRIDGE Classic Service [Holy Communion]
Leader: Andy Spencer
Speaker: Frances Shaw
Busbridge Church & Online
9.30AM HAMBLEDON Heritage Service
Leader: Simon Willetts
Speaker: Peter Shaw
Hambledon Church & Online
10.30AM MUDDY Church
Please park in the nursery car park and meet in Hambledon Churchyard at 10.20am. All welcome, particularly families with children aged 0-11. Click HERE for details.
Leader & Speaker: Simon Taylor
Busbridge Church
Please note: Hand sanitiser and face coverings are available in both churches for those that wish to use them. Holy Communion is celebrated by each congregation once a month (at a service in the benefice each Sunday.): Holy Communion Sundays.
Micah 4: 1-4 and James 4: 1 & 6-7
Leader: David Jenkins
Speaker: Simon Willetts
Hambledon Church
Leader: Andy Spencer
Speaker: Philippa Baker
Busbridge Church & Online
All meet in church. Children will leave for their groups after the act of remembrance.
The Notices
Lisa and Simon bring you the top notices this week: Remembrance Sunday, the Walking Advent Calendar and Lisa’s new job!
Lisa is leaving us 😢 - for great new things 😊 to take up a post as deputy director at Spring Harvest. We know that music-worship ministry and Lisa’s input into prayer, creative arts and bringing Christian music to our church school has been a hugely important. Lisa’s last Sunday is 28 November when she will be leading worship at the Busbridge Contemporary service and Unplugged. If you’d like to contribute to a leaving gift for Lisa, please send a cheque to the church office, or transfer to the Busbridge PCC bank account by Friday 19 November.
2021 Harvest and Giving Season - watch the services and return the handout!
Services over the past 2 Sundays (24 and 31 October) have followed Harvest, and continued the theme of giving in all its aspects. We are grateful to Anto and Dudley who accepted the challenge to preach on tithing (financial giving) last Sunday, and made the subject beautiful and encouraging. If you missed the services, please do take the time to watch again on YouTube. Go to the YouTube channel, or services online. If you need to jump straight to the teaching, Dudley’s sermon starts at 32mins and 25 secs into the Heritage service, and Anto’s sermon in the Classic service is at 14 mins and 45 secs, and concluded by Maggie. The subject is interwoven in conversation and shared testimony between Jeannie and Anto throughout the Contemporary, so it’s better to start at the beginning.
Those who were in church on the last 2 Sundays should have been handed a copy of this leaflet, with details of our key ministry areas and some of the choices we are facing as we set priorities for our limited resources.
As you can see from the form we are asking people to consider prayerfully whether they could commit to making (or increasing) a regular monthly donation to the church (either for general funds or a specific ministry area), and/or commit their time as a volunteer to support a ministry. Please return the form (either in person, in an envelope to the Old Rectory, or by sending an email) to one of our Treasurers, Martin Lambert ( or Andrew Dunn ( The PCC is meeting in mid-November to review our budget for 2022, so please try to return your form to Andrew or Martin by 8 November if possible. Thank you so much for all you continue to do to support our ministry.
Ministry Fayre Handout.pdf & click here to complete a Gift Aid Declaration
Volunteers needed to produce displays for the Walking Advent Calendar
Sign up here if you’d be willing to provide a display for a day in December:
We need 23 great households to volunteer to put an advent display or photo in their front garden/window/door/gate. Hoards of people did the walk last year and it was a great message from our church into the community. Please use the link above to sign up.
BHC Carol Services - Call for Choir Singers
The traditional Christmas Carol services with choirs will take place on 19 December: 6pm at Busbridge, and 7pm at Hambledon. If you would like to find out more about joining the choirs please let Alan Harvey, Hambledon, ( or Julie Nelson, Busbridge, ( know. There will be a benefice-wide rehearsal to kick things off on the evening of Thursday 18 November; and three further rehearsals at each church. For dates and details, and to sign up see:
The Bridge Magazine—looking for an new editor and treasurer. It is with huge gratitude and appreciation (and more than a little regret) that we share that Cathy Brook, who has been editor of the Bridge for 6 years, will be stepping aside at the end of December. Lesley Reeves will also be ending her tenure as treasurer. This leaves important vacancies in one of our key local mission and outreach activities. Do please contact Vic Hicks if you would like to find out about these roles. The role of editor is paid, and could be shared with a deputy editor. More details about the roles will be available next week.
The Nov/Dec Issue of the Bridge is available online HERE, including Christmas events and services at church.
The Outward Giving team needs new members urgently, to oversee the outward giving and work with our mission partners. To find out about the work that the OG team makes happen on behalf of Busbridge&Hambledon Church, please see the Outward Giving page.
The Cellar Camino Café urgently needs volunteers on a Wednesday morning, 9 to 1, to cover a staff shortage. They are enormously grateful to those from BHC who help out on other days of the week. If enough people volunteer the workload should not be too arduous or too frequent. Speak to Shelagh Godwin or contact the Cellar direct. Mark Puddephatt and members of his house group would be willing to talk about the joy of serving for this local church mission partner.
Movie Matinees are back! and the next one is on 27 Nov in Busbridge Church. Hosted by Prime Time, open to all.
My ChurchSuite is coming …
Look out for, and please respond to the email request to check and update your personal details and privacy settings that Busbridge&Hambledon Church holds for you. This is the first part of the process to making a GDPR compliant church directory available to church members, and to introduce more church members to My ChurchSuite - the app for managing rotas, signing up for events, organising your children’s activities and more. If you are keen to find out more now, here’s the info from ChurchSuite:
Not a fan or user of IT? Don’t worry. My ChurchSuite is an optional enhancement for those that manage the rest of their life online. We can also produce a printed copy of the Church Directory which will include the details of those who have given the appropriate permission.
Coming Up NEXT:
See the list below or look up dates further ahead in the full calendar. Select the event for details and the location (online or on site).
church family news
All who knew Pat Hilton are warmly invited to the long-delayed Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration for her life, which will take place at 3pm on Saturday 20th November in Busbridge Church, followed by refreshments (also in church). For those unable to be there, the service will be live streamed on YouTube, where it will also be available to view subsequently on “catch-up”. Please contact Dudley if you would like the access details when they are available. Please be praying for Dudley, Robert, Catriona and the wider family. It has been a particularly long wait to celebrate Pat's life and they will be grateful for all your prayers.
Please Pray for
All those who attend the annual benefice Memorial Service on Saturday 6 November, that they might find comfort, and give thanks for our bereavement team and pastoral assistants as they care for those who have lost loved ones.
Please continue to pray for the COP26 conference in Glasgow from 31st October - 12th November. At this significant time for our country and the world we must unite in prayer.
Park Road and road steward Anthony Field and Frances Morris
Lane end
Those working in medicine.
See Churches Together Link Up - November Issue for news from around other churches in and around Godalming.
Catch up on News from other areas
Busbridge and Hambledon Churches are open daily for private prayer.
To contact the EMERGENCY prayer chain, email or call Lisa Olsworth-Peter on 01483 421267.
Listening prayer is available mid-week.